I'm crazy

Chapter 160 fluke

Chapter 160 fluke
Obviously it was too late.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I don't blame Yu Yao for being weird, it's really a pity that the current posture is too...

Rao Xi held the sword in his right arm and lifted it above his head, raised his left leg to stick to his upper body, and stood on only one right leg, with his left hand still behind his back, grabbing the clothes at his waist.

It is really……

"Are you practicing?" Apart from this, Yu Yao couldn't think of any other explanation.

Rao Xi is so speechless, she is so tired that she can't even utter a word. After the sentence just now, senior asked her to stand in this position, and most importantly, senior, she sealed her spiritual power Ahhh!
If it wasn't for the fact that her spiritual power hadn't been sealed, she wouldn't have a problem even standing there for a day, but now she was all supported by her own physical strength.

Now if there is a little bit of external influence, she will definitely fall down.

So, Rao Xi could only signal Yu Yao to leave her alone with his eyes.

Unfortunately, there is no such tacit understanding between Yu Yao and Rao Xi.

Therefore, Yu Yao stepped forward and observed Rao Xi's ecstasy posture closely and curiously. Rao Xi screamed like a pig in her heart, but her face still showed no expression.

Just looking at it is not enough, "Hey, how did you come up with this pose?"

Yu Yao stretched out her sinful hand, and slowly approached Rao Xi, whose eyes were about to pop out.

"Stay away from me!"

Yu Yao didn't see Rao Xi's eyes, so she only heard a "bang". Before Yu Yao could react, she saw that Rao Xi had fallen to the ground.

The outstretched hand has not been retracted yet, facing the regretful and condemning eyes, Yu Yao's outstretched hand grabbed the air a little awkwardly.

"Miss Ben suddenly remembered that she still needs to practice calligraphy. Miss Ben is leaving first."

The culprit bounced away, regretting that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Because at the moment she fell to the ground, the senior said via voice transmission: "Start again."

These four innocent words show that the hard work that spared three hours to succeed is in vain...

It's a pity to start all over again from the beginning.

Finally ended today's "torture" before dinner.

Chengfeng's enrollment will officially start tomorrow, and Rao Xi packed up his things tonight, and discussed with Rao Xi, planning to travel together tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the two of them and Rao Xian arrived at the gate of Chengfeng Academy.

There is a huge stone standing at the door, and the word Chengfeng written with a sword on the huge stone is domineering and eye-catching.

The two came a bit late, because they had a meal after getting up in the morning, so when they came, there was already a very long queue at the door.

"When will this be scheduled?"

Yu Yao was still dressed in red, and felt irritated looking at the endless line.

Although the cultivator has spiritual power close by, and the cold and heat are not invading, but so many people must wait for a long time, thinking about it this way, I feel a little annoying.

Rao Xi comforted her: "Wait slowly, who made us come late, if we knew we would not eat in the morning."

Unexpectedly, Yu Yao raised her eyebrows, "No, you can queue up, but you can't eat without food!"

"That's it."

So take your time!

When they finally arrived, they put their hands on the test stone one by one to test their aptitude. In this first pass, many people were wiped out.

There are so many people in Yuanwu Continent, but not many can practice.

Once the first level is passed, the second level is immediately followed, the illusion.

【Master, I found that it seems that all apprentices have to go through these procedures. 】

Either testing aptitude or refining the mind in an illusion.

"Because it's the basics."

It is also the most suitable.

For Rao Xi who has lived in a small space for five years and was "taught" by Linyuan until now, the illusion is easy to pass.

She thought she would have to wait a little longer, but she didn't expect Yu Yao to come out not long after she came out.

"Look at your eyes, why, don't you believe in this lady's strength?"

Yu Yao flicked the long whip, but Rao Xi didn't dodge it. Sure enough, the long whip passed by, and it didn't hurt Rao Xi at all.

Rao Xi stepped forward and said with a smile: "It's really unfair, I never thought about it that way."

"Hmph!" Yu Yao poked her neck, "This time I will forcefully forgive you."

The two continued to wait for Rao Xian outside the illusion, and after a while, Rao Xian who was holding the fox also came out.

Chengfeng's test only has these two levels. Once they pass the two levels, someone from Chengfeng will come and give them the wind card of Chengfeng Academy.

The Wind Pai is a wooden board, as long as a drop of blood is dropped on it, the student's information can be recorded. After Chengfeng's tutor led them to handle everything and got acquainted with Chengfeng, I regret that Rao Xianyu Yao coaxed three As soon as he was a fox, he returned to Yu Yao's home.

Enrollment will officially start tomorrow, and from tomorrow onwards, they will live in the academy.

That is to say, the official Chengfeng student.

After dinner, it was rare to be able to fall asleep, so I walked out alone and sat on the eaves looking up at the vast starry sky.

The sky is full of stars, some bright and a little dim, all shining with their own brilliance.


Rao said softly.


"Senior is still the same as before." The indifferent and cold person is not like a mortal, and that's right, the senior should be the moon in the sky and the snow in thousands of mountains.

If she suddenly became enthusiastic about her, maybe she wouldn't get used to it.

It was a pity to take a sip of wine. She had never drank alcohol before and thought she didn't like drinking alcohol, but in the small space, she was lucky enough to drink the Fuyin of her predecessors. It's a pity that the wine in Yuanwu Continent is not one ten thousandth of that of Fuyin.

"Senior, when are you leaving?"

It's a pity that he said inadvertently.

"do not know."

She hasn't gotten tired of staying in this plane yet, and Lin Yuan doesn't know when she will leave, maybe soon, maybe very slowly.

"Oh." Rao Xi put down the jug, silently stopped talking, and only focused on looking at the stars hanging in the sky.

After a long time, a word came softly, "Senior, before you leave, can you tell me?"

There was no voice to respond, just when Rao Xi thought she would not be able to wait for a response, a faint word came into her ears: "En."

Xingzhu moon slant bead dew heavy, the Milky Way flowing water is also west and east.

The night tonight is really beautiful.


I don't know how many thousands of years later, Rao Xi said to Rao Xian with her messy hair that had been struck by lightning, "Xianxian, my sister is waiting for you."

Rao Xian hugged and coaxed, "Don't worry, sister, I will work hard to practice."

Rao was caught off guard when the thunder came, and she was so strong that she was caught off guard. After the thunder passed, there was no buffer period, and she felt a great repulsion. Unfortunately, she almost didn't even have time to cast a cleansing spell.

In a blessed place in the Demon Realm, Changfeng and Pei Yi are taking care of the flowers and plants of the drunken dream. After the master fell into a deep sleep, they did not let other creatures, including the fox clan, enter the drunken dream. For ten thousand years, they have personally done everything about the drunken dream.

On this day, the two of them were tidying up the flowers and plants, and they felt a strong spiritual turmoil.

"Hey, where is this?"

Rao Xi looked at this place that looked like a fairyland, and exclaimed: "Is this the upper realm? It's so beautiful."

It seems that her Voidbreaker is worth a lot.

Changfeng Peiyi looked at the inexplicably appearing person in front of him, his eyes turned cold, and the natal swords all unsheathed.

"Who are you?"

Rao Xi also noticed the strange aura the next moment after watching the scenery, his face was serious, the two strong men had an extreme sense of crisis.

With Ming Yin in her hand, before Rao Xi could make a move, she saw the handsome two in front of her and said in awe, "Master!"

Rao Xi: "...Huh?"

 Huh~ This plane is over, let’s sprinkle flowers~
(End of this chapter)

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