I'm crazy

Chapter 151 fluke

Chapter 151 fluke
After sending off Rao Xi respectfully, the steward hurriedly sent a message to Shui Huiyuan Zun with a special magic talisman.

On the top of the West Mountain in the Yuanwu Continent, Shui Hui was discussing with his friends about the promotion of Yuanshen, when he saw the message.

"Life and Death Pill!"

Even Shui Hui, who has reached the level of Yuan Zun, can almost be said to be a reclusive expert, is surprised by the news of the Life and Death Pill. It can be seen how much turmoil the Life and Death Pill will cause if it is known by all the cultivators.

The friends around him were also surprised: "Life and death pill?"

Shui Hui directly handed the steward's letter to Feng Ning, and after a while, Feng Ning sighed: "I don't know which alchemist it is, I don't seem to have heard of any alchemist I know who successfully refined the Life and Death Pill, besides... "

Feng Ning thought for a while, "Once the top elixir such as Life and Death Pill is successfully refined, there will be abnormal phenomena, but Yuanwu Continent does not seem to have it..."

Shui Hui understood his unfinished words, "There should be no fake pills like Life and Death Pill, and it is even more impossible for an alchemist to hide it from me. Maybe this Life and Death Pill was refined in a secret realm. .”

"Feng Ning, once the Life and Death Pill comes out, let alone the spirit flower, the entire Yuanwu Continent may be in turmoil. I must go back."

Linghua is now only in charge at the level of King Yuan. If something happens or news leaks out, Linghua will have to be moved by those crazy practitioners.

After all, under the temptation of having an extra life, no cultivator will not be tempted, and few people can suppress it.

However, the Life and Death Pill is not so tempting for a cultivator like Shui Hui who has reached the Yuanzun level and is almost immortal.

Otherwise, Shui Hui might just take this Life and Death Pill as his own and complete the deal with that alchemist, so as not to let any news leak out.

Yuanzun-level powerhouses can pass directly by positioning the space, so in just a few breaths, Shui Hui and Feng Ning have already reached Linghua.

Shui Hui called the steward and handed him an invitation.

Since she doesn't plan to keep the Life and Death Pill for herself, she must maximize her benefits.

Those who need the Life and Death Pill the most, and those who have enough capital to obtain the Life and Death Pill, are Yuan Wang and above.

Yuan Zun can not use any external force to cross the thunder tribulation of Yuanshen, but can only rely on his own strength, and Yuanshen can already break the void and go to another world. Besides, there have been no practitioners in Yuanwu Continent for tens of thousands of years Passed through Yuanshen Tribulation.

Even she has lingered in Yuanzun's realm for a thousand years, so long that she even sometimes felt that the Yuanshen Tribulation was impossible to come.

In the Mansion of the Lord of Linghua City, Yu An looked at the invitation letter sent up in his hand, "Is there anything that can let me go?"

Although invitation letters would be sent to him every Linghua auction, but with his status and strength, there were very few things that attracted him.

So every time the invitation letter is screened by the subordinates, if there is something worthy of him, he will bring it up. What is it this time?
The subordinate bowed his head and said: "The steward Linghua said, please go."

In fact, the subordinates don't know what cards will be auctioned this time, and they don't know why, this time the Linghua is very mysterious. In the past, the invitation letter would state what the auction will be auctioned, but this time it didn't.

Only a word from Linghua in charge.

Yu An frowned a little, and then let go. Since Manager Linghua said it himself, he will go there.

After all, he is still the Lord of Linghua City, and Linghua Auction, as a big chamber of commerce under his city, still needs to give face, not to mention that there is Shuihui Yuanzun behind it.

And this scene is also played out in many places.

It's a pity that she waited in the inn for three days. During these three days, she didn't go out and was waiting for the auction.

When the time finally came, it was a pity to let Rao Xian stay in the inn, and then she went to participate in the auction of this Fengyun party!
"Welcome the guests."

The beautiful maid was welcoming the distinguished guests, and Rao Xi was noticed as soon as she appeared, and it was Ruan Fan who greeted her that day, and Ruan Fan immediately went up to greet Rao Xi when she saw her, and introduced Rao Xi to the auction.

It made the people in front of me a little puzzled, so I asked the maid beside me, "Who was that girl just now?"

The maid said respectfully: "Return to the guest, we don't know the news of the distinguished guest."

The person who asked also thought about it and didn't continue.

This is just a small episode, it's a pity that Ruan Fan was directly led into a closed box, but from inside the box, you can clearly see the scene below.

All kinds of food and drink were placed inside, and Ruan Fan seriously introduced the auction process to Rao Xi.

"There is a button on your seat. If there is something you like, just press the button and I will bid for you."

Rao Xi nodded to indicate that she understood.

Almost a moment later, the crisp bell rang, and a beautiful woman in red clothes appeared on the display stand below, and in front of her were the opening items and the items needed for the auction.


The sound of the small hammer hitting the table made everyone who was still a little distracted look at the stage.

But most of the people in the box didn't look at it. Most of the reasons why they came here today were because of the personal invitation of Manager Linghua, or out of curiosity.

"Welcome all guests to Linghua Auction. Without further ado, today's auction will start now!"

Kang Xiang is the exclusive auctioneer of Linghua Auction. In the past, she had to say something to warm up the scene, but the item to be auctioned today really made her unable to resist the excitement in her heart. There are not too many requirements, after all, everyone knows the attraction of Life and Death Pill.

"The first piece, the high-level martial art of breaking the sky, the starting price is 30."

As expected of the Linghua Auction, the first item alone is high-level martial arts.

Some body refiners down there are already envious. They are not those wealthy cultivators, and they also burn Yuanjing for body refinement. They don't have enough Yuanjing for the later things. This martial skill can be competed for.

"50 million!"

"60 million!"

"70 million!"

"90 million!"

Kang Xiang looked around and said softly, "Is there any further price increase?"

Seeing that no one responded, the hammer hit and the price was set directly.

Rao Xi in the box quietly waited until the things she needed came out.

There were already impatient people in the rest of the boxes.

"Is that all these things?"

"Please wait a moment, Linghua will satisfy you."

The maid beside him replied respectfully.

But the man who had obviously lost his patience didn't want to wait any longer, he got up directly and left with his subordinates.

And Yu An in the box next to him heard the movement, and said to Kong Xi, the city lord of Cisi City beside him: "Jiang Hao's temper is still so impatient."

Kong Xi smiled: "He has always been that violent."

One of Cisi City and Linghua City is in the south and the other is in the west, and the Dark Night Forest and the Land of Exile are also crossed in between. Yu An doesn't know how Kong Xi, who had a good stay in Cisi City, suddenly came to his Linghua City Come.

Although they were not interested in many of the following things, they still had patience in high positions, so the two of them waited slowly.

Many of the rest of the boxes are the same as them.

 Thank you for the sadness, don’t come to the ticket of the little angel of nothing, the little angel of the bright moon and the breeze ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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