I'm crazy

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

There are no major events in the country, and if there are major events, the supreme ruler will support them, so Lin Yuan feels at ease every day as a salted fish.

After eating and sleeping, wake up and eat, and occasionally go out for a stroll, looking at the beautiful scenery and eye-catching, life is so beautiful.

The weather was good that day, neither hot nor cold was the right time to go out, and it was rare for Lin Yuan not to be lazy, sleeping until noon, when he suddenly had the idea of ​​going out.

The master has an order, and the servants of the East Palace naturally hurriedly prepare things.

Not far from the capital is a well-known mountain called Yunfeng. It is said that a fairy once ascended here.The age is long, and the truth is of course untestable, but it does not hinder the reputation of this mountain.

So usually many people go to the mountains to enjoy the scenery.

The towering peaks look extremely dangerous, but in fact they are. The Yunfeng is very steep, and people often lose their lives on the Yunfeng due to carelessness.

After the establishment of the Great Zhou, this situation disappeared.

Because Yunfeng is managed by a special person, the number of people going up the mountain is limited every day, and a blue stone road has been built up the mountain, so at least this situation has not happened again in the hundreds of years since Dazhou was established.

Of course, the more dangerous the more charming.

The same is true for Yunfeng. Just the peak that goes straight into the sky can give people a visually shocking effect, not to mention the more beautiful scenery as you go higher.

Lin Yuan came to Yunfeng just on a whim, in fact he regretted it after a while.

In fine weather, he didn't stay in the mansion to lie dead, why did he come here to suffer?
Fortunately, the demon god Linyuan is the one who knows best about "returning from the wrong way", so...

"Let's go, I don't want to go again."

Of course, everyone in the East Palace, whose Highness the Crown Prince ordered to obey, had no objections, and the group turned around and left.

"Go back first, and go shopping alone."

Seeing that he was almost at the mansion, Lin Yuan suddenly didn't want to go back.


A few people were left to accompany His Highness the Crown Prince, while the others all went back.

As the capital of the world, the capital is naturally very lively. It was so lively that he was almost bumped into by someone before he took two steps.

Of course, so many hidden guards protected by His Royal Highness are not vegetarians, and they were separated by the hidden guards before they touched them.

If it wasn't for seeing that this person was not a threat, the hidden guard would have dealt with him directly.

Don't be surprised, as the next ruler of the country, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, no amount of protection is too much, and any possible danger must be nippled in the bud.

"Do you have eyes? Don't you know how to make way? Do you know who the young master is?"

The hit person hadn't spoken yet, but the hit person started to beat him up.

Lin Yuan shook his fan and didn't say a word, he looked over to stop the guard who was about to sneak out this dandy who appeared out of nowhere.

Wearing a dark green dress, he looks like a toad, squinting his eyes, and his nostrils are almost facing the sky.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "I haven't lived in the capital for a long time, so I really don't know who you are."

"What, you really don't know who I am, I'm really a country bumpkin from other places."

Well, even if Lin Yuan showed a very polite look, people with eyes higher than the top would not see it, he would only think that others were afraid of him, and thus become more arrogant.

"This young master tells you, this young master is the son of Weihe prefect!"

The Weihe River is located in the northwest region, which is a relatively poor state. Since Emperor Zhou Xuan came to power, he has supported the Northwest, which is much better than before, but after all, it is not as rich as the Huaihe River on both sides of the south of the Yangtze River.

But looking at the "toad" in front of him who is so rich that he can hardly fit his clothes, it seems that the Weihe prefect has managed the Weihe well!
"Now you know who this young master is! Hurry up and apologize to this young master."

Toad looked at Lin Yuan with contempt on his face, acting like a standard playboy who wouldn't stop until he apologized.

"The prefect of Weihe River, this young master knows a little bit, but do you know who this young master is?"

Lin Yuan didn't know that he was also interested in fighting for his father, he spoke slowly, his posture was much better than that of "Toad".

At least "Toad" was puzzled for a moment after hearing Lin Yuan's words, thinking that he would not offend anyone!

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, what kind of backstage skills can someone who he doesn't even know have, and it's not just being rounded and flattened by him.

"who are you?"

"Toad" said disdainfully.

But the country bumpkin in front of him didn't answer his question, but turned around and walked away, leaving a sentence he didn't understand when passing him: "Nine five."

"No, what wine house, what does this mean?"

Inexplicably, the word "Toad" was etched in my heart, and I never forgot it. When I got home, I asked his father.

"What did you say? Nothing, the old house..."

Thinking about it, the Weihe prefect's face turned pale, and he collapsed on the chair in an instant.

"Father, are you alright?"

"Toad" hurried forward to support him, but was slapped on the face by his father. "Toad" looked at his father puzzled and angrily, but the prefect of Weihe didn't look at him at all, just fell on the chair and muttered Said: "It's over, it's over..."

What kind of ecstasy did he take to bring this evil here?

Originally, I thought that even though this wicked barrier is not enterprising, he still dominates the Weihe area, but as the prefect of Weihe, can he still not be able to protect a son?

This time when I return to Beijing to report on my work, I think that if he is not here, my son may cause trouble to him. It will be better to discipline him if he is by his side. Who knows... who knows...

"Nine Five... Nine Five... Isn't this the Nine Five Supreme?"

But His Majesty will not leave the palace easily, so those who dare to speak like that, will not choose other candidates except His Royal Highness, and remembering what he has learned about His Royal Highness's perverse and domineering temperament...

The prefect of Weihe regretted unceasingly, but what he regretted was that he brought his son to Beijing so that he might ruin his road to Qingyun, not that he regretted being a good official and working for the welfare of the people.

It can be seen that some people here will never think that they are wrong, and will never realize their mistakes.

For Lin Yuan, this is just a small episode. Anyway, it is only a matter of one sentence to solve it. The officialdom is like this. It is absolutely impossible to be as white as snow. Just clean it in time. With the feeling of a sword, they dare not be presumptuous.

With such a good weather today, Lin Yuan feels that he has wasted it, but since it has been wasted, let's waste it even more!

So he went to the palace to find Emperor Zhou Xuan.

Holding the chopsticks, Emperor Xuan of Zhou asked doubtfully, "Didn't you say that the food here is not delicious? Why did you come to eat with me today?"

Of course, Lin Yuan couldn't say that he was bored.

"When did my son say that?"

It's fine if you don't admit it, anyway, Emperor Xuan of Zhou has no evidence.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou was stunned by his shameless spirit.

"Scholars will treat each other with admiration for three days, the ancients will not deceive me!"

It's only been a few days since we saw each other, is this little bastard so thick-skinned?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, I ask you seriously, when are you going to take over my seat?"

Emperor Xuan of Zhou really wanted to retire.

But the serious Zhou Xuandi faced his lazy son: "Father, don't worry."

Emperor Xuan of Zhou: "..."

I'm afraid it's not his son, he's here to collect debts!

Emperor Zhou Xuan of the Great Zhou Dynasty became the longest reigning emperor in history!
No emperor surpassed him, and he was envied by many subsequent emperors.

And Emperor Zhou Xuan, who was envied by all the emperors: "This little bastard!"

pissed him off!

 Thanks to little angel Shu and little angel Lingyuan for their votes *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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