I'm crazy

Chapter 130 Ancestor

Chapter 130 Ancestor
In the past few days of wandering, Lin Yuan almost experienced a love story in an idol drama by chance.

This has to start three days ago.

Because of the long life of the blood race, they have accumulated huge wealth and value in the human world, and they have everything that one expects to find in all walks of life.

During this period of time, Linyuan would occasionally go to various companies under the blood clan. Although the company did not improve, he could do whatever he wanted when he was bored.

Not every blood clan has seen Lin Yuan's appearance, but every blood clan knows the name of their king.

When all blood clans build their wealth, they will take the initiative to leave the highest position for their king, and they will serve as deputy.

For example, the owner of the company - the president.

When Albert presented the specially made black card to Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan expressed his satisfaction.

There is no need to manage affairs, and she is not responsible for what happens, and of course nothing will happen to the blood family's business.

Just need to enjoy the highest treatment.

All the rare Linyuan also took the black card and went around the company, took out the black card in the wide-eyed eyes of the beautiful woman at the front desk and walked towards the president's special elevator, leaving behind a group of people who opened their mouths in shock.

"I said, is this our president who has been established for hundreds of years but has never shown his face?"

The beauty at the front desk quickly took a picture and sent it to the staff group. She knew how to measure it, so she just sent a picture of her back and a black card pasted on the elevator in the color of the elevator.

She grasped the key points very well, for fear of being said that she took a random photo to deceive people.

In less than a minute, the employee group suddenly became full of enthusiasm.

[The hard-working overtime dog of the marketing department: "Your words are ambiguous! Our company has been established for hundreds of years, and this is obviously not the original president! It should be our current president who has never shown up."]

The former beauty thought about it, and there was indeed an ambiguity, and then continued to type in the group: [A flower at the front desk: "Let's not mention this for now, do you know? The president's length is simply amazing! It's completely divine. ! Do you know the concept of facial expression? That means it doesn’t belong to this world at all!”]

[Xia Xia, one of the secretaries: "I also want to talk about this question, okay? The president's back can instantly kill all those beautiful men and women! No, no, no, how can you compare the president with those people! Not at all The meaning of the comparison ah ah!"]

[The logistics that can’t be lazy every day: "Hey, hey, what are you doing? You don’t have to shoot like this when you flatter! We are just a group of employees here, and the leaders can’t see it, so you will be free to shoot again!"]

[A flower at the front desk: "Old Ji, did you not look at the photo I posted?"]

[The hard-working overtime dog of the marketing department: "Did you not look at the photos?"]

[Xia Xia, one of the secretaries: "Did you not look at the photo?"]

What followed was a long list of "didn't you look at the photos?" A punctuation mark was added to these few typings, and some people even used special effects. The mocking effect was full!
Logistician Ji curled his lips, isn't he just looking at the photos?He had a look, where could he be astonished by heaven and man, they actually blew up this photo of the back to the sky, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't believe it!

Lao Ji flipped through the chat records, but there were hundreds of chat records in just a short time, so it took Lao Ji a little time to just flip through this record.

After finally turning to the photo sent by the front desk, and clicking on it...

[Logistics that cannot be lazy every day: "..."]

Six ellipses, no words or expressions, but everyone understood what he meant.

The moment Lao Ji sent it out, the neat array of punctuation marks began.

[A flower at the front desk: "..." *^_^*]

[The hard-working overtime dog in the marketing department: "..." *^_^*]

[Xia Xia, one of the secretaries: "..." *^_^*]


Incomparable tacit understanding, incomparable ridicule!
Lao Ji blushed for a moment, but the next moment he returned to his original state. They all belong to the same company and have worked together for at least two years. They are all acquaintances, so why be embarrassed!

Old Ji thought confidently.

The company run by the blood race is actually no different from that of a human being, except that the background is harder and stronger.

After all, the number of blood races is not as large as that of humans, and it is impossible for the entire company to use blood races.

Besides, not all blood races have business capabilities. Most of them just pay and hand over the company to professional managers or find reliable humans to help them manage the company.

Lin Yuan took the elevator directly to the president's dedicated office, and it happened that the manager who actually managed the company and worked for Lin Yuan and the blood clan who founded the company was discussing cooperation in the conference room.

As soon as Linyuan came up, they had just discussed cooperation.


That partner fell in love with our Demon God Linyuan... at first sight...

I don't know if there is a thread in his brain or what, he didn't feel the coercion of Lin Yuan, and started to "pursue" Lin Yuan with all his strength.

Lin Yuan, who had never encountered such a situation before, was stunned, but fortunately, this person was quite reasonable and did not do anything excessive, and Lin Yuan was in a good mood, so he was not impatient with us for a while. It's gone.

He was also very resolutely rejected.

But the suitor still didn't give up, and launched his offensive seriously.

Just when Lin Yuan wanted to do something like erase his memory, Lin Yuan was asked out by the suitor's mother.

Yes, you heard it right, our Demon God Linyuan was asked out by the suitor's mother...

Sure enough, it was too boring!

"This is 100 million, leave my son!"

The suitor's mother calmly put the 100 million check on the table, and firmly believed that Linyuan would not refuse.

The plot in this idol drama provided a bit of fun for Lin Yuan who had nothing to do recently.

Did Lin Yuan refuse?

Of course there is no rejection!

Who's throwing money away?
Brain sick or hand cramps?

Linyuan is not short of money, not at all.

But she thinks her appearance fee is still very high.

Every second she spends sitting here with this unknown lady is worth tens of millions outside, and money may not necessarily invite her.

In this regard, the lady's luck is good!

Lin Yuan not only took it, but also solved it perfectly.

Before she came, she had someone notify the suitor, and just as the unknown lady took out the check, after saying this, the suitor appeared.

He looked at his mother in disbelief, and sent out a torture from the bottom of his soul.

"Mom, why are you doing this?"

Once this happened, the suitor would have no face to pursue Lin Yuan again, but he knew Lin Yuan's true identity.

As far as Lin Yuan thought, this incident was just a farce, and the so-called "like" based on appearance was simply not as good as his own self-esteem.

The suitor immediately took his mother away, and of course the check was still placed on the table, and Lin Yuan donated it casually in the end.

 Thank you, late stage of lazy cancer, little angel and little angel of Mingyue Qingfeng*^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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