I'm crazy

Chapter 161 Sweet Pet

Chapter 161 Sweet Pet
【Master, we're in the sweet pet article! 】

"Oh." Indifferent tone as always.

As Kunlun Mirror said, this is a sweet pet article.

The heroine Xia Yizhu is an ordinary girl in everything. The only thing that is not ordinary is that she is admitted to University A by virtue of her outstanding character, and she is in the same school as Cao Shihua, the high school student she has a crush on.

While the male protagonist seems indifferent, in fact, he secretly likes the female protagonist in his heart, and then it is the happy ending of a happy life after various things and various passers-by assists.

Of course, this is the original plot. Later, after all kinds of provocations and separations by the reborn girl, the living sweet pet article was turned into a sadomasochistic love story, and finally it was a Bad Ending.

And Lin Yuan is now the reborn reborn girl Yu Ting.

She almost sorted out her thoughts, well, the quilt is very warm, she will sleep a little longer.

The Kunlun mirror didn't bother Linyuan anymore. This plane doesn't have anything for the master to do, so it's equivalent to a leisure plane, although the master has turned every plane into a leisure plane.

"Get up, come and eat." Before Lin Yuan fell asleep, someone was already knocking on the door.

Lin Yuan turned over a little irritatedly, and got up from the bed without grace at all.

Lin Yuan washed up, and when she got downstairs, Yu Ting's parents were already waiting.

"I get up so late every day, and sooner or later I'll sleep like a pig, so don't hurry up and eat breakfast."

Seeing that Lin Yuan finally came down, Xiang Ting signaled to the servant next to him to bring it up earlier, Yu Jian put down the newspaper in her hand and started to eat breakfast too.

Although it is a wealthy family, the Yu family is not as messy as other wealthy families. Yu's father is career-minded but will also find time to spend time with his family and his wife. Yu's mother is also a charming girl who grew up in a wealthy family, but she loves family and loves housework. , even though Yu's father doesn't let Yu's mother do heavy work now that he is getting old, Yu's mother will still play with some flowers and plants by herself.

The two are very complementary, and there has never been any quarrel for decades. Maybe there is no love between the two, but the family relationship does exist.

"After eating, go to school quickly. You haven't attended class for a few days. By the way, the driver will not come tonight, and Qi Zheng will pick you up."

The Yu family did not have the rule of not talking when eating or sleeping, so it was relatively relaxed at the dinner table when only the family members were around.

While eating, Yu's mother said to her daughter who didn't let her worry.

The Yu family only has one child, Yu Ling. Yu's father and Yu mother are planning to let their daughter find a son-in-law to help her take care of the business. This person is hard to find. After observing for so long, I only found Qi Zheng, the second son of the Qi family. suitable object.

As soon as the name Qi Zheng came out, Lin Yuan remembered the hidden plot.

No wonder Yu Ling was so crazy after being reborn.

Qi Zheng is a gentle and refined man, and he is also a university professor. He is a perfect ideal person, but this is only in front of outsiders, but he is actually a pervert.

He pretended to be very good on the surface, and he also had an appearance of deep affection for Yu Ling. Everyone was deceived by him, and he didn't show his true colors to Yu Ling until after he married Yu Ling.

He turned out to be a murderer who raped and killed more than a dozen girls!

Qi Zheng is a professor of psychology who is proficient in various psychological problems. Coupled with his outstanding appearance, it is easy to deceive innocent girls in the ivory tower. In this way, he used emotional offensive to make many girls feel good about him. When they were in the deepest, they carried out brutal and inhumane killings.

Until Yu Ling accidentally discovered his body hidden in the freezer, Qi Zheng gave everyone a perfect impression. In the original plot, the male protagonist Shi Hua was also caused by Qi Zheng's inexplicable contact with the female protagonist Xia Yizhu. The male lead's vigilance was exposed by the male lead for his crime, and he was sentenced to death directly.

And Yu Ling, who discovered Qi Zheng's crimes in the original plot, of course, will not end well. She was directly imprisoned by Qi Zheng, with all kinds of torture, abuse and psychological hints. Unless necessary, it is impossible for Yu Ling to get out. Even when going out of the room, Qi Zheng accompanied him all the way.

Yu's father and Yu's mother thought that they had a good relationship, although they were a little puzzled why their daughter was a little strange, but they didn't think of this at all, after all, Qi Zheng's image is so good.

Yu's father and Yu's mother didn't know until Qi Zheng's crimes were exposed by the hero. At that time, Yu Ling had already been tortured to death by Qi Zheng. Yu's mother died of a heart attack when she heard the news of her daughter's death. Watching over his wife and daughter suffered a lifetime.

Yu Ling, who was reborn after being tortured by Qi Zheng for several years, has already had a mental breakdown. No matter how calm he looks on the surface, he is also rotten inside.

It is normal to be blackened by Xia Yizhu and Shi Hua's sweet and happy life.

Normal is normal, but what Yu Ling did was still wrong, after all, the heroine and heroine are innocent.

Understanding and tolerance should not be confused.

Understand your pain, but cannot tolerate your crime.

Lin Yuan put down his chopsticks and asked all the servants to go down.

Then he explained about Qi Zheng to Yu's father and Yu's mother.

"Ling'er, is what you said true?" Yu Jian put down her chopsticks and said seriously, her previously gentle face now also had a hint of chill.

Yu's mother was trembling while holding the chopsticks. She couldn't imagine that if what Ling'er said was true, then her daughter...

At this time, Yu's father and Yu's mother were looking at Lin Yuan seriously, waiting for her explanation.

"It's true. I accidentally saw it when I went to his house."

Although the time was wrong, it was indeed Yu Ling who saw it.

Yu's father immediately said: "Ling'er, don't contact Qi Zheng any more during this time, study hard, and I'll send some bodyguards to protect you."

Yu's mother also nodded, these things are too terrible for her, a woman who has been spoiled since she was a child, and what makes her heart tremble even more is that it is her daughter who almost experienced these things.

Lin Yuan nodded "obediently", and handed over the matter to Yu's father.

In the original plot, it was because Qi Zheng's disguise was too deep, and the Qi family and them were family friends, so they knew each other well, and Yu's father didn't even think about investigating Qi Zheng, so this tragedy happened.

Now that Yu's father knows about this, with Qi Zheng's means, he can't beat Yu's father, who has been up and down in the mall for decades, and the Qi family is not as strong as Yu's family, even if he wants to save Qi Zheng, it is impossible.

And as far as what Qi Zheng did, she believed that no one would protect him at all.

The demon god Linyuan has always used the smallest effort to solve problems. If this kind of thing is placed in a brain-dead TV series, I am afraid that the strong, brave and kind heroine uses her as bait to lure the pervert, and after a lot of hardships and obstacles, the criminal finally gets it. He deserved the punishment.

Of course, the heroine's personality is truly beautiful, and this kind of kindness is valuable and rare, but her method may not be suitable.

Only in TV dramas can criminals be punished with the aura of the protagonist, which obviously cannot be done in reality.

This is why it is said to be a brain-dead TV series. This kind of drama even has some unhealthy plots that will affect some adults, let alone most minors.

 Hahaha, the title of this plane has nothing to do with the content????
  Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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