I'm crazy

Chapter 153 fluke

Chapter 153 fluke
After Yu An finished speaking, he looked at Kong Xi, and tentatively said, "City Master Kong has traveled thousands of miles to come to my spirit flower, isn't it just for the Life and Death Pill?"

If that's the case, Yu An's eyes narrowed slightly, and the chill surged.

It's interesting that Kong Xi, who is thousands of miles away from Linghua, knows the news that even the city lord doesn't know.

Facing Yu An's question, Kong Xi was very calm, "That's right."

He didn't lie, it wasn't because of the Life and Death Pill, but this time he came to Linghua, he didn't expect such a surprise.

The two of them didn't talk anymore, they weren't close friends in the first place, and now there was a conflict of interest, they were already enduring the fight because of the Life and Death Pill.

After most people calmed down, Kang Xiang said: "Life and death pills, there is a price but no market, the one with the highest price gets it!"

This is no low price, direct competition anymore.

After saying this, a deep voice came from the box.


The people below who were still coveting the Life and Death Pill have completely given up. Just asking the price is not something they can afford.

The lord of Yan City, Yan Yu, played with the spirit beast in his hand, and smiled faintly. The invitation letter from Linghua had almost arrived in all parts of the Yuanwu Continent three days ago, but because of the long journey, many people did not come, and a few like him were still bored. Jia walked this journey curiously, but unexpectedly got a surprise.

Almost as soon as Yan Prison finished speaking, another voice came out.

"4000 million!"

Yu An glanced at Kong Xi beside him, and joined in this invisible war.

"5000 million!"

"6000 million!"

"7000 million!"

"8000 million!"

"One hundred million!"

"One hundred million million!"

The numbers are still rising at a terrifying speed. Faced with such a competition of huge financial resources, the people below are completely helpless.

Ruan Fan looked in awe at Lai Xi who was sitting silently.

Rao Xi was sighing with Lin Yuan, "Senior is really amazing!"

When will she reach the level of senior?

Lin Yuan ignored her and fell asleep quietly in the shadow.

Yu An was a little puzzled, it has reached this level, and Kong Xi still hasn't made a move, doesn't it mean he doesn't want the Life and Death Pill?

But as soon as he had this thought, Kong Xi spoke out, and it was a one-hit kill!

"Three hundred million."

After speaking, he glanced at the shocked Yu An, "Master Yu, it's inconvenient for me to travel, so I only brought these."

Yu An: "..."

Yan Prison was startled, this voice...it was Kong Xi!

As we all know, Cisi City is one of the top cities in the Yuanwu Continent, and it is also the wealthiest city in the Yuanwu Continent, not one of them.

As soon as Kong Xi said this, there was almost no one to compete with him, and Cisi City had strong Yuanzun guards, and they, who only had Yuanjun, might not be able to protect them even if they got the Life and Death Pill.

I comforted myself so much in my heart, but I was unwilling!

Really unwilling!

It is obvious that the things in his Linghua territory were taken away by the people of Cisi City. Isn't this a blatant slap in the face?
Besides, it's the Life and Death Pill!
It was the Life and Death Pill that he might never encounter again in this lifetime!
It is the Life and Death Pill that can save his life!
Yu An closed his eyes, if he didn't really have a sliver of reason, he might let Kong Xi stay in Linghua forever.

In the end, without accident, the Life and Death Pill was taken away by Kong Xi lightly.

Money can really do whatever it wants!
It's a pity that she took almost [-] million yuan crystals away after the auction. Of course, this is actually the money of the seniors.

I can't help but sigh when walking on the road.

Rao Xi walked slowly and casually along the way, and even bought some food on the side of the road. She was a carefree fairy, and she didn't seem to notice the figure following her all the way.

Wanjin has noticed the little girl in front of him for a long time, since she entered Linghua, Wanjin has had her idea.

A little girl who is about ten years old and a little boy who is four or five years old are easy targets at first glance. Those idiots still say to observe and observe, what to observe, in Wanjin's view, they just don't know where they come from. , he thought he could only have a good time, but after following this girl for the past few days, he actually saw her enter Linghua.

The Linghua Auction is not accessible to ordinary people. Wan Jin was a little hesitant to do it, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he hadn't done a ticket for a month in a row.

Besides, with the appearance of this cheap girl, she doesn't look like a powerful person.

So Wan Jin followed Rao Xi directly, even if it was today.

When Rao Xi entered a small alley, Wanjin had a smile on his dirty face, God helped him.

Rao Xi turned around and looked at the short, disgusting man in front of her.

"What do you want to do?"

Rao Xi continued to eat her candied haws.

What a little fairy who is not stained with the world!

Wan Jin rubbed his hands, and took two steps towards Rao Xi, his cloudy eyes stared at Rao Xi, his yellow and black teeth disgusting Rao Xi couldn't eat anymore.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, brother song will make you comfortable! Come here obediently, come to brother's side!"

He stared at Rao Xi, a pair of black and dirty hands unconsciously grabbed a handful of pants that he didn't know what was stained and couldn't see the fabric. All the words spit out.

Wan Jin slowly approached Rao Xi, looking at Rao Xi's fair and delicate face, a strong obscenity flashed in his muddy and disgusting eyes.


It's been a long time since I ate such a good food. It's not common for outsiders to have it, and it's even more uncommon for those little girls who are good-looking but have little ability.

Wanjin thought of the little girl he had tasted two months ago, she was really white, so white and tender, when he grabbed her, she cried and made noise, unfortunately, she was not treated as a rag by him in the end I used it, and threw it to other people, and finally buried it in the ground, who knows.

Now, Wan Jin looked at this Rao Xi who was prettier than that bitch, and felt that he couldn't bear it any longer.

Wan Jin rushed forward, but the expected scream did not come, Wan Jin only felt an inexplicable pain all over his body, and when he looked again, Rao Xi was already behind him.

"Come out!"

Rao said to the soul body that was so transparent that it could no longer be seen.

A white shadow floated out lightly. It was a very cute little girl, but her face was very pale, and the original white dress was also stained with blood.

Wanjin looked at the figure in front of him in horror, isn't this the bitch from two months ago?

Why is she here?
Wan Jin touched the magic weapon in his neck that never left his body, and with trembling fingers, he found that the magic weapon was broken.

Rao Xi flicked his fingertips lightly, and a burst of abundant spiritual power entered the figure of the soul body in front of him. The soul body suddenly became more abundant, and it didn't look like it was about to disappear.

"Go! Do whatever you want."

Hearing this, the already dazed soul body's eyes turned red, and the blood on his body seemed to move with consciousness. The soul body turned around and rushed towards Wan Jin, who could not move at all.

 Thank you, little friend, how are you, little angel, and yangjiujiu for your tickets*^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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