I'm crazy

Chapter 170 Sweet Pet

Chapter 170 Sweet Pet
Campus life is very comfortable, usually just go to class, or sleep.

Anyway, Linyuan doesn't need to worry about working after graduation.

And just last night, Father Yu had a chat with Lin Yuan.

"Ling'er, you are now a junior, are you willing to join the company to help?"

Yu's father is very peaceful. On the one hand, he still has the ability to let his daughter take over the company in such a hurry. On the other hand, he also considers that his daughter has never systematically studied managing a company, and even his major is completely incompatible with company management. Chinese language and literature.

But after what happened to Qi Zheng and Lin Yuan expressed to Father Yu that he would no longer get married, the company will definitely be handed over to Lin Yuan in the future.

So Yu's father thought it was about time, while he still had the strength, he wanted to raise his daughter well, even if he couldn't expand the territory, at least he could keep it going.

He didn't want his daughter to starve to death as soon as he took over the company.

Lin Yuan didn't want to accept trouble so early at all, but thinking of Yu Ling's last wish and Yu's father's age, he finally agreed.

However, "Dad, I can go directly to the management, and I don't want to work hard from the grassroots."

Those who need to start from the grassroots are those who are not capable or prestige enough, and need to accumulate contacts and experience.

But the Yu family's business itself was created by Yu's father, and Yu's father has absolute control. Besides, with the ability of the demon god Linyuan, he has to start from the grassroots. I'm afraid this is not a joke?

People who are really capable and have capital will never choose to start from the grassroots. The structure is too small. For decision makers who need to control the direction of a company, not only is it not a good way, but it is also a waste of time.

Father Yu was a little surprised, but he still agreed to Lin Yuan.

Although it can't be seen on the surface, it is actually easy to feel that Yu's father is also very precious and doting on this only daughter.

"Okay, then Dad will arrange it for you, but this is also a big test! Our daughter shouldn't cry and ask Dad to make the decision, haha."

Father Yu laughed out loud, joking with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan also slowly spread a smile, "No."

No one can bully the Demon God yet!
So, beyond Yu's father's expectation, Lin Yuan conquered the hearts of almost all the employees in the company just a few days after entering the company.

Even the board members who usually rely on the old to sell the old and stubborn are full of praise for his precious daughter.

This really startled Yu's father, but he immediately felt very proud, as worthy of being his Yu Jian's daughter, really a tiger father without a dog daughter, hahaha!
So, Yu's father had another thought.

"Ling'er, let's discuss it. Look, do you want to take Dad's seat by the way?"

This is what it means to abdicate to the virtuous.

Although Yu's father is passionate about his career and likes the feeling of running in the mall, he is old after all, and he doesn't usually spend time with Yu's mother. Now that his daughter is so powerful, his plan may come true.

"Do not."

The tone of firm refusal!
It is not easy for Linyuan to help Yu's father handle affairs in her junior year, and it is absolutely impossible for her to take over the company directly.

"Well, alas, the daughter doesn't love her father anymore."

Father Yu said "sadly", his back that was straight just now hunched over in an instant, and he seemed to be wiping away his tears.

But the ruthless Lin Yuan was unmoved, and in the end the matter had to be let go.

Yu's father comforted himself, at least his daughter has already helped her half of the help now, and only by being content and happy can he last for a long time. Yu's father, known as the "fox" in the mall, is very measured.

My daughter is already lazy, so I can't be in a hurry, otherwise everything will be cold, and my daughter may not even be able to help with half of the work.

Therefore, after school, Lin Yuan would occasionally spare a little time to deal with company affairs. Although the time was really only a little bit with her ability, it would inevitably make Lin Yuan feel a little annoyed.

It was another boring ancient Chinese class. After sleeping on the stomach for a class, Lin Yuan, Qian Xiao, Gao Ling, and Wen Nan headed for the restaurant outside the school.

The few people in the dormitory are not short of money, and the food in the cafeteria is really too much to eat, so they will go outside for a meal every few days.

This time is determined by Lin Yuan's time, that is, as long as Lin Yuan wants to eat at school and not go home, then they will go out to eat together.

"From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult!"

Qian Xiao looked up at the seemingly incomparably delicious food on the table and sighed.

Gao Ling sneered: "You still have time to go out now, we will definitely not stop you."

Wen Nan smiled when he heard the words, and put food for everyone.

Lin Yuan seldom talked in the past, and now facing the delicious food, he didn't even want to talk.

"That's right, have you heard?"

In the middle of the meal, Qian Xiao, who had an extremely strong heart for gossip, spoke.

Wen Nan shook his head, Lin Yuan focused on the delicious food in front of him, only Gao Ling said: "What's wrong? What beautiful man did you see again, or you and your partner are married? Or are you separated?"

Qian Xiao glared at Gao Ling, and said angrily: "No success, no points, still in the ambiguous period."

Wen Nan was a little worried: "Xiao Xiao, how many days has it been, you..."

She wants to say that the boy is not playing with Xiaoxiao!There are too many scumbags and scumbags in society now, so she couldn't help but not worry.

Seeing Wen Nan's expression, Qian Xiao knew what she was worried about, and comforted her: "No, it's just that we haven't talked about it yet."

"Oh! That layer of window paper hasn't been pierced yet." Gao Ling shook his head, understanding very well.

"Hey, hey, he obviously wanted to say something else, but why did he talk about me again!" Qian Xiao hurriedly stopped Gao Ling who was about to speak again.

"Let me tell you..." Little Qian moved his head forward and said furtively, as if he was plotting something important.

"My exclusive news, Shihua and Xia Yizhu are together!!!"

The expression on Qian Xiao's face was a mixture of excitement, lewdness, doubt, and a hint of melancholy.


Lin Yuan, who finally had enough to eat, opened her mouth and immediately attracted Qian Xiao's attention. She turned her head to Lin Yuan's direction and said excitedly: "Yes! My male god is out of order!"

"The male god who left the single is not your male god, is it?"

Gao Ling, who was very aware of Qian Xiao's "urinary nature", taunted him.

Gao Ling said confidently: "Of course, the male god who has left the single is naturally not a male god."

She is very picky!

Her male god should not only be good at poking her, but also have talent and more importantly, good character, but he knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart, let alone such a person who can't be touched, so for the character of this On the one hand, it is not easy to pay attention to small money.

The most important thing is that her male god must be single, and if he is not single, he is not her male god.

After all, if she is single, it's normal for her to lick the screen or flirt, but once she has a partner, it's a bit embarrassing to do this again.

Although he likes beautiful men, Qian Xiao, who is very rational, has always kept his sense of proportion very well.

"Kunlun, how is the relationship between the hero and heroine?"

Lin Yuan was rarely curious.

[Master, the relationship between the hero and heroine is very good. 】

Kunlun Mirror was also very surprised, the hero and heroine of this plane were not at all like those who were mentally retarded, brain-dead, or convulsed.

"Not all darlings of the plane are brainless."

This plane is also quite fun.

(End of this chapter)

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