I'm crazy

Chapter 162 Sweet Pet

Chapter 162 Sweet Pet
After her daughter left, Mother Yu showed her fear, "Husband."

There was a faint crying sound in the words, and looking at Yu's mother, she was already trembling all over, and her eye circles were even redder.

She wasn't afraid of Qi Zheng, but she thought that because of her negligence, her precious daughter would almost encounter such a thing, and she felt that she was about to faint.

Yu's father stretched out his hands to hold Yu's mother's hand, held it tightly, then let go and hugged her, comforting her softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't let our daughter get hurt."

After comforting Yu's mother, Yu's father immediately asked his assistant to investigate Qi Zheng.

"Check it carefully for me, don't let it go!"


Lin Yuan is sitting in a car worth several million, and there are also tens of millions, but Yu's father thinks that he is still a student, so there is no need to be so high-profile, so Yu Ling is not allowed to drive a car worth tens of millions.

Yu Ling didn't die by accident or because of physical reasons, she gave up her own life, and the moment she was reborn, she realized that her spirit was not right, and it was impossible to recover in this life, her life was ruined.

So when Kunlun Mirror made a deal with her, she voluntarily gave up her life. The only request was that her parents could enjoy their old age in peace.

"Miss, the school is here." The driver parked the car, opened the door, Lin Yuan got off the car and went directly to the dormitory.

She looked at today's class schedule. The third year's classes are very busy and there are not many classes, so she went to the dormitory first.

Yu Ling doesn't live on campus, and of course it's the same when she changes to Linyuan now. She can't get used to the dormitory, which is an apartment for at least four people unless it is a postgraduate apartment.

Although she doesn't live on campus, there is still a place for her in the dormitory. University A has no shortage of dormitories. Even if she doesn't want to live after her sophomore year, the original place in the dormitory is still vacant.

Lin Yuan pushed open the door, and there was only one girl, Wen Nan, in the dormitory. Wen Nan was like her name, Wen Wen Jing Jing, who was the flower of the Chinese Department.

"Yu Ling, you're back!" Wen Nan was reading with a book, and put it down when he saw Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was still holding a large bag of snacks bought by Yu's mother, and Lin Yuan, a snack lover, brought them directly from home, and she randomly took out a bag and handed it to Wen Nan.

"What about the two of them?"

The remaining two people in dormitory 5023 are a scumbag, Gao Ling, and Qian Xiao, who likes handsome men.

Wen Nan took the snacks, and brought a chair over for Lin Yuan to sit down, "They're going to buy food, I'll call them now and ask you to bring one?"

Lin Yuan waved his hand, "Don't, I'm not used to the food in the cafeteria."

Wen Nan smiled, very beautiful and demure.

The three of them knew that this roommate's family was in good condition as early as the beginning of school. Although the three of them were not rich and powerful, at least they didn't have any financial crisis, so although they didn't know each other very well, they didn't engage in any kind of exclusion from the dormitory. .

People's memories are always fragmented, walking on the road, Lin Yuan is still thinking, what should she do if she finds that her bed is full of things after she enters the door, and the things she put in the dormitory have been used?
The closer she got to the dormitory, the clearer this memory became, so she couldn't use the slapping tricks she had thought about all the way.

After all, Demon God Linyuan was a bit boring.

"Hey, Wen Nan, guess what we know?"

Before anyone came in, the loud voice had already come in through the door.

Holding the lunch box in both hands, Qian Xiao kicked open the door of the dormitory with his feet. He always had such a rough style of painting in the past, and Qian Cai didn't feel any embarrassment.

But today, after kicking open the door, she saw Lin Yuan sitting gracefully on a chair eating snacks, she suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed.

Don't ask her why she is still elegant while eating snacks. Some people are really like this. No matter what they do, the demeanor in their bones will always exist.

"Uh!" Qian Xiao stood still, subconsciously wanting to raise his hand and scratch his head, but only after feeling the weight did he realize that he was still carrying a lunch box in his hand.

"Little, what's going on? Why are you blocking the door?"

Seeing that Qian Xiao had been standing at the door for a long time without moving, Gao Ling couldn't help asking. She was holding a lunch box in one hand and a kettle in the other!
Qian Xiao, who came back to his senses, immediately stepped aside to let Gao Ling in. After Gao Ling entered, he closed the door with a whirlwind kick.

Then I also saw Lin Yuan sitting on a chair with an elegant posture. The difference between Gao Ling and Qian Xiao was that she was not embarrassed by Qian Xiao, and she was acquainted.

"Hey, Yu Ling, you're back, it's just right, the rice we just bought, come and taste it."

Put down the meal and get busy immediately.

Too enthusiastic, even though Lin Yuan didn't eat in the end, but few people didn't care.

The three of Gao Ling opened the lunch box and started to eat, and Lin Yuan was also eating slowly with her snacks.

"Continue the topic I just talked about, by the way, what did I want to say just now?" Qian Xiao chatted with everyone enthusiastically while eating.

Wen Nan kindly reminded: "You said what you know."

Gao Ling already knew what happened. To prevent spoilers, he kept silent and concentrated on eating. Lin Yuan stood aside as a qualified melon eater.

Qian Xiao put down his chopsticks and put his hands on the table, "Come on, everyone, come closer."

Wen Nan and Lin Yuan approached a little more understandingly.

The next moment, Qian Xiaohong's voice was heard.

"Ahhh, my male god was kissed by someone!"

It was only after Qian finished speaking that he realized that no one responded, "Hey, why didn't you respond?"

Facing the accusation from his roommate, Wen Nan said calmly: "Xiao Xiao, you have too many male gods, I really don't know which one it is."

As a lover of beautiful men, Qian Xiao changed his male god in almost three days, screamed for the male god several times a day, shed tears for the male god once in five days, and broke his heart for the male god again in half a month.

In this high-frequency mode, it has to be said that Wen Nan has become accustomed to all kinds of sand sculpture performance art created by Qian Cai because of her many male gods.

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, seemed to be a little familiar with the plot.

"My male god these days is Shihua!"

"Oh." Wen Nan suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be him, what did you just say?"

Qian Xiao wronged and complained: "Nannan, you are too much."

Wen Nan smiled quietly, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it in Qian Xiao's bowl, Qian Xiao then laughed, and then enthusiastically explained what happened to them.

When Lin Yuan heard Shi Hua's name, he already thought about what was going on, and understood where her sense of familiarity came from.

This is where the drama begins.

The male lead, Shi Hua, relied on his outstanding appearance, and became A's school girl and a man of the hour as soon as he entered A, while the female lead stayed quietly in her Chinese department and was familiar with the university environment, secretly liking the male lead. host.

So, the familiar scene came, the heroine accidentally fell down, and was hugged by the hero who happened to pass by, and then, the two kissed very pink and bubbles together.

So, as expected of a sweet pet article, it was full of dog food at the beginning!
 Thank you for not being a bad guy, little angel, thank you, little friend, for your vote ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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