I'm crazy

Chapter 149 fluke

Chapter 149 fluke
Lin Yuan directly appeared from the underworld, which surprised Rao Xian. After Rao Xi explained it clearly to Rao Xian, he opened his eyes and looked at her like Rao Xi before.

Lin Yuan's pupils flashed purple, and then he sat down and said, "The Shadow Forest has a sword suitable for him."

After thinking about it, she was still far away from the Shadow Forest, so she directly took out a sword from the ring, which she made herself after learning how to forge a sword.

It's just right for Rao Xian to use now.

Rao Xian took the sword given to her by her sister and happily practiced on the side.

Rao Xi looked at Lin Yuan whose figure was still somewhat illusory, and was a little worried, "Senior, will it affect you?"

Senior doesn't have a real body yet, and she is still very weak now. She hates the feeling of being weak, but she can't rush for quick success and quick benefits in the process of cultivation, so even though she has many pills that can directly improve her cultivation, she has never used it .


Lin Yuan didn't mean to comfort and spare, there was really nothing wrong.

Even with only the soul body, she is also a strong one.

What's more, the Chaos Demon God itself was born from chaos, and there is no so-called entity or incorporeal distinction. Linyuan is very adaptable, but there is one problem, she can't enjoy the food.

Thinking of this problem, Lin Yuan felt a little annoyed. It seems that she still needs to cultivate the entity as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this plane is still too restrictive for her current weapon spirit. In order not to accidentally destroy this plane, Lin Yuan Yuan still has to take his time.


Rao Xi suddenly looked in one direction, and at the same time hit a branch she was holding just now.

There was a cry, like that of a beast, from a place shaded by trees.

As early as the moment Rao Xi uttered his voice, Rao Xian had already rushed to Rao Xi and Lin Yuan with his sword in his hand, his small body was holding a small sword, but he was fearless.

Rao Xi picked up Rao Xian and placed her next to Lin Yuan, called out Ming Yin and walked forward, pushing away the trees that blocked her view to mobilize the spiritual power of her whole body.

And saw a...fox?
Rao Xi lifted the little fox that was injured by her just now from the neck. The little fox was trembling under her palm, and its black and shiny eyes were turning from time to time. There were sly lights flashing in the eyes. It can be seen that the little fox It's not as scary as it appears.

"Senior, it's a fox."

Rao Xi handed the fox directly to Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan picked it up with two fingers and shook it in front of his eyes.

Under Lin Yuan's hands, this fox is much more obedient than before. Even if Lin Yuan tosses it like this, he obediently lets Lin Yuan toss it, without moving. If it wasn't for the occasional roll of the eyes, one would think the fox is dead.

"It's a spirit fox, take it!"

Lin Yuan threw the fox into Rao Xi's arms, and Rao Xi looked down at the fox. After getting out of Lin Yuan's hand, the fox seemed to regain a little courage, and stretched out its claws to grab Rao Xi's sleeve.

But Rao Xi, who was taught by Lin Yuan, doesn't like small animals. She grabs the fox's paw and throws it to Rao Xian who has been watching eagerly.

"Like it?"

Rao Xi asked the younger brother who was holding the fox carefully.

Rao Xian put one arm around the fox, and gently stroked the fox's fiery red fur with the other hand. Hearing this, he looked up at his sister and said, "I like it, sister, can I sign a contract with it?"

The spirit fox is a very precious spirit beast, and it has no combat power in its infancy, but for a cultivator, if there is a spirit fox by his side, the spiritual power around him will be gentler, and it will be easier for the cultivator to absorb.

It is of great benefit to the cultivation of practitioners in the Yuanwu Continent.

Of course Rao Xi has no objection, but Kunlun Mirror said in Lin Yuan's sea of ​​knowledge: 【Master, isn't this one of Rao Xi's golden fingers? 】


Kunlun Jing said: [Oh, by chance, Rao Xi has already given her golden finger to Rao Xian. 】

Kunlun Mirror sighed here, but Lin Yuan said indifferently: "There is nothing that should belong to anyone."

The reason why an opportunity is an opportunity is that it can belong to anyone, not just one person. If the person who could have seized the opportunity did not grasp it, then of course it can belong to other people who grasped it.

Could it be that if Destiny Chosen Beloved couldn't grasp the opportunity by himself and lost it, would he still be able to justifiably think that this opportunity belongs to him, and then ask for it from the person who owns it?
After making a contract with Rao Xian and Linghu, Rao Xi packed up her things and set off.

They have already left Wangyue City now, because they have Rao Xian, they can no longer keep going with the spell of Gale Wind, it is a pity that they just bought a carriage, she and Rao Xian also have Lin Yuan, the now incorporeal magic seat Get up just right.

Of course, there are other means of transportation, such as winged beasts, which are special flying monsters for humans. This beast race signed an equal contract with humans, and used them as means of transportation for humans to earn pills.

Yes, winged beasts are monsters that feed on pills.

But it's a pity, it's a pity that there is no Yuanjing...

There are a lot of things in her ring, but Wangyue City is just a small city, there is no big trading point, and her talisman medicine can't be sold at all, so she can only use a horse-drawn carriage.

Fortunately, she wasn't the only cultivator traveling in a carriage. Generally speaking, it was the case for less wealthy cultivators.

The carriage traveled for ten days, and the journey went smoothly. It may be that Rao Xi's carriage looked too shabby, and no one came to rob it.

They didn't stop until they reached a big city - Linghua City.

Linghua is a large city closest to the Shadow Forest, and the lord of the city is also a master who has cultivated to the level of Yuanxian, and the most famous of Linghua is the Linghua Auction House in Linghua City.

It is famous all over the continent and has a great reputation. As long as you have enough capital, you can find everything you want here.

"Sister, what should we do first?"

Rao Xian hugged and coaxed, it was the spirit fox. Of course, outsiders could no longer see that it was a spirit fox.

It is a pity that the carriage has been transferred again, and then they will have to drive on their own.

"Go to the store first."

Rao Xi found an inn, had a simple meal first, and then put Rao Xian in the room.

"Stay here well, sister will come back as soon as she goes."

Rao Xian nodded obediently, sat cross-legged on the bed with his arms hugged and started to practice.

Rao Xi used several formations outside the room, and after making sure that her brother was in danger and she could come back in time, she went out.

Rao Xi came directly to the Linghua Auction.

"Welcome the guests."

The maid with a slender figure and a beautiful face said with a smile.

"Excuse me, do you want to participate in the auction or auction your own things?"

If you want to participate in the auction, you need to meet certain conditions to get the invitation letter of Linghua Auction, such as strength or power or money.

And the customer who wants to auction something can directly participate in the auction as long as the item he wants to auction has enough value to be put on the auction.

Rao Xi took out the elixir she made and handed it to the maid in front of her: "Both."

The maid smiled and took the light blue inconspicuous small bottle in Rao Xi's hand.

Then he opened it and saw that his complexion changed, and then carefully closed the bottle cork, and he lost the composure he had just now.

"Guest wait a moment, this item needs to be appraised by an appraiser."

(End of this chapter)

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