I'm crazy

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

"Father, I've come to see you."

Before anyone arrived, Qingling's indifferent voice had already reached Emperor Zhou Xuan's ears.

Zhou Xuan kept his expression on his face, but from the corner of his eyes, he had already secretly glanced at the entrance of the hall. The brush under his hand did not move for a long time, and the red cinnabar condensed into drops, staining the memorial red. This memorial seemed to be ruined. up.

But Emperor Zhou Xuan's attention was not on the memorial at all.

Lin Yuan walked in slowly, looked at Emperor Zhou Xuan who was sitting upright, and said regretfully: "Father, did my son bother you, and I will come back another day."

With a "snap", Emperor Zhou Xuan put the brush on the dragon table, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm very free!"

Little bunny!

After listening to Emperor Zhou Xuan's answer, Lin Yuan said: "Since father is so free, it seems that my son and I can still spend a few more years, so father doesn't have to rush to ask son to take over the throne!"

Emperor Zhou Xuan's beard trembled with anger, pointed at Lin Yuan and said, "You really know how to see through stitches."

This shameless little bastard!
Folding the folding fan, he smiled suddenly, "Father Huang praised it."

With this gesture, even Emperor Xuan of Zhou, who was so angry that he almost vomited blood every day, had to admit that his son was good-looking. Sure enough, his genes were strong. Look at his perfect son.

But it would be more perfect if this little brat could be more obedient.

"Tell me, what do you want your father to do this time?"

If there is nothing wrong, it is impossible for this kid to come to the palace to find him, a loner, hmph, he is used to it.

Lin Yuan smiled, "Father, can I not come to you if I have nothing to do?"

"Of course, but tell me yourself, when did you come to ask me for nothing?"

It sounds good in words, but not in action.

Now that the memorial had been destroyed, Emperor Zhou Xuan put the memorial together and put it aside to concentrate on fighting Linyuan.

"Father is going to be sad when he says that, son-in-law."

Lin Yuan picked up a banana and ate it, speaking extremely perfunctorily.

"My father, I care so much about you, my lord. I have searched the world for many rare treasures to make you happy, and I even asked the imperial chef to study new dishes. I hope you can eat more. How dare you say that, my lord?"

Lin Yuan put down the banana peel, covered his chest with his left hand, with a sad and mournful expression on his face.

Emperor Zhou Xuan had seen this posture countless times, so it was naturally impossible to be deceived by him again.

Emperor Zhou Xuan put on a ruthless emperor, and said nonchalantly: "Hmph, so what? I am your father, this is what you should do."

This little bastard can be described as white in black.

Although he has obtained many rare and rare treasures, they were not searched for him, this kid did it out of boredom.

And it's nothing to him to ask the chef to develop food, it's purely because the kid likes to eat it, he just asked the chef to make it and bring it to him by the way!By the way!

"Hey, if the emperor wants to say that, there's nothing I can do about it."

Lin Yuan sighed helplessly.

"Okay, tell me, what happened?"

Unable to pretend to be ruthless, Emperor Xuan of Zhou supported his forehead and smiled, and said to Linyuan who was still eating lychees leisurely.

After eating the last lychee, Lin Yuan washed his hands first, and then told Emperor Zhou Xuan what he learned from the housekeeper.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou knew what his son meant as soon as he heard it.

Although he is too lazy, no, it should be said that he is a typical representative of being lazy, but his son's ability is really nothing to say, otherwise he would not be so eager to let him take over this position.

"Then how do you want to punish?"

Since the little brat said it himself, then just listen to his opinion.

Lin Yuan thought for a while, "If the father has no faults, then he will be punished lightly; if the father has no virtue, then he will be replaced."

Under the whole world, there is no king's land; on the coast of leading the soil, is there no king's ministers.

The emperor is rich all over the world, and thousands of students in the world are undoubtedly not the emperor's disciples.

After all, those who are so noble that they disdain to be an official are a minority. Most of the students are studying with the idea and motivation of learning literary and martial arts and selling them to the emperor's family.

Therefore, anyone may be short of talents, only emperors will not, and official positions will always be in short supply.

Since you can't, then change someone!

The dandies in other places still don't know how much disaster they caused their father and themselves by their small behavior that day.

In the end, I can only say that dudes need to be rational, and troublemakers need to be cautious!
When the matter is over, people should go.


Emperor Xuan of Zhou stopped Lin Yuan's footsteps who were about to sneak out without his noticing.

"I let you go?"

With this tone, Lin Yuan always felt a sense of arrogance.

Lin Yuan stopped in his tracks, turned around, and acted casually, "Do you have anything else to do?"

It was almost obvious that I was leaving.

Emperor Zhou Xuan was wondering why he hadn't gotten sick from the anger of this little bastard. Is his health so good?

Oh, his original health was not good, but under the tireless conditioning of this little brat, he got much better.

He suddenly remembered that day, he was still thinking that the little bastard was indeed his son, and knew that he was good to his father.

Unexpectedly, the little bastard replied to him: "This is to allow you to stay on the throne for a few more years."

But he couldn't get angry clearly. Although he calmed down and knew that it was just the little brat's habitual anger at him, he was still very angry.

When he came back to his senses, Emperor Zhou Xuan's face remained unchanged, and his tone was light and nonchalant: "What was in your hand when you came in?"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou saw the box in Lin Yuan's hand as soon as Lin Yuan entered the palace. If the things brought into the palace were not for him, could they be for whom?

He had been waiting for the little bastard to say it himself, but he didn't expect that he would leave without saying anything.

He had to bring it up himself.

Lin Yuan smiled secretly, he really is a duplicity father!
"It's nothing, the things you brought to the father, the father should carry it with you!"

After finishing this sentence, before Emperor Xuan of Zhou could say a few more words, Lin Yuan ran away in a flash.

"That little bastard!"

Emperor Zhou Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He stood up himself, walked to the place where Linyuan was sitting just now, picked up the sandalwood box on the table, the tentacles were delicate, the fragrance of sandalwood hit him, and he couldn't help being intoxicated for a while.

Although the emperor is very rich, not to mention the prosperity of the big Zhou Dynasty, as an emperor, he has a lot of things in his private treasury, but once he comes, he will not sleep with his private treasury, and he can't look at it a few times throughout the year. Let the eunuch look through it when someone is so-and-so, and seal it for the rest of the time.

Secondly, he is not an emperor who likes these things. As a wise emperor, he is never arrogant and extravagant, so although there are many things, he has never seen and touched them a few times.

Only the ones given to him by the little bastard would be taken in his hand and carried with him.

Not to mention the things still inside, just this sandalwood box alone, and Emperor Xuan of Zhou could not find anything wrong with it.

Unable to restrain himself, Emperor Xuan of Zhou gently opened the box, and what came into view was a very... ordinary... jade?
The whole body is white, but there is a hint of black in it. It is true that jade is a very good jade, but it cannot be concealed that it is indeed very ordinary...

Because it is a pure piece of jade, without any carvings on it, but after looking at it for a long time, I feel that it is much better than those jade pendants carved with dragons and phoenixes.

Emperor Zhou Xuan looked at it for a long time, picked it up and hung it on his body.

He cherishes all the things that this little brat sends, since the little brat said he should carry it with him, then he should carry it with him!
So in the next day, Emperor Zhou Xuan looked at the jade for a while, looked at the jade for a while, and played with it in his hands from time to time.

Looking at it like this, it can be said that he loves the things his son gave him to the extreme.

 what!I also want to have such an emperor Laozi.

  Thanks for the votes of little angels who just want to, oh, late stage lazy cancer, little angels, and little angels Jiexi*^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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