I'm crazy

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Lin Yuan, who woke up, had just finished his meal when he was told that Emperor Zhou Xuan had sent a stack of memorials.

The steward was also very interested in the "fighting" between His Majesty and His Highness. These servants who knew what happened were actually very happy to see it every day. Of course, they couldn't tell the master about this.

Originally, the servant girl brought some fruit, but when Lin Yuan heard what the steward said, he lost his appetite immediately.

"Bring it here."

He still doesn't want to inherit the throne. In this case, he must give his father a little sweetness, otherwise who will rule the country for him?
Emperor Xuan of Zhou thought that reviewing the memorial would make him feel comfortable, and Zhizhi this little bastard, who knows that everything is under Lin Yuan's control.

demon king!
After quickly reviewing the more urgent matters that need to be dealt with, Lin Yuan put down some things that he didn't know the so-called.

"Send out these memorials as they are."

What is written.

He had reason to suspect that every emperor died so early, most of them died of exhaustion.

It takes an incalculable amount of time just to review these memorials every day, and the most of them are some bullshit.

It's either flattering or flattering, a waste of time and energy.

"Tell Father, these people have been dealt with."

Lin Yuan didn't care at all about the turmoil in the officialdom caused by his understatement.

As an official, if you don't know how to work hard to share the worries of the people of the country, it's fine, and you know how to cheat all day long, and the memorials you submit are all useless things.

Why didn't this kind of official deal with it earlier!

When he was the emperor in his life, there were no officials to write these things to fool him. Since you didn’t write it in the memorial, well, it means that you have done a good job, so let someone check it.

What?If your work is not good, then why do you have nothing to do, why are you so idle, why don’t you know what to write in the memorial?It seems that I don't like this job anymore, well, then I don't have to do it anymore.

There is no one in his court who dares to flatter every day and not do business.

Since the Zhou Dynasty will belong to him in the future, it is very necessary to pave the way for himself in advance. He didn't expect to take over a great Zhou Dynasty with "gold and jade on the outside, and ruins on the inside".

And Zhou Xuandi Shu Er, who received the news from Linyuan, smiled, "This little bastard is obviously so smart, but he is just lazy and doesn't want to move."

De'an next to him heard the words and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, don't blame the old slave for talking too much. Your Highness was brought up by you. How can you not be smart? As for the others, you are still there. If Your Highness wants to play, let him play a few more games." The year doesn't matter."

Emperor Zhou Xuan's face was serious, he seemed furious, and kicked him, "What do you know, that little bastard just owes a lesson."

Feeling the painless force, De'an let out a scream, still trying to be brave: "Your Majesty's words are wrong, Your Highness is so filial, the old slave often brings you good things from His Highness !"

Emperor Zhou Xuan couldn't help laughing, "You know it well, it's true, and this little bastard is all he needs."

De'an said: "Your Highness's excellence is known to the whole world."

Emperor Xuan of Zhou was not one of those emperors who were afraid of his son taking his throne, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was not one of those rebellious princes.

De'an had served Emperor Zhou Xuan for decades, so he could guess a little or two about Emperor Zhou Xuan's thoughts.

His Majesty really loves and trusts His Highness the Crown Prince. For several years, although His Majesty said every day that His Highness would take over the throne, His Highness was unwilling. It’s not that His Majesty has not forced His Highness to let His Highness play freely.

If there are any good things, they will be sent to His Highness as soon as possible for His Highness to pick, and the leftovers will be sent to the concubines in the harem.

And His Highness certainly knew His Majesty's intentions, and treated His Majesty in the same way.

Although His Majesty was very angry every time, there were not so few good things sent to Qianyuan Hall.

His Highness even found a genius doctor who did not know where to find him, and asked him to recuperate His Majesty's body.

Over the years, His Majesty's health has improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is almost useless to get sick again.

He is the servant who serves His Majesty and often travels to and from His Majesty's side best.

"By the way, Yuan'er likes to eat fruit, I still have a little lychee here, take it to Yuan'er."

Emperor Xuan of Zhou ordered De'an with a smile.

De'an also happily agreed, these servants, if the master is happy, they will be happy, not to mention that the master is also happy because of his words, which is a blessing.

Days passed day by day, Zhou Dynasty Haiyan Heqing, there was no major event of rebellion, Zhou Xuandi had very few things to deal with in a day, let alone His Royal Highness Linyuan.

If he had nothing to do, he would wander around casually, ask a few chefs to cook him various delicacies in different ways, and then recruit a few beauties to live in his house to play the piano and flute for him.

The pinnacle of life is nothing more than that.

But it is obvious that this pinnacle of life cannot be lived like this forever.

No, something went wrong.

"what happened?"

Lin Yuan, who was sitting on the rattan chair and swaying slowly, asked.

The housekeeper stood aside respectfully, holding the envelope in his hand, and explained to Lin Yuan, "Your Highness, a letter from Young Master Qian."

They have a special person to contact Qian Cai and others, His Highness has not disclosed his identity, and Qian Cai and others certainly do not know that His Highness is the crown prince.

I just feel that their eldest brother is too mysterious, and they don't know his origin and identity.

But they recognize the eldest brother, not do intelligence work, so what the eldest brother does is not important at all.

They are very winking, very qualified younger brothers.

The housekeeper handed the letter to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan opened it to read.

It was written in the font of a dog crawling: Brother, we have been provoked.


This word is really ugly.

"Add Qian Cai's handwriting practice to the plan."

Linyuan ordered the housekeeper to say.


As his little brother, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to have such ugly handwriting?He must practice well.

"What's the specific situation?"

Qian Cai was a careless person, and what was said in the letter was unclear and did not explain anything.

The butler reported to Lin Yuan in detail, as the butler of His Royal Highness's residence, he was not just a housekeeper.

All aspects must be considered and noticed, in order to overwhelm everyone in this fierce competition and not be abandoned by His Highness.

The matter of money is actually very simple.

A few days ago, the money was rolling again. Sapo got a little money from his parents, but in fact he has money himself, and he earned it himself.

But his father suppressed his resistance on the grounds that he spent a lot of money, and took away all the money he earned.

So he can only be forced to ask for it from his parents every time, which is why a dude son of a rich man only has 500 taels when he goes out!
It was heartbreaking to hear, and those who heard it wept!

 Thank you little angel for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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