I'm crazy

Chapter 131 Ancestor

Chapter 131 Ancestor
The plot of the idol drama is over, and the suitor has never bothered Lin Yuan since then.

After wandering outside for so long, it was indeed time to go back to the castle, and she wanted to sleep again.

But apparently she can't rest yet.

Inside the castle, Lin Yuan leaned leisurely on the red velvet sofa, holding a cup of black tea in his right hand.

Albert is reporting the news to Lin Yuan, "Wang, I have found out the exact information. The Blood Hunting Association has been doing research on the gene fusion of blood race and human beings in recent years."

When he saw the memory crystal sent by Wang, Albert had already guessed the conspiracy behind the blood hunt.

And the investigations of the past few days have also confirmed the authenticity of this conjecture.

The vampires who were arrested by the blood hunt in these years were all deprived of eternal life by this research.

Being able to destroy the almost immortal undead race like the blood race shows how many times the blood hunters have conducted experiments and killed how many blood races before they knew it.

Even people like Albert who don't care about the blood race and only focus on pursuing Linyuan and serving Linyuan can't help but feel angry.

After all, even if he doesn't care about the blood race anymore, in Albert's heart, this is also his king's property, and no trace of blasphemy from others will be tolerated.

Lin Yuan caressed her forehead, there was always something unsightly disturbing her rest.

Although it's just a matter of her saying a word, she doesn't want to say it, okay?
"Albert, go and settle this matter!"

Linyuan directly authorized Albert to solve this matter with all his strength.

The momentum moved slightly, and a hint of danger gradually floated in the air.

The pupils were as black as landscape stains and cosmic black holes, and a pair of pupils more intense than blood appeared in front of my eyes. The long hair that originally reached the waist suddenly fell down to the straight, slender and beautiful calves.

The next moment, Qingling's indifferent and relaxed voice came out.

“Il est temps de se réveiller.”


From this moment, from the moment Lin Yuan uttered these words, all the blood races who were sleeping in different regions all over the world woke up.

The blood-colored eyes opened at the same moment, and the elegant and noble high-ranking blood came out of his coffin peacefully. The gorgeous and extravagant clothes, the handsome and illegal appearance, and the aristocratic demeanor penetrated into the bones. If humans saw it, they would definitely faint.

So the blood clan who left the coffin silently arranged his clothes.

Then, at the same time...

Get down on one knee!

With his right hand placed above his left chest, his unparalleled handsome face was slightly lowered.

It was such a peaceful scene, but it made people feel an inexplicable chill and shock.

"Meet my king."


Lin Yuan directly awakened all the sleeping high-ranking vampires.

Even if so many high-level blood races wiped out the entire human world, it would be safe, and it would be completely overkill to attack a blood hunter.

Of course, Lin Yuan, who has given full authority to Albert to take charge of the matter, has nothing to do now, and it is up to Albert to prepare how many blood clans he will bring and who will be in charge.

Lin Yuan's awakening of the blood clan was not actually for the sake of blood hunters, a small blood hunter was not worthy of the awakening of so many high-level blood clans.

Albert alone is enough to easily destroy them.

In fact, Lin Yuan felt that it was too boring.

Since it's boring, let her subjects wake up!

Maybe so many blood races can come up with a good way to make her so boring.

Besides, she, the king, has woken up. As subjects, are they still ashamed to continue to sleep?
The high-level vampires who woke up rushed towards the castle.

The place where the blood race sleeps is far away from the castle, and it took a few days to arrive.

And the middle and low-level blood races who feel the breath of high-level blood races: "..."

Too scary!

What's going on this year?

All the vampires who wake up in Linyuan can feel it, but except for the high-level purebred vampires, the other middle and low-level vampires only know that a high-level vampire has awakened, and they cannot realize that this is the ancestor of the vampires, their king.

After waking up these sleeping high-ranking vampires, Lin Yuan will be done. She believes that Albert can solve this matter well.

Sure enough, in the end, as she expected, Albert only brought you three high-level blood clans to wipe out the so-called Blood Hunting Association from this plane.

"My lord, everything that troubled you has been resolved."

Albert was wearing a silver-gray tuxedo, and the vampire's handsome face was even more dazzling in the sun.

After all the blood races arrived at the castle, Albert called a meeting of the high-ranking blood races. Of course, the details are unknown.

Only on the second day, the blood hunting had been wiped out.

Albert thought of the things in the human laboratory, his silver eyes sank slightly, he was really a life-or-death human being, fortunately he didn't see those things.

With the disappearance of blood hunting, those genetic research and the like were also destroyed by Albert, ensuring that such things would never appear again in the human world.

But the greedy desire of human beings can never be stopped.

"Don't worry, this so-called gene fusion will never work."

Lin Yuan said lightly.

Because the strength and eternal vitality of the blood race have never been the genes that humans think.

On the other hand, the blood race is a dark creature.

They don't have such a thing as a soul. If death is real death, it won't allow human beings to reincarnate in general.

And the powerful power was obtained at a huge price in the beginning, and every blood race is like this.

Immortal life is not so good!
Human beings just want to get something for nothing, to get this kind of power without paying any price, wishful thinking is not enough to describe.

No matter how advanced technology is, human beings will never have the ability of blood race.


When Wang said it was impossible, it was impossible.

That being the case, as long as humans don't harm the blood race, they don't bother to care about the inhumane experiments humans are conducting.

Speaking of which, even though their blood races are dark creatures, the hearts of these human beings are much darker than theirs.

"King, the human side wants to see you."

Speaking of this, there are only a few people who know about the blood hunting experiment, and other humans don't know about it. In their eyes, the blood race suddenly rushed to kill so many people after signing the agreement.

Of course not for an argument.

When the strengths of the two sides are seriously unequal, they are not crazy to ask the blood race for an explanation.

Just worry about whether the blood race will go to war with them.

The human side has been so worried these days that they can't even eat.

With the combat power of human beings, confronting the blood race, that is a proper group annihilation!

Even if they have atomic bombs and heavy weapons, if this kind of thing is to be used, it must attract the attention of the world. It is impossible for them to tell the world that it is to deal with the blood race!

Besides, even with these things, whether they can beat them is another matter!

So they were so terrified that they wanted to talk to the blood race side, which was actually asking for peace.

Lin Yuan, who was not interested in these things, directly explained to Albert: "You can bring a few experienced blood clans to sign the agreement again. By the way, since it is a peace, let them show their attitude."

Albert nodded: "Follow the king's order."

Lin Yuan's few words doomed the representative of human beings to come out of the castle crying.

The fact that he entered the Forest of Darkness and saw the magnificent castle where the King of the Blood Race lived did not make him feel better.

"Albert, I'm going to fall into a deep sleep, don't disturb me if I have nothing to do."


Brady Albert raised his head and watched Wang enter the castle.

Waiting for your awakening, my king.

 Thank you for the votes of the little angels who only think about it, the little angels who are Lingyuan, and the little angels who don’t look back when they smile *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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