I'm crazy

Chapter 150 fluke

Chapter 150 fluke
The beautiful maid hurried in to find the appraiser, and she arranged food and drink for Rao Xi before she left, as if she was afraid that Rao Xi would get impatient and leave.

"Senior, is this pill so precious?"

Seeing that the maid seemed very anxious, this made Rao Xi a little puzzled who had just come out of the space and was almost out of touch with the Yuanwu Continent and didn't know much about it.

Of course she knew that the elixir she made was extremely effective, because it was taught by the senior herself. Although the process was painful, seeing the maid in such a hurry, it seemed that she still underestimated the preciousness of the elixir.

"The materials for refining this Weiguyuan Pill are extremely rare, do you think it is precious?"

Once Lin Yuan said this, Rao Xi understood.

It seems that she can earn a lot.

At this time, the beautiful maid came back, holding nothing in her hand.

Seeing the distinguished alchemist in front of him glanced at her hand, Ruan Fan hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, my lord, the pill is in the hands of the Linghua appraiser, please come with me, my lord."

Rao Xi stood up and walked forward with Ruan Fan, until he came to a door, Ruan Fan pushed open the door, and Rao Xi followed and walked in.

All I saw was an old man with a white beard eagerly watching her medicine pill.

Regret: "..."

Wang Liu finally noticed the person in front of him. He was a little surprised. He thought that the alchemist who made this Guyuan Pill was already an old man, but he didn't expect to be so young.

Wang Liu is even more cautious, being able to refine Guyuan Pill at such a young age shows his talent in alchemy.

Wang Liu put down the elixir reluctantly, Ruan Fan had already closed the door and left, and now there were only the two of them in this room.

"My lord, please sit down."

It is very normal for such an alchemist with extraordinary ability to be honored as an adult.

Rao Xi took advantage of the situation and sat on the chair, pretending to be a taciturn alchemist who was dedicated to alchemy.

"My lord's elixir is a high-grade Guyuan pill. First of all, on behalf of Linghua, I would like to thank you for choosing Linghua for auction."

Wang Liu stood beside him with a very sincere attitude.

"The reserve price I set for you is 500 million yuan, I wonder if you are satisfied?"

Guyuan Pill is a pill that can increase the chances of cultivators and warriors to advance, and it can also stabilize the realm, and it does not have the side effects that most pills have.

Because refining materials are difficult to find in Yuanwu Continent, and refining is relatively difficult, except for those high-level alchemists, generally no alchemists can refine them.

And those high-level alchemists are either the guests of the big forces or the cultivators with extremely strong cultivation bases. It is impossible to refine the Guyuan Pill for anyone alone, let alone auction it.

But even if it is more difficult, it is still there, and it will not disappear in Yuanwu Continent, so the price given by Linghua is very fair. Except for those black markets, there are very few auctions that have such a high price.

Rao Xi nodded in agreement.

Wang Liu personally handed the invitation letter of the auction to Rao Xi, and after a glance, Rao Xi received it in Najiezhong, and then took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Wang Liu.

Wang Liu carefully took the elixir from Rao Xi's hand, opened the bottle, and smelled the fragrance of the elixir, his breath suddenly became short of breath.

Life and death pill!
It turned out to be the Life and Death Pill!

Wang Liu looked at the small bottle in his hand in disbelief. He, a little appraiser, could still see the Life and Death Pill.

The Life and Death Pill, as the name suggests, can save someone's life, unless you have been dead for a few days, otherwise it can save your life.

Having this elixir in the body is equivalent to having an extra life.

For monks who have experienced various dangers all year round, this is no longer a temptation that can be described in words.

Wang Liu believed that if this news was released outside, then Linghua might be trampled by those crazy cultivators.

This time Wang Liu was no longer sincere, but directly respectful as if he was facing those hermit powerhouses of Yuanzun level.

"Please wait a moment, my lord, I need to report to the steward."

It is a pity that he nodded dispensable.

Originally, she didn't intend to take out the Life and Death Pill, but just now the senior suddenly sent her a message that the Life and Death Pill would be auctioned off, so she took it out.

Originally, the Life and Death Pill was also refined by her predecessors. With her current alchemy skills, she could not refine this kind of elixir that already contained the meaning of Dao.

Unfortunately, she guessed that this kind of elixir could only be refined when she broke through the realm of Yuan Zun!

Rao Xi is right, alchemy is also a kind of practice, most of the powerful alchemists are also first-class in their own cultivation, because without strong strength, it is impossible to refine top-level pills. It will fail during the refining process.

Sitting on the chair, Rao Xi didn't waste any time seriously looking at the books senior gave her.

And Wang Liu has already found Linghua to be in charge. The Linghua Auction in Linghua City is the headquarters. The real owner of Linghua Auction, Shuihui Yuanzun, just grasps the direction of major events, and is not seen all year round at other times.

Therefore, the steward of Linghua has a lot of power. At this moment, the steward of Linghua almost bit his own tongue.

"is this real?"

Is he dreaming now?
The Life and Death Pill, which has only appeared a few times in the tens of thousands of years of Yuanwu Continent's existence, unexpectedly appeared in their Linghua's hands like this?
In fact, Wang Liu was already a little crazy now. He carefully took out the inconspicuous purple bottle from his ring, and handed it to the alchemist who was hurriedly called over by the steward even though he didn't believe it.

This high-level alchemist affiliated to Linghua also had an expression that he didn't know how to describe, holding the bottle in fear, and gently uncorked it.

The unique taste of Life and Death Pill slowly seeped out and got into the noses of those present.

Like life is not life, like death is not death, life is life and death, life and death is life and death, that is, life and death pill.

The grain and taste of the Life and Death Pill are very unique. From the books handed down, the top alchemist who refined the Life and Death Pill said this sentence, as long as you see it and smell it, you will know it is Life and death pill, whether you have seen it or not.

And it's the same now, the three people present are absolutely sure that this pill is life and death pill!
The Life and Death Pill cannot be priced, and they dare not set a price. In the end, they can only confirm that it will be auctioned at the Linghua Auction three days later.

The steward personally came over to explain the news to Rao Xi, but Rao Xi herself was extremely calm and calm.

Because this is the elixir refined by the seniors!

There is nothing wrong with the things of the predecessors!

I have seen so many rare treasures in a small space, but unfortunately I don’t feel anything, maybe I have seen too many!

In her opinion, everyone in the Yuanwu Continent frantically sought after the things of the seniors. This is what it should be. What is there to be surprised about?
So after hearing the news, Rao Xi nodded calmly and went back to wait for the auction in three days.

 Thank you for being sad, don't come to the monthly ticket of the innocent little angel! ! !
  Thank you for the votes of the little angel who is not a bad guy, the little angel of the bright moon and the breeze ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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