I'm crazy

Chapter 152 fluke

Chapter 152 fluke
The people sitting below were arguing fiercely, while the people in the private room were calm.

Kang Xiang is also very aware of this situation. Although her face is very calm, if you look closely at her eyes, you can see the fiery color of her eyes.

"The next auction item, Gu Yuan Dan!"

As soon as these words came out, the people below couldn't sit still, they stared at the small bottle on the stage, wishing they could eat it.

"Gu Yuan Pill! It turned out to be Gu Yuan Pill!"

"I'm going to cross Yuanjun's tribulation recently, and when I need Guyuan Pill, I'm bound to get this bottle of Guyuan Pill!"

Even Kong Xi was a little surprised, "Linghua is really good, there is such a thing as Guyuan Pill."

Yu An smiled modestly, "The empty city master is serious, and there must be no shortage of Guyuan Dan in Cisi city!"

The Linghua Auction was held in his city, Yu An was naturally very happy with Kong Xi's words.

Kong Xi was also frank: "Although the Gu Yuan Dan is decreasing day by day, there are still a few in Ci Si City."

A few words came out to show that they would not participate in the competition for Gu Yuan Dan.

But the people below don't have the capital of these big forces. For the cultivators and warriors who are in urgent need of crossing the catastrophe, Gu Yuan Dan is what they need most now.

"600 million!"

A burly man said loudly, apparently having lost his composure.

"700 million!"

According to him, the thin man in white who was not far away also raised his voice, and the two looked at each other, both of them were firm without giving an inch.

"800 million!"

"900 million!"

In the end, the emaciated man had the upper hand and won the Guyuan Pill at a price of 900 million yuan.

Rao Xi was a little surprised. Can alchemists earn Yuanjing so much?

"You need to understand a little basic common sense."

Lin Yuan said to Rao Xi lightly in the Mingyin sword.

Rao Xi nodded obediently.

No matter what occupation it is, only if you can do it well and achieve the ultimate can you have some things, such as status, such as money, alchemists are of course very rich, but it also depends on what kind of alchemist they are, and the life of low-level alchemists is still relatively difficult of.

In the next auction, Rao Xi also bought some things, among them was a sacred tree for Lin Yuan.

Shenmu has the function of solidifying the soul, and it is suitable for Linyuan.

And finally, the climax of this auction!

Kang Xiang looked at the bottle in front of her, her breathing became short of breath, her clear face flushed obviously, and even her hand holding the hammer was shaking.

If she didn't have a little sense of reason, I'm afraid she would desperately take this bottle for herself now!
Kang Xiang took a deep breath, and used a little spiritual power to calm her down, so that she could force her eyes not to pay attention to this inconspicuous little bottle.

Apparently her abnormality was noticed by everyone who came to the auction.

Some regular customers who came here were a little worried, "Is Kang Xiang okay? It looks like she's not feeling well."

The rational person retorted: "Cultivators will not get sick like ordinary people. It should be that the next thing can't calm down even Kang Xiang, who is used to seeing all kinds of treasures."

Seeing Kang Xiang's performance, even the people in the box sat up straight unconsciously, waiting for the next thing.

Hundreds of eyes focused on Kang Xiang, and Kang Xiang took another look at the bottle, with a solemn and pretty face, facing everyone's unconsciously expecting eyes, and personally revealed the secret.

"The last auction item, Life and Death Pill!"

Kang Xiang's voice was extremely calm, so calm that everyone didn't seem to realize what she said for a while.

If the appearance of the Gu Yuan Pill just now made the scene very hot, then now, the appearance of the Life and Death Pill has completely frozen the atmosphere of the climax at this moment.

The scene was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

The teacup in Yu An's hand fell to the ground and was torn apart, and the tea was poured all over him, but now he didn't seem to feel anything, and stood upright.

Kong Xi's face that had been smiling all the time also sank, and there was a light in his eyes that no one could understand.

After Yu An was dazed for a while, he murmured, "I'm afraid Jiang Hao is going to regret it to death..."

Kong Xi didn't expect this to be the first thing in his mind, but Yu An teased him to calm down a little.

And the atmosphere below is still very heavy, as if the world is about to collapse suddenly, so everyone hasn't realized what to do or what to do.

It wasn't until there was a clear sound of swallowing saliva that the stagnant atmosphere was broken, and everyone came back to their senses one after another, staring at the bottle on the stage like hungry wolves, and some even had red eyes.

Even Kang Xiang was taken aback by this news, and then sighed: It really is the Life and Death Pill!
A young man sitting at the front pinched himself, opened his eyes, as if he was still in a dream, and said to the person beside him, "Young Master can actually see the Life and Death Pill!"

"Young master, don't be impulsive, this is not something we can afford."

The guard next to him warned, although he was also envious of the Life and Death Pill, and wanted to rush up to the stage to grab the Life and Death Pill and run away at that moment, but fortunately, the remaining reason stopped him.

Now I have calmed down slowly, this life and death pill is not something they can afford, even if they can win it, there is no life to enjoy!

The young master scoffed, "Is the young master that mentally retarded?"

Although he said so, his eyes were still fixed on the stage.

The man has quite a rich background, and he has practiced so smoothly since he was a child, without any twists and turns, and has never experienced life and death, but even a person like him who is so smooth almost wants to swallow the life and death pill.

Not to mention those who have struggled on the line of life and death, they are almost dying every time they pass the catastrophe.

Someone's spiritual power is already ready to move, and it can't be suppressed.

When he was about to lose his mind, suddenly there was a coercion, the face of the man who lost his mind turned pale, and he restrained his spiritual power instantly.

So everyone felt this coercion, the real master of the Linghua Auction——Shuihui Yuanzun!
"The highest bidder gets it!"

As soon as these four words came out, most of the people sitting below had given up, not only financial resources, but also influence. After returning to their senses, they would know that they did not have the qualifications!

Ninety percent of the people sighed. Even though those eyes were still greedily looking at the stage, it also showed that they gave up this right.

And some people's eyes were almost red with anger. Only at this time can they know more clearly how important strength is!
The people below calmed down, and the people in the box who really wanted to participate in this competition were considered to have calmed down.

"It seems that this is the real reason why Linghua asked me to come here!"

Yu An poured himself a glass of water again, using this action to make himself appear less anxious.

At this moment, how glad he was that he came here today!
 Thank you for being sad, don’t come to the ticket of the little angel~
  Thank you yang Jiujiu little angel for your vote~


(End of this chapter)

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