I'm crazy

Chapter 136

Chapter 136


The slender fingers flicked lightly on the bone fan, drawing a graceful arc.

Coupled with this half-smile expression and loose appearance, he really looks like a dandy, but he is also truly unparalleled and arrogant.

"Then just give the money around you and be a servant for a month."

A light sentence determined Qu Bei's fate for the next month.


Qu Bei's face didn't turn red anymore, and he couldn't raise his neck anymore, and all the dandyism on his body disappeared all of a sudden.

Asking him to give money to be a servant for a month? !
When Qian Cai heard what the elder brother said, he was so happy that he couldn't find the north, hahaha.

Dandy also has its own small group, just like Qu Bei's small group looks down on their big group, similarly, they naturally look down on Qu Bei and the others.

In the past, when they were not with the eldest brother, the two dude groups had to find fault with each other almost every day, and then it was a contest between the dudes.

But after following the eldest brother, they have a greater career, so of course they don't care about these naive little dudes like Qu Bei and the others.

But who told the capital to be so big, there are only a few places where the dandies can play, so today's fate is very good, Qiancai and Qubei met on a narrow road.

Then, they win!
Sure enough, as a dude, he still needs to find a big brother to protect him, so it is very necessary to hug his thigh.

Qian Cai cast a glance at Qu Bei, and said in a huff: "Hurry up and catch up."

Didn't you see that big brother is gone?
What a shameless, unqualified boy.

Qu Bei, who saw these messages from Qian Cai's eyes, said, "...fuck him!"

But how can a high-level dandy not count his words, he is the top dandy among them, and besides, so many people just now know him, so he has to agree if he doesn't agree.

Qu Bei gritted his teeth, but still followed.

After only traveling for a week with the money and playing a lot of things, Lin Yuan finally returned to his mansion with satisfaction. These restaurants and casinos are all his family business as a dude, and he has achieved a lot. !
Kunlun Mirror: [The master is more and more not the master it knows...]

As for Qu Bei, of course he followed the money and went to his house to work as a servant for him. He agreed that it would take a month or even one day less.

Lin Yuan had just returned to the mansion, and before he started his daily sleep work, he saw De'an waiting for him again.

"Why is it you every time? Is there no one else that Father can use?"

Lin Yuan asked rather maliciously.

De'an: "... Your Highness, you are joking."

He didn't want to either!

He also didn't want to come to see His Highness, the devil, almost once a day!

But who made him the best at His Majesty's orders!

Should he be proud of his unshakable position in His Majesty's heart, or should he be sad for the fact that he can't escape to see His Majesty?
De'an sighed in his heart. Nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, you can't have both fish and bear's paw. He needs to know how to be satisfied, and he wants to be satisfied.

At the very least, he has already familiarized himself with the face in front of the future emperor. Unless he does something outrageous in the future, he will be able to live well in this life.

Thinking about it this way, the bitterness in my heart lightened up a little bit!

Lin Yuan walked towards the rattan chair under Cangsong, and said casually: "Tell me, what happened to Father?"

Dean said embarrassedly: "Your Majesty is not feeling well."

Lin Yuan sat on the rattan chair, holding a cup of tea with his white and glass-like fingers, with a half-smile, "What's wrong?"

His father, there is no other trick other than this trick, which is really disappointing.

The corner of De'an's mouth twitched. He actually felt that His Majesty had too few means, and he had no other way to do it except pretend to be sick all day long.

"His Majesty said he had a headache."

His Majesty, who was still drinking tea at that time, suddenly covered his head and said that he had a headache, but he was taken aback, and immediately wanted to order someone to call for the imperial physician.

Who knows, His Majesty said to him while screaming, "Go and call me that little bastard."

Just as De'an was about to shout out, the words got stuck in his throat.

It seems that it is the same as before, His Majesty has used the "never change" trick to let His Royal Highness enter the palace again.

De'an calmly made some food and tea for Emperor Xuan of Zhou, and after covering it up, he went out of the palace to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

"Oh, headache! Father really, why don't you know how to take care of yourself? It's either a headache or a leg pain all day long. It's not okay to go on like this. After all, father still wants to govern our great land of Zhou."

Lin Yuan sighed with regret and sympathy.

What De'an could say, he could only nod in response.

"Your Highness?"

Dean called again cautiously.

"What, is there something else?"

Lin Yuan seemed to have just discovered that there was another person here, and asked in surprise.

Two lines of tears flowed down De'an's heart, which was the meaning of letting him go back.

"It's all right, Your Highness, this old slave is leaving."


Eyes are not open, seems to have fallen asleep.

De'an packed up his sad mood and returned to the palace to report to Emperor Xuan of Zhou.

"How is it, is the little bunny here?"

Seeing De'an's figure, Emperor Zhou Xuan immediately stood up and said, not even pretending to have a headache.

De'an lowered his head and said respectfully, "Go back to Your Majesty, Your Highness is sleeping."

It means not coming.

"This little bastard! I don't know the old little bastard, but do you still know that I am his father?"

Emperor Zhou Xuan said angrily, but he didn't have high expectations of letting the little brat come, so he just calmed down after being angry for a while.

De'an didn't speak. He shouldn't speak at this time, unless he wants to court death.


Emperor Xuan of Zhou sighed again, when will the throne be handed over to the little bastard?
He still wants to go surfing!


"What's your majesty's order?"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou helped his beard, "Go and deliver the memorial to that little bastard, and tell him that it must be finished."

It's fine if you don't come to the palace to see him, these memorials must be approved by him.

The little bastard is really too much. I think he was the emperor for so many years with no one to help him, and he was always a dragger.

Now that his father has helped him so much, he is still not satisfied, hey!

Emperor Xuan of Zhou sighed for the hundredth time today because of his little bastard.

When the emperor's road is so hard, when will the peak life after abdication be realized?

Today's Emperor Xuan of Zhou is also worried about not being able to abdicate!

After a good night's sleep, it was almost dusk when Lin Yuan woke up.

The time of waking up was also chosen very well. The cook given by Emperor Zhou Xuan in the mansion and the cook he hired himself just finished the dinner. With such a leisurely life, he is not crazy to want to be the emperor.

In short, let's talk about it for a few more years, he is not in a hurry.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of little angel ╭(╯ε╰)╮!

  Thanks to little angel Jiexi, little angel Shu, Tang & Dou for their votes *^_^*, hehe!
(End of this chapter)

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