I'm crazy

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

"What's the matter for the father to ask the son to come here?"

Lin Yuan asked suspiciously.

Emperor Zhou Xuan glared at him, pretending, pretending!

Sure enough, as long as he was with his son, he would never be happy for a moment.

"Don't tell me you don't know."

Lin Yuan smiled, "I really don't know."

Emperor Zhou Xuan took a deep breath, "Okay, then I will tell you again, what are you planning to take over the throne?"

Originally, I thought about this topic that I don’t know how many times, but this time I can finally have a good talk. Who knows that after hearing what Emperor Xuan of Zhou said, Lin Yuan was immediately "terrified" and said: "Father, you are a Zhesha! My son!"

Lin Yuan "begged" and said: "My father is now in the heyday of Spring and Autumn, why do you say such a thing, if it is spread to the eyes of the world, wouldn't it be to scold my son and minister for being unfilial, and my son and minister would never dare to do such a rebellious thing matter! I beg my father to take back these words."

He obviously didn't move while sitting on the chair, but his sad and sorrowful expression was vividly expressed.

Kunlun Mirror was stunned for a while when he heard it, and was dumbfounded for a while when he saw it.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou: "...What did he say? Ah! What did he say?"

What did he say that made his son so "terrified"?
If this was in the past few years, Emperor Xuan of Zhou would have been deceived by Lin Yuan's acting skills, and he would have wondered if it was really inappropriate. Counting the dynasties before and after the Central Plains, it seems that the relationship between the emperor and the prince is endless kind of.

A good father and son have become enemies.

but now……

Ha ha!

The little brat was at it again.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou thought indifferently.

Thinking of all the experiences of being deceived by this little bastard in these years, Emperor Zhou Xuan couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

Ever since the little bastard took the crown ceremony, Emperor Zhou Xuan intentionally let the little bastard take over his seat. Unexpectedly, the little bastard could use all kinds of excuses to come up with any excuses. extended for several years.

By now, the little bunny is 25 years old.

25 years old!
He is 55 years old!

May I ask which emperor of the Zhou Dynasty has been on the throne for so long, which one has worked so hard like him, is 55 years old, and is still working tremblingly on the throne.

I really shed tears before saying a word...

He also wanted to go crazy, he really didn't want to sit in the seat of the emperor.

This year, no matter what, he had to "give" this seat to this little bastard!
Emperor Xuan of Zhou smiled and said to Yan Yan, with a kind voice, "Son, my father believes in you, and my father believes in your ability very much. Besides, you are the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is only natural for you to inherit your father. Even Even your ancestors would not say anything, and who else would dare to say anything."

After saying this, he smiled again, and continued to act like a father, "The problems you are worried about will not happen. You don't even know how much our people in Dazhou hope that you can inherit the throne of father. If you are still worried, Then Father Emperor will issue one more imperial decree, what do you think?"

At this time, the two confronted each other, the emperor VS the prince, fifty to fifty.

The two are evenly matched, and neither is willing to compromise half a step.

The faint flames sizzled in Qianyuan Hall, and after a long while, Emperor Zhou Xuan was the first to look away.

This little bastard, I don't know where such a strong coercion came from. The most important thing is that he is so powerful that even he, who has been an emperor for decades, can be intimidated, but he doesn't want to be an emperor. How angry kill him!

How did he give birth to such a bad thing?
Lin Yuan played with the black jade wrench on his finger, and didn't bother to "hypocrisy and snakes" with his father.

"Father, you said that you are still so young and so healthy, how much you enjoy the position of emperor over ten thousand people, so you can do it for a few more years."

Emperor Zhou Xuan laughed angrily, "Little bastard, the profession of the emperor is so good, if you don't do it like this, I think you want the emperor to sit in this position until death!"

This shameless little bastard!
Lin Yuan is innocent, he didn't say that, but...

"Father, if you think so, it would be great."

This is the best solution.

He still wants to be lazy for a few more years, although even if he becomes the emperor, there will be no restrictions, but it is impossible for him to be as idle as the crown prince.

In his place, seek his job.

Once you get a seat, no matter how few things you have to do, you still have to do what you should do.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou was so irritated by Lin Yuan's bright and shameless words, only this little bastard could make him so angry and make him speechless.

But even though he was so angry every time, Emperor Zhou Xuan still loved this child from the bottom of his heart. This is his son, whoever he doesn't love!

He hasn't figured out a good solution to the throne issue yet, but another issue should also be resolved.

"I will rest with you on this matter first, and there is one more thing that you should consider."

Then he looked into Lin Yuan's suspicious eyes and said: "You are already 25, it's time to get married, not to mention you are still the prince."

At the age of this little bastard, he has given birth to several.

"I've been procrastinating for you for a long time."

The implication is that it can no longer be delayed.

Hearing Emperor Zhou Xuan's words, Lin Yuan said sadly: "Father, originally, this matter, my son, my son didn't want to tell you, it's really hard for me to say..."

Um?what happened again?
Before Emperor Zhou Xuan could ask, Lin Yuan spoke "with great sadness".

"My son... my son doesn't like women."

"What? What did you say!!!"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou stood up from the dragon chair at once, with such great strength that even the huge and strong dragon chair creaked from his movements.

It can be seen how shocked he is!

De'an, who was standing outside the hall, was also startled by Emperor Zhou Xuan's roar, and almost opened the door to see what's going on. Could it be His Majesty fighting His Highness?
If this is the case, then who will he help after he goes in?
Both of them are big bosses that he can't afford to mess with, it's better that he doesn't know about this kind of thing.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou rushed to Lin Yuan in a few steps, and at this moment he couldn't care less about etiquette.

"Tell me again!"

Zhou Xuan had an expression of disbelief on his face, and his eyes were wide open, as if he was about to eat Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan turned his head, feeling extremely sad, "My son... my son..."

In fact, he was afraid that he would laugh in the next second.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou took a few steps back and reached out to support Long An, "I need to think again, think again..."

Lin Yuan backed away quietly.

He didn't deceive Emperor Zhou Xuan, he really didn't like women.

Although this will make Emperor Zhou Xuan sad for a while, it is actually the best way.

Otherwise, unless he strongly objected, he must marry a wife and have children.

No one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do.

But facing Emperor Zhou Xuan's love for his son, it was impossible for him to resist in that fierce way first.

As an emperor, he can trust and love his son so much, especially if this son is a prince, he knows how difficult it is for an emperor in the mortal world.

Emperors are suspicious, and trust is the most precious thing.

All that way can only be ruled out.

 Hey, thank you, late stage lazy cancer, little angel's monthly ticket ^O^
  Thank you, late stage of lazy cancer, little angel, little angel Yan Moshang's tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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