I'm crazy

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

It was the ten-day court meeting of the Zhou Dynasty, and the civil and military ministers were divided into two sides.

Talk about things if you have something to do, and leave the court if you have nothing to do.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou sat on a high dragon chair, listening to the minister's report on work, while distractedly looking at the prince who was "right and aboveboard" sleeping below.

This pervert!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou coughed hard, but he didn't believe it, so the rebellious son could still sleep.

Facts have proved that His Royal Highness can really sleep.

pissed him off!

The Minister of Rites raised his eyelids slightly, and saw His Majesty's eyes staring straight at the sleeping Crown Prince. He lowered his head, finished the report with two or three sentences, and returned to the team.

As a courtier, you may not be very capable, but your ability to observe words and demeanor is absolutely necessary.

Anyway, the Zhou Dynasty has always been in good weather, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe. This is a fact, so there is actually nothing to talk about every time there is a big court meeting, just some trivial matters.

"Prince, what do you think of the matter that Minister of Rites said?"

Emperor Zhou Xuan couldn't stand it anymore.

How decent is it for a prince of a country to openly sleep on the Golden Luan Hall!

The emperor hasn't slept yet!

As for His Royal Highness, who was named, he had slept soundly, but now he had to wake up.

Lin Yuan yawned lightly, how can I look at it, how else can I look at it?He didn't know what the Minister of Rites said.

"Father, my son has a lot of things lately, please trouble you..."

Tell me again?
Lin Yuan stood up unhurriedly and said to Emperor Zhou Xuan who was above him.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou was so angry at these words that his breathing became a little difficult.

Really... really... a shameless rebellious son!

He, the emperor, doesn't have much to do in Haiyan Heqing now, you say you, the prince, are busy with everything?

"Oh, tell me, what are you busy with?"

Emperor Zhou Xuan seemed very interested.

All the ministers standing next to His Highness are not surprised. If it was placed in other dynasties, it would definitely be a battle for the throne between the emperor and the crown prince, but in their dynasties, well~ it means that His Majesty is idle and bored.

Facing the "aggressiveness" of Emperor Zhou Xuan, Lin Yuan said straightforwardly: "Father, my son is busy sleeping, busy eating, busy boring."

All the ministers said in their hearts: "...His Highness is lore again!"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou: "..."

Facing this disobedient rebellious son, he can't do anything, he can't beat him, and if he scolds, he pretends he didn't hear him. What can he do?
Emperor Zhou Xuan's expression changed, and the eunuch who stood beside him and served him for several years immediately said: "There is something to play, and nothing to leave the court."

All the ministers didn't make a sound, they are all fine, I'm afraid only His Majesty is the only one who has trouble.

They know the obsession in His Majesty's heart!

Seeing that no one bothered him anymore, Emperor Zhou Xuan waved his sleeves and left.

Really, every time he sees this rebellious son, he will get angry, and he doesn't know when he will be angry to death!

As soon as Emperor Zhou Xuan left, the officials knelt down to salute, Lin Yuan stood still, and none of the blind-eyed ministers said anything.

His Royal Highness is not allowed to kneel, but His Majesty promulgated the imperial decree, not only does he not have to kneel, but even some major events in the Zhou Dynasty, such as worshiping ancestors, do not need to kneel.

It can be seen how much His Majesty favors His Highness the Crown Prince!
If it's another person, you must be absolutely careful. The emperor's favor is not a good thing most of the time.

It's a pity that this is His Royal Highness, a very "personal" His Royal Highness.

No, it should be said that all the emperors of this dynasty have very personalities, so these ministers have already cultivated the spirit of not being surprised by favor or humiliation.

After His Royal Highness the Crown Prince lazily left, the remaining ministers dared to get up and go home.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou returned to the Qianyuan Hall, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he told De'an who was waiting by his side: "Go and let that little bastard come to see me."

De'an responded immediately, feeling bitter in his heart, this is one of the worst jobs in the palace.

His Royal Highness, is that someone they can invite?

Even if it was His Majesty's intention, His Majesty the Crown Prince would not listen to it nine out of ten times, and His Majesty would be unhappy if they failed to complete the task. Fortunately, His Majesty is a wise king, and he would not take his anger out on them for no reason. , so there is no punishment that is too heavy, but something like a fine and salary is indispensable.

What had to be done still had to be done, De'an hurriedly quickened his pace, hoping to stop His Highness the Crown Prince before he left the palace.

The current His Royal Highness is different from the previous dynasty and other previous His Royal Highnesses in that His Royal Highness does not live in the East Palace, saying that Feng Shui is not good.

Before His Majesty asked what was wrong with Feng Shui, His Highness the Crown Prince found a place for himself in the capital to live in.

But His Majesty was so angry.

De'an trotted all the way, and finally arrived in front of His Highness before His Highness the Crown Prince left the palace.

"See... See Your Highness."

Lin Yuan was sitting on the Luanjia, drinking tea leisurely, in stark contrast to De'an's brow sweating and gasping for words.

"Father is called Gu."

Declarative sentences are not interrogative sentences.

It can be seen that this kind of thing has happened countless times.

Dean said respectfully, "Yes, Your Highness."

Dean thought His Highness would not go this time, but His Highness said flatly, "Let's go."

Seeing that Luanjia had already walked a distance, De'an quickly followed.

Linyuan got off the Luanjia, De'an pushed open the door of Qianyuan Hall, and after Linyuan entered, he closed it gently again, waiting at the door for the orders of the two masters.

His Majesty does not like the presence of others when he talks to His Highness.

As soon as Linyuan entered, he saw Emperor Zhou Xuan sitting on the dragon chair, looking at him with an unfriendly expression.

"You rebellious son, how did you know you're here today?"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou reprimanded, but the meaning of doting was that he could feel it himself.

Lin Yuan was already sitting on the soft leather chair specially prepared for him. Hearing this, he calmly stood up and said as he walked, "Since father doesn't want to see my son, There, the minister will not be a hindrance to the father."

Seeing Lin Yuan, who was already approaching the door, Emperor Zhou Xuan couldn't bear it anymore, "You rebellious son, stop for me."

I was so out of breath that even I jumped out.

Lin Yuan stopped and sighed, "Father is really difficult to serve."

After finishing speaking, he had a sympathetic expression.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou: "..."

He was so angry that he no longer knew what to put on.

He took a sip of the tea on the dragon case, and went to remove the fire. If this continues, he will be pissed to death by this rebellious son sooner or later!
Lin Yuan waited filially for Emperor Zhou Xuan to drink the tea, and did not speak while he was drinking tea, for fear of choking his father.

It can be seen from this that he is such a son who cares about his father, but unfortunately, his father doesn't appreciate it!

Emperor Xuan of Zhou glanced at Lin Yuan suspiciously after drinking his tea. His son, who would not let him down until he was pissed off, had a sex change today?

It was rare for Emperor Xuan of Zhou to be relieved for not being angry with him when he was drinking tea. This rebellious son finally knew that it was not easy for him as his father.

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(End of this chapter)

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