I'm crazy

Chapter 148 fluke

Chapter 148 fluke
After dealing with Rao Liang, and killing a few people who abused her before, it was a pity to return to the school to find her brother.

She didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her behavior.

She is a cultivator, not a virgin!

If anyone sins against me, I will sin against them.

After undergoing such treatment, should she be asked to forgive those who wanted to kill her?
This is not kindness, this is mental retardation!This is stupid!This is totally out of my mind and full of shit!
She's not one of those mentally handicapped holy parents. When someone slaps you, she still says it's a good slap and sticks out the other side of her face.

It's not that kindness is wrong, but that your kindness must have a limit, you must have a bottom line in your heart, and you must distinguish people.

Rao Xi didn't show himself in front of Rao's family, and took his younger brother Rao away without a trace.

Rao Xian struggled for a while, but couldn't struggle anymore, and didn't make unnecessary resistance anymore.

My sister told him that when you meet someone you can't beat and can't escape, try your best to protect your own safety first, and then find a way to escape. Don't resist desperately in front of someone you can't beat and can't escape, that will only advance your death time .


Rao Xian opened his eyes wide in an instant.

This is my sister's voice!
It's my sister's voice!

With a sound of "Wow", Rao Xian burst into tears.


Rao Xian hugged his older sister, wiping tears and snot all over Rao Xi's body.

Rao Xi was at a loss, but still hugged Rao Xian's small body tightly.

When Rao Xi entered the small space, although Rao Xian was not yet four years old, he still firmly remembered his sister who was with him for life.

He finally waited until the school was on vacation that day, and wanted to find his sister, but he searched for the whole day, but couldn't find his sister.

Rao Xian didn't cry, even a child under four years old understood the situation he and his sister were in.

Rao Xian is very smart, he knows that there must be some kind of interest in him so that Rao can support him well and let him study.

He can't do anything, all he can do is study desperately, and he can only secretly give his sister his food.

Rao Liang didn't let him meet his sister, so he could only secretly meet her again.

Rao Xian knew that he must be under Rao Liang's surveillance, but maybe Rao Liang thought that he was a four-year-old child who couldn't do anything, and didn't really come out to stop him from seeing his sister.

Although the situation is difficult, Rao Xian always has a glimmer of hope. One day, he can become stronger, protect his sister, kill Rao Liang, and leave this place.

After Rao Xi disappeared, Rao Xian fell seriously ill and almost lost his life first. Rao Liang used various methods and threatened him with Rao Xi to recover him.

Rao Xian held back the killing intent in his heart, he hated his weakness, even his sister couldn't protect him.

Looking at my sister now, the grievances and sorrows accumulated in my heart and the panic of losing my sister finally vented out.

"Sister, you're finally back! Woohoo! Hiccup!"

Rao Xian was out of breath from crying, and even hiccupped.

This hiccup made Rao Xi laugh, and the sourness in her heart disappeared a lot.

Rao Xi hugged Rao Xian, touched Rao Xian's head, and comforted him silently.

After a while, Rao Xian finally recovered.

Looking at the snot and tears on his sister's body, and thinking of how miserable he was crying, he finally knew how to be ashamed.

Burying her head in Rao Xi's arms, she will not want to come out for a while.

Fortunately, Rao Xian was a strong man, and when he recovered, he motioned for his sister to put him down.

After taking Rao Xian away, Rao Xi hurried to a mountainside.

This mountain is Wu'an Mountain next to the city where Rao's family is located, because Wu'an Mountain does not have any resources needed by cultivators and warriors except for the lush trees, so Wu'an Mountain has almost no human habitation.

Regret used a spell to light a fire, took out the kitchen utensils and food in the ring, and prepared dinner for Rao Xian.

She looked at her younger brother's white and tender face, and his father's blue eyes, and whispered to Rao Xian what she had just done and what Rao Liang had done to her and their parents.

Rao Xian's eyes were red after listening to his sister's words, tears were rolling in his eyes, he took a breath, and suppressed the tears that were about to flow down.

"So, are father and mother killed by that bastard Rao Liang?"


Rao Xi gently stroked Rao Xian's head and answered his question.

The children of cultivators in the Yuanwu Continent are not the children of ordinary people, and Rao Xi never thought of hiding this fact from Rao Xian.

He has the right to know, and her brother is not that fragile, he has the ability to bear it.

In the end, she couldn't control the tears streaming down from those big round eyes.

Rao Xi hugged Rao Xian and put him in his arms. The two children who combined were less than 20 years old hugged each other tightly, absorbing the warmth.


Rao Xi's ring was full of necessary things, she directly found a cave in Wu'an Mountain, and made bedding and matches.

Rao Xi plans to go to Chengfeng Academy, one of the top academies in Yuanwu Continent, with his younger brother Rao Xian.

Chengfeng Academy is located in Cisi City, the southernmost part of the Yuanwu Continent. It is not to mention a thousand miles away from Wangyue City, where Rao Xi is located.

In the middle, you have to pass through the Shadow Forest, the settlement of the monster race. Although the relationship between the monster race and the human race has improved a lot these years, and it is no longer like before, the two will never die when they meet, but the probability of dying through the Shadow Forest is still very high. High.

In addition to the huge obstacle of the Shadow Forest, there is another threat that can be paralleled with the Shadow Forest-the Land of Exile.

These threats are very clear, but she must go to Chengfeng Academy.

As one of the top academies in the Yuanwu Continent, Chengfeng is one of the best in both the faculty and the strength of the academies.

The most important thing is that Chengfeng does not accept students with deep backgrounds like Louqing Academy. Those like her and Xianxian who have no background behind them are bullied when they go to Louqing.

Although Rao Xi didn't think that Lou Qing's students could bully her, but her younger brother was different, she couldn't be by his side to protect him all the time.

So Lou Qing is not a suitable choice.

In the morning, Rao Xi woke up very early to practice sword practice, and Rao Xian, who had been working hard, woke up almost at the same time as Rao Xi.

It's a pity that I didn't let my brother sleep for a while. The road of cultivation is terrifying, and it is impossible to succeed without strong perseverance. At this time, letting my brother live comfortably is to harm him.

"Do you have a sword?"

Rao Xi used a piece of water charm to clean Rao Xian with spiritual power, and asked.

Rao Xian closed his eyes, feeling his sister's fingers gently rubbing against his face, a little itchy.


Rao Xian was originally prepared by Rao Liang to store Yuan Dan. It would be nice to have delicious food and drink for him and let Rao Xian go to school. It is impossible to equip Rao Xian with a sword.

Rao Xi nodded to indicate that she knew, and gave Rao Xian a handkerchief, while Rao Xi thought about where to find a sword for her younger brother.

"Senior, do you know what is suitable?"

Rao Xi softly asked Lin Yuan who was in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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