I'm crazy

Chapter 143 fluke

Chapter 143 fluke
The Yuanwu Continent uses Yuandan as the basis for cultivation. Without Yuandan, one cannot use spiritual power to cultivate. They can only exercise their bodies and practice a little martial arts. The greatest achievement is nothing but a peak martial arts. void.

Anyone who yearns for strength cannot be satisfied with just being at the peak of martial arts. Everyone desires to be strong, to become strong, and the pursuit of strength is an inborn ability of people in Yuanwu Continent.

It's a pity that Yuan Dan's existence was not detected when she was three years old. She just felt a little regretful at the time, but she still has parents, and she is still a carefree little girl.

She thought that she could still take the way of body forging, and she believed that with her own efforts, she could do it too. There are also ancestors in Yuanwu Continent who broke the void with martial arts!

It can be seen that martial arts to the extreme is no worse than Yuan Dan's cultivation.

But reality did not give her this chance.

Rao Xi took a deep breath, clenched her fists, trying to stop herself from thinking about it.

Now that she has a chance to start again, she will make those who bully her and her brother pay the price, and since she is lucky enough to practice, she must go to the peak of Yuanwu to pursue the ultimate of that Tao.

Those people are just a small obstacle in her life, and it's not worth her betting her Dao heart for them.

"Yes, it's still quite interesting."

Suddenly, a clear, indifferent and lazy voice came from the silent space. After the voice finished speaking, it yawned slightly, as if it had just woken up.

As soon as Lin Yuan woke up, she "heard" Rao Xi's thoughts, not because she wanted to listen to other people's thoughts on purpose.

But now that she is in a state of contract with Rao Xi as the ghost weapon spirit, not to mention that Rao Xi has such a strong emotion, it is normal for her to know it all at once.

"Who, who are you?"

Rao Xi huddled at the foot of the bed, vigilance flashed in his big eyes, his head covered with "chicken feathers" turned left and right, it was quite cute.

Plus what you just heard...

It's not that she hates it.

Lin Yuan didn't bother to answer Rao Xi's question, so she just stuffed the contract into Rao Xi's head and asked her to read it by herself. She hasn't slept enough yet, so she sleeps a little longer.

After a while, Rao Xi was surprised to look at the too small sword on his Yuan Dan.

This sword is too small on the Yuandan, she didn't notice its existence at all just now.

She learned from the contract that this sword is called Mingyin, she seemed to have heard the name somewhere, but couldn't remember it.

And she signed the most overbearing life and death contract with Mingyin.

The sword is with the person, and the sword destroys the person.

Unfortunately, she is only a five-year-old child, no matter how young and mature she is, and no matter how dark the world is, she is still a child in the final analysis.

She didn't understand how overbearing this life-and-death contract was, and she didn't think what was wrong with it.

According to the contract, Mingyin saved her who was about to die in the cold pool, so Mingyin is her benefactor.

Mother said, the benefactor should repay well.

And she remembered that the "Yuan Wu Ji" she secretly found at that time said that once the contract was signed, it was a partner who shared life and death.

Now Mingyin is both her benefactor and her partner. In Rao Xi's little head, Mingyin is now as important as her younger brother.

Like her younger brother, she is the most important thing in her heart!
That voice just now was Ming Yin's weapon spirit, now that I think about it, I can't help but think, this voice is really nice!

After learning the news, Rao Xi no longer showed her defensiveness.

So say it!In the face of the protagonist's inquiry, if you can "hands-on", don't beep, otherwise one question after another will be really annoying.

Lin Yuan doesn't have that much patience.

Rao Xi got up from the bed and looked for a place to wash.

did not find……

Linyuan is the body of a spirit, and has no substance, so naturally there is no filth to be cleaned.

So Rao can only stare at this "empty" small space in a daze.

There are all kinds of geniuses and treasures in the space, exotic flowers and plants, but there are no washing tools she needs now and pots and pans she will use next.

It's a pity that she is a little worried, but she can make some things by herself. After all, the children in Yuanwu Continent are not ordinary children, and their strength is also much stronger.

Rao Xi has been doing all kinds of work arranged for her at Rao's house since she was three years old, so although she is young, she can do a lot.

But the point is that she is not the owner of this place. My mother said that if you don't ask, you are stealing. She can't touch the things here.

So sorry that I don't know what to do now, and...

She touched her stomach, she was really hungry!


The belly rang again.

Rao Xi pressed her stomach hard, she knew from the contract just now that Qi Ling used too much strength to save her, and is now sleeping, her stomach growled too loudly, what should I do?
"You are not allowed to ring again! Be good!"

Rao Xi said softly while pressing her stomach with one hand.

As Rao Xi thought, Lin Yuan really couldn't fall asleep, but fortunately, he had almost had enough sleep.

She showed her figure, standing in front of Rao Xi who was squatting on the ground.

Rao Xi was stunned by the sudden appearance of Qi Ling. No, to be precise, she had never seen such a beautiful "person", which made her feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

Rao Xi, who was originally squatting on the ground, leaned back and sat on the ground, propped her hands on the ground, and looked at Lin Yuan unblinkingly with her big round eyes.

"Does it look good?"

Lin Yuan said to Rao Xi who was staring blankly at her with a half smile but not a smile.

In an instant, there are thousands of elegance.

Rao Xi's little heart trembled a little from the fascination of this upside-down smile, and she nodded foolishly.

"Get up."

After teasing the little girl enough, Lin Yuan was finally satisfied.

Rao Xi was still a little lost in thought, but she finally regained most of her senses. She followed Lin Yuan and watched her sit on the wicker chair.

"Former... senior."

Rao Xi stammered out this title, but in fact she didn't know if it was okay to call it that way.

"Senior? Let's call it that!"

Lin Yuan thought about this title, but found it interesting, she didn't seem to be a senior before?
Shuo Wan looked at Rao Xi, and saw that she seemed to be relieved because she got the right address.

"Since we have signed the contract, you can use the things in this small space as you like, as long as they don't make a mess for me."

Lin Yuan explained to Rao Xi first, which sort of solved the problem that Rao Xi was troubled just now.

Rao Xi nodded obediently, and said firmly, "I will protect senior well."

In her heart, the senior was hurt because of her, and the senior is really good-looking and so gentle, she will definitely become stronger and protect the senior.

The senior is the body of the spirit, so she must cherish the dark yin well.


Lin Yuan smiled playfully, not mocking Rao Xi's overreaching, but just thought it was fresh, and this was the first time someone told her to protect her.

just don't know...

"Okay, remember what you said today."

How long can you last...

For countless times afterwards, Rao Xi was thankful that when she was still an ignorant child, she said such a sentence to her senior.

 Thanks to the little angel Shu, the little angel Mingyue Qingfeng, and the little angel Lingyuan for their votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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