I'm crazy

Chapter 171 Update

Chapter 171 Update
# Is it greatly updated today? #

This topic was once again the hot search in the third star province.

The comments below are pitiful and pathetic!
"My abyss has not been updated today!"

"In my lifetime series, can I still live to the day when it is greatly updated? My God!"

"As the Gugu tribe with the shortest lifespan in the interstellar world, I implore all of you long-lived bosses to burn the entire book to me on the day when the big one ends, I am very grateful!"

"As the Crystal Clan with the longest lifespan in StarCraft, I don't think I can agree to your conditions, because I don't even know if I can wait for a big update!"

"We grudges are the poorest readers in Interstellar, bar none (>_<)!"

"Upstairs, shut up, if you let Da Da hear this, you will really never see updates in your life!"

"Upstairs, where are these new readers? Let me give you some science! Our Abyss is not the kind who will compromise with threats and lures. Abyss can only be held, understand? Anything that will cause a big Don’t even say a word of dissatisfaction, otherwise we will be the ones suffering!!!”

"I remembered that "Emperor" again..."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , my Bai Yueguang has been greatly cheated just because of one sentence

"New here, I also like "Emperor", can you know why?"

"Upstairs, although I want to complain that you are so lazy, you don't even bother to search for this, but we complain that we have no great love and can only rely on each other, so I will give you some popular science."

"It's like this. The original "Emperor" was well written. Although it was written in ten days and there were five days of interruptions, it was at least better than writing "Chaos" which was written in ten days and nine days. We have all the grievances They are all chasing the changes carefully, and from time to time go to the big star network to vomit rainbow farts, begging for big, but unfortunately..."

"What a pity, tell me quickly, I'm so anxious!"

"Don't worry, an impatient person can't be a good reader at all, not a qualified complainer."

"I just drank some water, come on, let's continue. It was a dark and windy night, and I was in a good mood and sent a post, [Screenshot.JPG] Said that she would finish my White Moonlight "Emperor", but I don't know where the fucking brains came from! Ah! Speaking of this, I'm so fucking angry now..."

"Huh? Why is the person missing again?"

"Ah! I'm sorry I drank too much water and went to the toilet."

"Upstairs is the human race!"

"Oh! I am, the largest proportion of our readers should also be of the human race, let's not talk about that topic, let's continue, it is a brain-dead who is definitely a black fan, commenting under the star status, such an unprofessional author It's also rare, why hasn't it been sprayed to death yet? [Screenshot.JPG] Coincidentally, this comment was seen by Da Da. Said that she had abandoned the pit. 【Screenshot.JPG】”

"Damn it, I really want to kill that bitch!"

"As long as it is resentment, I want to kill that mentally handicapped person!"

"The "Emperor" is really my white moonlight! But it was because of such a reason, it was such a fucking reason that I was cheated! I am definitely not talking about Da Da, I am just fucking scolding the one who commented under Da Da Retarded!"

"Yes, that idiot is definitely a black man! It's just jealous of our big status, jealous that we have so many grievances for a year!"

"Although in the end we directly reported and blocked the retarded star network, but my "Emperor" will not come back!"

"Hey, don't talk about this topic, at least now you won't be abandoned for such a fucking reason."

"Yeah, this kind of abandonment due to external factors is really the most annoying!"

"So, when will the big "Devil God" be updated?"




"...Ahh! Who knows!"

The bitter and pitiful readers can't express their deep grievances to their lovely big ones, so the editor of Abyss is pitiful and sad.

Who told her not to perform her duties well, I don't know how to ask you to write more, hum!
Sese sat on her office chair, looked at the courier that had just been brought in by the service robot on the table in front of her, and took a deep breath.

Colleague Bei Meng also came in with a courier. She looked at Sese with a solemn expression, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, Interstellar Express will not accept dangerous things."

Thousands of years later, the earth has entered the interstellar era, and the interstellar era with highly developed civilizations in the universe is very peaceful.

After all, resources are abundant and sufficient, and after there are no conflicts of interest, there will be very few wars.

In addition, the exchanges between various star provinces are recorded in light years, who would spend huge resources to attack other stars when they are full and have nothing to do.

The third star province where the earth is located is a relatively small province under the Freedom Alliance. The third star province is inhabited by human species and human-like species. Although there are fewer residents than other star provinces, as an independent and The birthplace of splendid civilization, the development of the third star province is still very good.

After entering the interstellar era, technological civilization is highly prosperous, and almost 80.00% of jobs can be replaced by robots, and residents who are unemployed at home account for a very large proportion.

In order to reduce interstellar chaos, the Liberty Alliance government encourages the development of the entertainment industry to enrich the spiritual world of residents.

To put it bluntly, it is to find something for them to do, but don't cause trouble to the management of the alliance government because there is nothing to do every day.

So in the interstellar era, the entertainment industry is highly developed, such as movies, animation, games, novels and so on.

And because the resources of the universe are so abundant that they are inexhaustible, and the alliance army is tirelessly developing them, even though most of the residents have no jobs, life is not a problem at all.

The alliance government will even subsidize the residents through various channels, that is, sending money. It can be said that living in the interstellar age, the ideal of sitting and eating and waiting to die is completely achievable, or someone else will help you realize it, and you don't need to spend a little effort on your own.

When it comes to novels, an author must be introduced here—Abyss.

Abyss is the god in the hearts of novel lovers in the third star province, the kind that has been extolled as a god.

Of course, since it is only a god in the hearts of novel lovers, it is not a real god, so although there are so many fans all over the third star province, and even a large number of fans in other star provinces, there are still many black fans.

After all, even if it is a god, not everyone loves it.

And Sese is the editor of the author Abyss, the kind who has been wanted countless times by fans.

It's a wonderful thing to have a great god, not to mention the kind who attracts so much money that she can laugh at night when she sleeps.

But the hobbies of this great god is to break the update and abandon the pit, which makes the editor want to cry to death in the author's house.

 Thank you for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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