I'm crazy

Chapter 164 Sweet Pet

Chapter 164 Sweet Pet
Although she is very familiar, she is not familiar with everyone. From the first time she saw her in the dormitory just now, she felt that she wanted to get close to her.

But why didn't I feel this way before?

Forget it, you don’t have to think about the places you can’t figure out.

Qian Xiao's natural optimism made her quickly put this strange feeling behind her.

Something happened when the four of them walked together to the school gate.

"Look, it's her, it's her, the girl who stole my god's first kiss." Qian Xiao whispered to everyone.

By the way, he gestured to the girl in the shirt and jeans in front with his eyes.

Wen Nan glanced at him casually and then looked away. It's not very polite to keep staring at him.

"Quite cute."

Qian Xiao snorted, "My god!"

It looked like he was going to commit suicide the next moment.

"It's okay, in a few days, you will have a new male god." Gao Ling seriously "comforted" Qian Xiao's hurt young and fragile heart.

Sure enough, within a few days, Qian Xiao's male god changed again.

"Xiao Xiao, why didn't you go to see your little Shihua male god today?" Gao Ling sat on the bed and looked at Qian Xiao who was busy making up.

"Lingling, don't mention Shihua, okay? I want to be 'congliang'!"

OK, the last deal is done.

Qian Xiao put down the eyebrow pencil, then took out a pair of small and exquisite earrings and put them on the pierced ears.

Gao Ling on the bed had a comprehending expression, "Look, what I said, I knew you were only interested in Shihua for 3 minutes, and you said you weren't, and you wanted to love him forever, so that's a slap in the face." ?”

Wen Nan, who was reading a book on the table, smiled and said nothing when he heard the conversation between the two, and the live treasures in their dormitory were about to start again.

Qian Xiao turned around and faced Gao Ling with a rare serious expression, "Grandma, I begged this time, can I not say this in the future?"

"Yo, what's wrong with you little one, have you changed your gender?"

Gao Ling was really surprised at this time. Although she teased Xiaoxiao for changing male gods very quickly all day long, she also knew that this was just a hobby of hers, and she was not qualified to question other people's hobbies. It's just joking, but she has a good sense of proportion.

Qian Xiao himself knew better that his hobby was beautiful men. This is no different from everyone's hobby of food and sports, and it's just a small hobby of his own.

He didn't hurt anyone, and Qian Xiao usually just licked the picture of a beautiful boy, and couldn't help shouting a few times when he saw it.

She also never thinks that there is anything hidden about her hobbies, let alone avoid them talking about it.

What happened all of a sudden today?

Wen Nan closed the masterpiece he had read halfway through, and said hesitantly, "Xiao Xiao, you won't be dating, are you?"

It looks really suspicious.

Qian Xiao hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, will I tell you if I'm in love? Now it's just my one-sided crush, don't you know if it will work?"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and thought: "I don't know what kind of girl he likes?"

"Woo, this huge stinky sour smell!"

Gao Ling clutched her chest and fell on the bed. At this moment, her exaggerated acting skills before seemed so real.

"Heaven! You are so unfair. This young lady wants to have good looks and a good figure. She is a jade tree facing the wind. She is suave, unparalleled in the world, peerless, and the most beautiful woman in the world. How come no one chases after her?"

Qian Xiao rolled his eyes and ignored her, Wen Nan carefully cooperated with Gao Ling's drama syndrome.

"Lingling, if you take back your Two-dimensional heart, you can definitely get more than one boyfriend."

Gao Ling widened his eyes, looked at Wen Nan as if he was facing a class enemy, stretched out his right hand, and said to Wen Nan with his palm: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, Two-dimensional is my life, my male god and husband That's enough, I don't need those poor, heartless, disgusting, scumbag, and ugly boyfriends at all."

The joke is that the novel is not good, or the anime is not good, or the radio drama is not good, so she is not angry to chase the real person!
The idols these days have no gold content at all, and they are also accompanied by the risk of collapse from time to time, which is really not worth it.

"Haha, that's enough, so you don't need to envy Xiaoxiao at all." Wen Nan said softly.

"Of course I know, I'm just talking!"

Gao Ling blinked her eyes, acting coquettish and cute.

This made Lin Yuan, who was silently eating melons on the bed and watching, sigh: Girls are really the cutest creatures in the world.

"Hey, speaking of which, let's have a tea party!"

Finally got her own Qian Xiao suggested, although she won't go out today, but she has an appointment tomorrow, so she needs to familiarize herself with her attire when she meets the male god tomorrow.

Gao Ling, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, naturally agreed with both hands and feet. Linyuan didn't care. Wen Nan would not reject them in such matters, so this "simple" tea party began like this.

"Well, the first question to discuss, what kind of boys do you hate the most?"

Since it started with Gao Ling, then Gao Ling will preside over it.

Qian Xiao took the lead and said: "I'll come first, as the so-called lustful, as a face control, of course I don't like ugly boys, character is another discussion."

Gao Ling smiled and said: "Don't be so frightened, this is a small tea party in our dormitory, and it's not a meeting of the Three Kingdoms, just talk about it!"

Qian Xiao was really aggrieved, "Wow, Lingling, you don't know! I'm going to be scared by the lunatics on the Internet now, even if you say anything casually, you will be scolded. I just said that day that I don't If I like someone, I will be scolded. I feel weird, I don’t like someone, so I can’t say it, can I? Besides, I didn’t say it in front of the boss or under the scumbags. That’s not to watch their discussion So, I just said a word, and they chased me and scolded me, so that I have to add a sentence to everything I say on the Internet. This is just a personal point of view. Such similar words. Alas!"

Qian Xiaozhen was so angry and bitter that she wanted to vomit, but Gao Ling, who talked about her sadness, immediately comforted the "mentally fragile" Xiaoxiao for a while.

Then signal to continue.

Wen Nan said softly at this time: "I don't know about this, maybe it's because I haven't encountered it yet."

Lin Yuan just said two words lightly: "mentally retarded."

"Okay, let me tell you, what I hate the most is that kind of guy, that kind of top-notch guy!" Gao Ling began to explain her point of view.

"I don't know if you've watched that TV series. I'm obviously a dick. I still have the cheek to ask here and there. I think I'm something. I'm really drunk."

After speaking, he rolled a big white eye.

"Okay, the next question is, have you ever liked anyone?"

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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