I'm crazy

Chapter 165 Sweet Pet

Chapter 165 Sweet Pet
Wen Nan was the first to answer: "No."

These emotional issues are too simple for her.

Lin Yuan hugged a bag of snacks, said while eating: "No."

"Hey!" Gao Ling sighed a little bored, "There's none of this! It seems that there are still too few good boys, and there are simply no ones who are attractive."

After talking about it, I clicked a little bit, it is indeed the case!
The boys portrayed in novels and anime are so perfect, so affectionate and so good. After watching too many characters like that, who would look up to people in real life!
There is nothing comparable to her male gods, and they are all unsightly shortcomings.

She turned her eyes to her last hope, Qian Xiao, hoping that she would not let her down.

Careless Qian Xiao suddenly became shy at this time, "I haven't 'loved' anyone, but didn't I just say that I have someone I like now."

Wen Nan looked at Qian Xiao with a smile on his face, like a caring sister.

Lin Yuan continued to be her background board, eating melons in silence.

Gao Ling was expressionless, and seriously refused: "That's enough, I don't want to eat your one-sided dog food. If we have the ability, let us eat the authentic, hot, double-sided one."

"It's you, not 'you'." Lin Yuan, who had been serving as the background board, said a word at this time, and it turned into a knife in an instant, piercing Gao Ling's heart.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the Great Demon King, with a quick kill!

"I'm going to die! Don't save me, let me die! I can't stay in this dormitory anymore."

The tea party is in full swing, but the tea party, the tea party, how can you do without food and drink.

"I almost forgot. After talking for a long time, I haven't prepared snacks for everyone." Gao Ling said with a smile.

Lin Yuan said directly: "I have snacks."

Wen Nan declined: "We all ate a lot of your snacks."

"Yes, yes!" The remaining two agreed.

"It's okay, I'm not short of money."

KO! ! !

Spike! ! !

Well, since the boss has said so, is there still a need to be polite?

That is of course impossible! ! !
"I want chocolate!"

"I want spicy fries and potato chips!"

"I want shredded squid and donuts!"

"Ah, can I have all of them?"

"Fuck you, of course it's impossible!"

Then, after a while, the three of them held a large bag of snacks and a bottle of drink at hand, which was kindly sponsored by Wen Nan.


Gao Ling picked up the drink bottle and raised it high, "Cheers!"


Although you can't touch it, the sense of ritual is already full.

"Okay, then continue with our tea party."

After taking a full sip of the drink, Gao Ling put down the bottle and said, "The ultimate invincible question of serial calling the big universe, do you think you will fall in love with anyone in the future?"

Whether this question is difficult or not, it depends on the individual's thinking.

Lin Yuan, the Chaos Demon God, said first: "No."

"Wow, is it so straightforward? But what if? Yu Ling, how do you know that you won't like someone in the future?"

Qian Xiao asked back.

"Not in case."

The indifferent and clear voice gave the answer to everyone in the next moment. The quiet voice and light tone gave people the feeling of being extremely convincing, as if what she said was right, and her words were the will of the gods, which made people worship the existence.

Qian Xiao, Gao Ling, and Wen Nan blinked, and this inexplicable feeling disappeared immediately, and they didn't even realize it.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Ling answered her own question, "Me neither, I can't imagine that I would fall in love with someone."

Wen Nan thought for a while, and answered the same answer as the first question, "I don't know, I haven't encountered it before, and I don't know if it will be."


Qian Xiao was about to speak, but was interrupted "sternly" by Gao Ling, "Shut up, you don't need to say anything."

It's Xiu Enai again, really, don't you know that Xiu Enai dies quickly?

"I really want to kill you!"

Gao Ling gave Qian Xiao a sad look, which made Qian Xiao's eyelids twitch.

Pleasant tea sessions passed without attention for hours.

Lin Yuan has gone to college for countless times, and he is very comfortable with college life. He doesn't need to think about the future of graduation, work, and the like, and lives an extremely leisurely life.

And during these leisurely days in Linyuan, Father Yu finally found out something.

"Chairman, these are all the information of the person you want me to check."

The assistant stood next to Yu's father, looking at Yu's father flipping through the documents in his hands without arguing, feeling terrified in his heart.

In his position, he always has to deal with or see some things, but such a mad and pretending harmless and innocent person is only seen in movies and TV dramas.

Father Yu directly ignored the basic information in the front, and turned to the back to see what he needed to know.

But in 3 minutes, I finished reading these things.

"Okay, you go down."

Father Yu said calmly with a blank face.

It wasn't until the subordinate closed the door that Yu's father's expression gradually changed, and his brows and eyes were stained with violence.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Father Yu kicked the table over, and Father Yu pulled his tie, almost unable to control the hostility in his heart.

He couldn't imagine that he found such a person for his precious daughter. He almost...almost pushed his daughter into hell with his own hands.

Simply unforgivable!
Father Yu controlled himself, picked up his cell phone and made a call. He had to make this inferior thing pay the price.


Xia Yizhu looked at the photos on the phone, his eyes softened unconsciously.

Secret love is a sweet thing, but it is also accompanied by a little bit of pain. She has already thought that it is good to just look at him from a distance, but maybe people are greedy, and after getting closer and getting a little bit, Want more.

"Xia Xia, what are you looking at?"

Roommate Ni Haiqing leaned closer and said.

Xia Yizhu quickly put down the phone, covered the screen of the phone on the table, and said with an unnatural expression: "It's nothing."

Ni Haiqing winked, "Oh, it seems that our Xia Xia is thinking of spring! I'm going to become a lonely family again."

"Nothing." Xia Yizhu gently pushed Ni Haiqing, "By the way, I'll bring you whatever you want to eat tonight."

"Look, look, I knew you were going to do this trick again, since you cannibalize people with a short mouth." Ni Haiqing pretended to be profound.

"Forget it, let's go out to eat tonight." Ni Haiqing packed her things and looked for suitable clothes.

"Ah! Why?"

"I'll go, Xia Xia, you are so busy and silly. Tonight is the New Year's Eve party. Let's go and watch it after dinner! I heard there will be a big show tonight."

Ni Haiqing couldn't believe that Xia Yizhu even forgot this.

Xia Yizhu nodded embarrassingly. She was indeed very busy. Her studies, part-time jobs and many other things occupied her body and mind, and she forgot to hold their new year's welcome party in the auditorium tonight.

But, "What does an orientation party have to do with going out to dinner?"

Ni Haiqing said angrily: "It doesn't matter, I just want to find an excuse to go out and have a meal, why, are you going or not!"

Squinting his eyes, as if threatening, Xia Yizhu raised his hands in surrender, "Ok, go, go, I was wrong."

"That's fine, by the way, let me tell you in secret, tonight is Shihua's performance!!!"


 I feel that my writing is not good at all. Didn’t I get a recommendation from Hongxiu the day before yesterday, but the next day I found out that the favorites were still in single digits: one favorite ⊙﹏⊙, I’m afraid there will be no recommendations in the future, woo woo woo, Cry T﹏T.Bah, bah, bah, this is absolutely impossible!
  Thanks to the red-sleeved book friend 15666563344090908 for the monthly ticket of the little angel~ (I don’t know if I made a mistake, haha ​​^O^)

  Thank you, little friend, little angel for your tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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