I'm crazy

Chapter 144 fluke

Chapter 144 fluke
It's a pity to live in a small space.

She uses materials in a small space to make things she needs and solve her needs.

On the way, she found that the senior would sometimes eat some of the food she made for the senior, but after observing for a long time, she found that the senior seemed to only eat the best of them.

Rao Xi secretly made up her mind to include cooking skills in her training plan.

In Yuanwu Continent, there are not only Yuanxiu and Wuxiu, but also various cultivation methods such as food cultivation, so she can completely cultivate her culinary skills to the top, so that her seniors can eat well.

It's a pity that the decision made today made Lin Yuan enjoy so much delicious food in the days to come.

"come over."

Linyuan said regretfully to the one who was cooking.

The three-headed Rao Xi, who was only five years old and was malnourished and not big, ran up to Lin Yuan, raised her white and tender face and looked at Lin Yuan.

It looks like a glutinous rice dumpling, but it’s not good to be like a glutinous rice dumpling. It’s better to teach it to be a glutinous rice dumpling filled with sesame seeds.

Lin Yuan stretched out her slender and fair index finger and lightly poked Rao Xibai's tender face. These days, she has raised her so well that there was a red mark with just a light touch.


Lin Yuan couldn't help but withdrew his hand.

Rao Xi blinked her big round eyes, focused on Lin Yuan and said: "Senior, I don't hurt."

Even Kunlun Mirror couldn't help sighing in the sea of ​​consciousness: 【So obedient! 】

What a little angel!

Facing Rao's expectant eyes, Lin Yuan said lightly, "No need."

She was just trying to feel the touch, and she didn't have any strange hobbies, why pinch the child!


Rao Xi was obedient and obedient, it was a bit regretful to hear this tone.

Senior's fingers are cool and comfortable, but is it because her face is not soft?Senior doesn't seem to like it very much?

Rao Xi secretly added beauty into her plan as a task of cultivation.

"Take it."

Lin Yuan handed Rao Xi a book, the book had a pure black cover, the same dark ink color as the Nether Yin Sword, and there were patterns on the cover that Rao Xi could not understand.

She could only recognize one character, which seemed to be star.

Unfortunately, I am not sure if I am right.

Since it was the little girl's golden finger, Lin Yuan consciously did what a golden finger should do. This was originally written by her according to the cultivation system of this plane, and it is the top-level exercise on the Yuanwu Continent Not even one ten thousandth of it.

It's no problem for this little girl to cultivate to the point of breaking the void.

Then he remembered that Rao Xi couldn't read at all, so he gave her a Yuanwu Continent enlightenment dictionary and asked her to learn by herself.

I really don't want to ask her again.

Rao Xi treasured the two books in her arms, and carefully pulled a little bit of Lin Yuan's sleeves when Lin Yuan was about to turn around and leave.


The voice was almost inaudible.

Lin Yuan: "What?"

Rao Xi took a deep breath, encouraged herself secretly, and said, "Can I go out?"


Rao Xi knew that she didn't know what to do. Senior saved her, gave her exercises, and helped her so much. Even if she dedicated her life to senior, she still wanted to go out.


"I want to see my brother."

She wants to settle down her younger brother so that she can serve her senior well.

"Senior, I'll be back soon, I'm sorry I'll settle down for my younger brother, and then come back to accompany senior."

Rao Xi looked at Lin Yuan, hoping that she would not count if she couldn't speak.

After listening to Rao Xi's explanation, Lin Yuan sneered, then stretched out his index finger and tapped her forehead again, using a little force, the mark on her forehead was much heavier than before.

"I don't need your company."

"But you can't go out now, you don't have any strength, what can you use to fight your 'family'?"

It's just a little kid, even if she finds her younger brother, there is no way to leave her "home".

Regret lowered her head in frustration, she also thought about these problems, but... her brother...

"Don't worry, your brother will be fine."

Seeing Rao Xi's worry, Lin Yuan said calmly.

In the understatement, there is an unconcealed wildness and intoxicating power.


Rao Xi asked softly.


There are still people who question the words of the Demon God, how impatient they are!

But after hearing senior's unkind words, Rao Xi instantly felt at ease. For some reason, she inexplicably believed that everything senior said was true.

Rao Xi trusts Lin Yuan very much, but after being educated by the senior in her heart to "cherish it endlessly", Rao Xi no longer feels that way.

She was crazy when she was a child to think that senior is reliable!

Senior is obviously full of vicious existence!
Of course it's too early to tell.

Now that there is no need to worry about the future, Rao Xi can start to practice seriously in a small space with peace of mind, what the senior said is right.

Only strong self-strength is the foundation of everything.

Nothing else is reliable!
She must be strong enough to protect the people and things she puts on her heart, so strong that she will never lose anything in the future.

"Get up at Mao hour and swing your sword three thousand times every day."


Ever since Rao Xi was given the task of wielding a sword, Lin Yuan turned the season of the small space into winter.

After all, it's better to exercise people in winter, isn't it?
And Rao Xi's five-year-old arms couldn't lift Ming Yin's huge sword body at all. At the beginning, Rao Xi needed both hands to pick up Ming Yin.

In the icy and snowy world, Rao Xi's hand was already frostbitten after only a few days of effort. After several months of wandering between frostbite and treatment, Rao Xi was finally able to move the shadow, and made the most standard sword-swinging posture, so that Reiki flows correctly in the meridians, repairing and refining the body.

After the three thousand sword swings a day are completed, it will almost be the time of You. Fortunately, there is spiritual power to nourish it, and one meal a day is enough, otherwise it is a pity that it will not be able to persist.

And after the task of wielding the sword is completed, Rao Xi still has to read and write. In Lin Yuan's words, it means to be proficient in everything.

After all, no one will dislike that they will get less.

After eating and writing, and practicing "Broken Star" seriously for two hours, it's time to go to bed.

In this way, day after day, month after month, year after year of hard work.

Rao Xi has never called out bitterness, nor felt bitterness, there is no shortcut to success, and there is no tricky way.

If it weren't for the physical condition that didn't allow it, Rao Xi might have increased the time by himself.

She is grateful for everything now, when she didn't have Yuan Dan, even if she wanted to suffer, she couldn't bear it.

She still remembered that when she was more than three years old, she occasionally saw a powerful monk crossing the thunder tribulation.

The dark sky seemed to be a collapse of the plane, the scene of doomsday, so terrible, the monk was struck by thunder and lightning, and the monk was contented, without any fear.

Her father told her that a monk is fighting for his life with the sky!
My way is my heart.

And my heart, don't have the slightest intention of retreating!
The road is difficult and dangerous, but I climb it!

 Thanks to little angel yangjiujiu and little angel Mingyue Qingfeng for their votes *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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