I'm crazy

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Here, Qian Cai was talking to Qu Bei, and the crackling sound outside never stopped, Qian Cai frowned, what's going on?

Anyone else dare to make trouble in the No. [-] restaurant in the world?

Who in the capital doesn't know that there is a big man behind the No. [-] restaurant in the world?

Qu Bei mocked: "Look at this, your restaurant is going to be closed!"

Qian Cai said directly: "Shut up, don't let this matter out."

Qu Bei disdained: "If you don't let me say it, I won't say it! Do you really think I'm your servant?"

Qian Cai turned his head and tapped the fan lightly, "Qu Bei, you are so innocent, you never thought that since I dared to bring you here, don't I have any trump cards?"

Qu Bei was shocked, and for a moment his thoughts went to the routine of the script he had read, "You actually poisoned me, why are you so vicious?"

The corner of Qian Cai's mouth twitched, "You think too much."

He is not a man in the Jianghu, but a decent person who does business honestly. Who is full enough to poison a worthless guy like him?
Of course there was nothing, it was just a very simple threat, but he knew that Qu Bei, a stupid creature, would not be able to see it.

"It's not poison, what is that, Gu?"

Qu Bei was still thinking about it, Qian Cai couldn't bear the noise.

"If you dare to speak out, I will tell your father where you have been in the past half a month!"

Qian Cai made the final decision, finally quieting Qu Bei.

Now Qu Bei didn't dare to speak anymore.

He told his father that he would study hard in the school for a month and would not go home, and that his father was busy this month and would not investigate, but if his father knew that he had lied to him, he would not go home. Only pay to be a servant...

Qu Bei trembled, refusing to think about it any further.

After a while, the store manager Lao Li came in.

"Boss, it's some troublemakers."

Lao Li gave the money concisely to explain the situation.

Qian Cai said anxiously: "Didn't hurt the diners?"

In a place to eat, customers are the most important. If this hurts customers, the reputation of the restaurant will definitely be affected.

Old Li said: "No."

In fact, when he went out, there were diners who couldn't stand it and were about to restrain those people.

The common people on this floor are all good hands who work hard every day, needless to say about their strength, the few people who were restrained screamed in pain again and again.

There was only one person left who was still running around, because he was not familiar with the terrain, and bumped into something from time to time.

Lao Li solved the matter easily.

In the days when the restaurant was first opened, because of the booming business, it was inevitable that there would be malicious competition from some rivals, public opinion that the food was not clean, that the restaurant was dead, and some hired people to pour dog blood in front of their restaurant.

But there was a master brought in by the boss who didn't know where, and he solved all these things at once.

And the remaining opponents who were still watching knew that there was someone behind the restaurant, so they didn't dare to make another move.

Now that the reputation of the restaurant is getting more and more prosperous, even the people in the restaurant don't need to take action, and the diners who are anxious to eat have already restrained the troublemakers.

"Thank you for your help. Let these people disturb everyone today. How about it? Today, I am the master, and everyone will pay half the price."

Lao Li punched the diners and said with a smile.

The diners expressed their delight.

Most people don't really care about the money, but Lao Li's behavior warms their hearts. You see, the boss of this man will make trouble?

And Lao Li is not blindly pleasing the business, he is really thinking of them, which is not to make people happy.

The troubles caused by the dudes from other places were easily solved, and it also earned a wave of favorability from the diners.

Qian Cai can't praise Lao Li well.

It seems that he is still very accurate in seeing people!Look at how well this old Li digs, and managing the restaurant for him really helps a lot!

"Old Li, find out the details of those people, and send all the losses of the restaurant today to their father."

Since he has the guts to make trouble, the family must not be short of money, so he will not be polite.

If you do something wrong, how can you not pay the price?
Let him, the second child of the dandy world, teach them the truth!
Qian Cai spread a smile, and Lao Li, who was standing next to him, also smiled slowly. This weird smile scared Qu Bei enough.

Although the matter has been resolved, what should be cried out still needs to be cried out.

He is motivated to be the number one younger brother beside his elder brother, so how could he not seize the opportunity to find a sense of presence!
So this is the ins and outs of Lin Yuan holding the letter in his hand now.

So, it's really not a big deal, it's just a way for the younger brother to find a sense of existence.

After hearing the whole story, Lin Yuan also smiled, Qian Cai was just a joke by his side, and his sense of existence was so high that he couldn't imagine it, so he really didn't need to look for it anymore.

Lin Yuan was an exception when he met Qian Cai back then, just because he saved him once when he climbed up a tree but couldn't get down on a whim, Qian Cai got entangled and insisted on being his younger brother.

Lin Yuan saw that he was pleasing to the eye, so he agreed to him dispensable.

But I didn't expect that although people are usually a little bit old, this ability is really good.

So the two of them gradually almost unified the dandy group in the capital, and Lin Yuan became the big brother, the leader of the dandy world.

It's a bit funny to say it, but it's not bad to change your style once in a while?

Picking up a cup of tea and taking a sip, looking at the setting sun in the sky, Lin Yuan thought leisurely.

Since the younger brother has complained to his elder brother, of course, as the elder brother, he must seek justice for the younger brother.

"Come on, enter the palace."

When His Royal Highness enters the palace, he will definitely be followed by a group of mighty people, even if Lin Yuan doesn't like so many people following him, so he has cut a lot, it is impossible for him to be the only one, otherwise if something happens to His Royal Highness , then none of them from the East Palace will survive.

Yes, even if Lin Yuan didn't live in the East Palace in the imperial palace where His Royal Highness lived, they were all from the East Palace.

East Palace is just a nickname, and it doesn't refer to the palace. As long as they serve the crown prince, no matter where His Royal Highness lives, they are all from the East Palace.

"By the way, take the box that was placed in the lonely bedroom hall, and Gu is going to curry favor with Gu's father."

The servants smiled to themselves, and waited on the servant girl by Lin Yuan's side all the time, and hurried to the bedroom to fetch the sandalwood box.

There are elegant patterns tattooed on the box, and the centuries-old fine sandalwood exudes a faint fragrance. The taste is light and elegant, clear and transparent. You can tell that it is an absolute good thing without looking at the smell on the surface.

A group of people entered the palace, and did not let the servants replace them. Lin Yuan held the sandalwood box by himself, and the "diligent and trembling" Emperor Zhou Xuan of the Great Zhou Dynasty was reviewing the memorial in the Qianyuan Hall.

Idle is also idle, most of them are given to that little bastard for approval, and the rest of the easy ones are reserved for himself.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou secretly admired his wit!
 Thanks to little angel Shu and little angel Lingyuan for their votes *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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