I'm crazy

Chapter 169 Sweet Pet

Chapter 169 Sweet Pet
In Linyuan's indifferent tone, Gao Ling gradually calmed down. Although the tears could not be stopped for a while, they were not as crazy as before.

Sitting on the bed, Gao Ling's shoulders trembled, and there was an obvious trill in his voice.

"Aren't I watching an anime these days, that anime is called "The Prince of Tennis"."

Seems a little familiar.

【Master, I just watched the anime about playing tennis. 】The Kunlun mirror tried hard to remind the master in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Yuan was slightly impressed.

Kunlun Mirror continued to work hard, [Master, Yukimura, Yukimura Seiki! 】

As soon as the name came out, Lin Yuan immediately remembered it.

Gao Ling continued sobbing and said: "I didn't like the protagonist team at first, and the motivation to support me to watch is my boss. Who would have thought, who would have thought, that my boss would lose in the end! Woooooo..."

"Although... hiccup... although I also know that the protagonist will win in the end, but I'm so fucking uncomfortable! It's too much, how could my master lose? It's really a fucking retarded author!! !"

Following Gao Ling's words, Lin Yuan turned over the memories of tens of thousands of years ago.

The protagonist of this anime has a heavy halo, of course, Lin Yuan has seen even heavier ones in real life.

They were obviously not as strong as their opponents, but along the way they beat opponents who were stronger than them and could even crush them.

What makes people speechless is that whenever the protagonist is about to be defeated by the opponent in the end, the team of the protagonist who has been beaten to residual blood can recover blood instantly, and then "biubiu" defeats the opponent.

Really, I don't know what to say.

Do you think this is playing a game?
Without blood, can you use a skill to instantly restore blood?

There is also a scene that Lin Yuan deeply remembers is the battle between the captain of the protagonist team and the ice emperor captain.

Obviously, the captain of the protagonist team wants to fight. Sports competition is blood-boiling and dangerous. Doesn't he know that he is injured?

He has to play and fight. Sports competition is a competition, not a game. Of course, the enemy will fight against your weaknesses. In order to win, this is an extremely fair thing.

But one side of the protagonist's team clamored about "despicable and shameless" and "too much".

What else can people say?
Ice Emperor mean?Well, isn't it not mean to just stand there and let your captain win?
He clamored that his opponent was despicable, and didn't look at what he had done. In several games, the official players were not all there, and in the end, an imposter who was not even a reserve player was replaced.

If it wasn't for the fact that their opponents didn't care about them, they wouldn't even be eligible to participate in the competition.

This so-called protagonist team is really disgusting.

Gao Ling's tears had stopped, but her eyes were completely red.

"My lord is the biggest cannon fodder here. He is obviously a 'son of god', a 'son of god' who has never been defeated. In the end, the author arranged some shit for the lord so that the protagonist can defeat the lord. Well, I stopped talking on the field [-] days after my surgery, the thing that made me the most fucking angry was what the protagonist said to my master."

Gao Ling slammed the bed hard, "He even said that the reason why my lord lost was because my lord didn't play happy tennis!!! Bullshit happy tennis!!!"

As he talked, Gao Ling was so excited that he seemed to want to kill the author.

"My lord regards tennis as his own life. Wouldn't the lord who can say that tennis is his own know that playing tennis is happy? I don't even know how to slow down if I'm so fucking farting. I want to find a reason to let my lord Do you need to be so perfunctory to lose?"

"I... I... I feel sorry for my lord! Woohoo, he is so proud, he lost for such an inexplicable reason, how uncomfortable he must be!"

The tears that had stopped originally began to flow again, Gao Ling was really sad, she just felt that her heart was about to break.

People who don't like Two-dimensional will never understand this feeling. They don't understand why they feel happy, angry, sad and happy because of a paper figure. They just think they are too hypocritical and boring.

Gao Ling would not quarrel with such a mentally retarded person who doesn't even know respect, and she has never said these words in front of unfamiliar people.

Qian Xiao and Wen Nan were at a loss, they had never seen Gao Ling so sad.

Qian Xiao walked up to Gao Ling and hugged her gently: "Don't be sad! I'll contract breakfast for you this month, okay?"

Gao Ling cried, "No way!"

Qian Xiao patted her on the back and said, "Didn't you like that dress for a long time? I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

"You...Are you serious? Hiccup!" Although she was still sad, she could still hear the benefits delivered to her door very clearly.

Qian Xiao: "...Really!"

"Okay, then it's a deal, hiccup!"

Qian Xiao, who suffered a heavy loss, patted Gao Ling lightly with a sulky face before letting her go.

Wen Nan helped her forehead, and also breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over, and if she continued crying like this, she was worried that Gao Ling would cry and break her body.

After Gao Ling uttered a series of words, Lin Yuan didn't say anything immediately, but waited for Gao Ling to calm down before speaking.

"do you know……"

As soon as Lin Yuan's words came out, Gao Ling immediately turned his head and stared at Lin Yuan. Although his emotions had gradually calmed down, the aggrieved feeling in his heart still existed, and it would not go away for a while.

Lin Yuan was sitting on the chair, tapping the table with her fingers lightly. It was obviously a simple wooden chair, and she felt like a ruler in the world in a matter of minutes.

"Since you will use that funny way to make your master lose, it proves that he is already so strong that even the author can't do anything."

Gao Ling was stunned, the meaning of Lin Yuan's words was very clear.

The usual normal loss is not unreasonable at all, it has already reached the level of absurdity, and in order for the protagonist team to win more reasonably, the author has no other way to arrange such a situation.

Yu Ling was right, her master was so strong that even the author had to make concessions for it.

A normal and simple loss is not convincing at all, so I tried my best to create such a disease and the so-called reason for happy football!
Right, that is it!

My lord is undefeated, anyone who has watched anime can know his strength, no matter how hard the author tries, he will never be able to cover up the strength of my lord!
Gao Ling cheered up as if he had been beaten suddenly, wiped away the remaining tears on his face, then turned on his computer and started typing.

She wants to let people know how much this fucking anime wants to be scolded, and let everyone know that her master is the best!

Qian Xiao was a little speechless, looking at Gao Ling who seemed to have taken stimulants, spread his hands and said: "Oh, it seems that my clothes and breakfast were given for nothing."

Having said that, her relaxed expression was clear, and it was obvious that Gao Ling was in a better mood and she no longer worried.

The turmoil caused by an anime character is over.

 Speaking of the anime "The Prince of Tennis", it's a pain in my heart. When I was young, I didn't know anything, and I thought the protagonist was awesome. But when I look back at this anime when I grow up, I just want to scold my mother. What kind of shit is this!
  Did you not see this passage????
(End of this chapter)

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