I'm crazy

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

No, after finally getting money from his father, of course he is going to wander, not to mention the task entrusted to him by his elder brother.

The mission given to him by his elder brother is to make money!

Just two words, so hey, hey, there is no money on the surface, the money is only in his own small coffers, which is very rich, and he still has the funds given to him by his elder brother in his hand.

Qian Cai brought his new servant, Xiao Qu, to the restaurant he opened for inspection, and before he knew it, he ran into another group of dudes who didn't know where he came from.

In short, it is definitely not from the capital city. The dandies in the capital city do not see each other when they look up. They all know each other.

So, let's restore the scene at that time.

"The boss is here!"

After seeing Qian Cai, Lao Li, the owner of the No. [-] Restaurant in the world who specializes in managing the restaurant, hurriedly invited Qian Cai to the owner's private box on the second floor.

"Hey, boss, didn't you say that the second floor is full, why can he go in."

The person who was eating downstairs was not happy, he came to the second floor specially, who knew that the second floor was full today.

Lao Li smiled at the customer, "Guest officer, this is a distinguished guest of our restaurant, how about this, today we will give you a [-]% discount on the price of the No. [-] restaurant in the world."

"Oh, the boss is generous!"

"Not bad!"

The diners eating below said loudly.

Since he has inherited the title of No. [-] in the world, if the food in the restaurant is not good, he will slap himself in the face.

As the friendly sponsor of Qiancai's elder brother Linyuan, the chef has nothing to say, not to mention the new food market that is launched from time to time because of Linyuan's side.

For the old gourmets in the capital, it is really a feast.

Moreover, the No. [-] Restaurant in the World does not engage in tricks that only dignitaries can come to. Ordinary people can also come here to eat. Of course, the food is different between the two.

But even so, it is also overcrowded every day, and the supply exceeds the demand.

Why, one word, delicious!
For a big foodie country, as long as it is delicious, it will be fine.

The food here is so delicious that those dignitaries don't mind dining with ordinary people.

Of course, there is really still no eating at a table.

In fact, they are also very strange. They are all those dishes. Except for the new vegetable market they have never seen, most of them are the ingredients they usually eat. Why is it so delicious here?

There is no solution to this problem!

It has nothing to do with the daily fullness of the restaurant.

That being said, here comes the point.

Isn't it time for the officials dispatched by the Zhou Dynasty every three years to return to Beijing to report on their duties?
Since one wants to be an official in another place, it is unavoidable that the major events of life will be settled in another place, so there are quite a few people who bring their families to the capital.

The out-of-town dudes who came to the capital with their father, who have heard of the reputation of the world's No. [-] restaurant in other places, certainly cannot miss this opportunity to check in.

A group of people staggered to the restaurant.

In fact, it was fine. Everyone knows that eating out, no matter how thoughtful the service, is of course not as comfortable as at home.

What's more, there are so many people coming to eat, but also to ensure that the food is delicious, of course, there is some time to take care of it.

The diners in the capital are already used to it, and they understand it very well. They come here for the delicious food, and the delicious food is often not prepared quickly. If the taste is lost because of the speed, let’s not talk about anything else. They are not happy.

They have all waited for the technology to come.

Some of the diners who came to eat were carrying a bag of melon seeds, which were common people; some were holding half-made clothes and shoes for their children;

Let me add a sentence here, the folk customs of Dazhou are open, and it is normal for men and women to sit together, not to mention that this is just a meal in a restaurant.

Of course, for the dining experience, the old men and women are all moved away.

There are also those people on the second floor who hold a little or a lot of power, and it is very normal for them to come to work with their office desks.

But the dudes from other places don't understand!
These dandies are all "calling the wind and rain" in places where their fathers take office in other places. Wherever they go, they treat them like their ancestors with reverence and fear, but there is no such thing as the No. [-] Restaurant in the World.

Immediately, there was a grumpy person who patted the table to make trouble, but was stopped by his accomplice.

"Hey, this is our first time in the capital. We don't know anything. It's better to keep a low profile. It's not good if we offend someone who can't afford to offend."

This is a dandy who still has a little sense. Knowing that they just came to the capital, their eyes are darkened, and they are confused about everything.

The dandy who wanted to make trouble was reluctantly persuaded by him, but as time went by, more people couldn't bear it.

They had gone to drink before they came.

Right now, his sanity is on the verge of collapsing, and he hasn't come after waiting for such a long time.

In fact, what made the dandies angry was not the long waiting time, but the sense of gap.

Think about it, you are used to being the king in one place, and suddenly you come to a place that doesn't take you seriously, can you accept this sense of gap?
This is what it feels like to go straight from heaven to hell.

What should they do if they are not feeling well?
Of course it's trouble!

They are uncomfortable to make others more uncomfortable!

Smash it!
Lao Li, the manager of the restaurant, was entertaining Qian Cai on the second floor when he suddenly heard a crackling sound.

Only then did Qian put down the account book he was looking at, "What's going on?"

The manager of the restaurant was also unclear, and immediately said: "Boss, I'll go and have a look first."

After the store manager appeared, Qu Bei, who had been holding back for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore.

"I didn't know you were so capable! You're also the person behind the No. [-] restaurant in the world!"

Qu Bei's yin and yang are strange and authentic.

Originally, he thought that Qian Cai was just a dandy, or a dandy who was worse than him. Who knew that this dandy would have such a big career in a blink of an eye?
It's like you always thought that your friend was a scumbag who studied worse than you, but you didn't expect that he was just a top student who was too lazy to do the questions. This feeling, why is it such a sour word?
Qian Cai didn't speak, he knew that Qu Bei had misunderstood, but he didn't mean to explain.

Not to mention that Qu Bei has nothing to do with him in the first place, and they still look down on each other, so there is no need for him to explain to him, besides, he is still his servant now!

"Xiao Qu, is this your attitude towards your master?"

Qian Cai shook his fan and said lightly.

I thought to myself, big brother is addicted!

This way of studying the big brother can't stop.

In the final analysis, the posture of the eldest brother is too cool!

Qu Bei: "You...you..."

"What are you, don't forget there are still nineteen days left!"

He is still his master now, "Why, Eldest Master Qu is planning to say nothing?"

It's a bright and aggressive method, but it's enough for Qu Bei to be fooled.

"Hmph! Who said my young master's words don't count?"

Qu Bei said angrily.

Qian Cai nodded, "Very good, Xiao Qu, did you see that my young master's tea is cold?"

Qu Bei: "..."

He bears it! ! !

 Thank you for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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