I'm crazy

Chapter 178 Update

Chapter 178 Update
Ke You stood up from the chair, picked up the "Emperor" on the table, and lightly stroked the extremely textured book cover.

"I'm worried about my reputation. In the final analysis, I'm a mortal. I'm worried about my reputation. I'm worried that I won't meet so many expectations. I'm worried that people will say that I ruined a masterpiece."

He put down the book and said firmly to Rui Bai: "But my worries are not worth my resignation! If you just give up without giving it a try, you are really incompetent, and I am sorry for all the years of hard work."

"If it doesn't work in the end, so what. I have worked hard and I have paid. I never agree with those who say that if hard work is not enough, then it is better not to work hard. It is still possible to work hard. If you don't work hard, there is absolutely no way." Any possibility. The works of Abyss will not be destroyed just because they are photographed by me, the works are still there, so..."

Ke You smiled faintly, and a small dimple appeared on his delicate face, "I will work hard."

He gently put the chair down and walked out the door with ease.

Rui Bai looked at the door quietly, as if in a daze, but there was a look in his eyes that was not there before.

In the end, she gently flipped through the black-covered "Emperor" on the table, and opened her own notebook.


[Master, there is a cosplay in Mile City today, do you want to go and see it? 】

Mile City is the city closest to interstellar civilization in the third star province. The development of civilization is very prosperous. Almost every year there are cultural activities such as COS, fashion show, and auction.

This kind of large-scale event, even the interstellar people who are already lazy to a certain level will go out and have a look.

The Kunlun mirror saw that its owner had been stuck for a few days, some of which were too lazy to write, and only one or two days were stuck, but this did not prevent the Kunlun mirror from using this as a reason to persuade its owner to go out.

Lin Yuan put down his slender, fair fingers on the keyboard, turned off the computer and went out to Lishi.

The speed of the airship was very fast, and it took a few minutes to reach another city. Linyuan got off the car and walked to the COS center.

It was like entering a different world when you first entered.

Obviously, the COS in the interstellar era is much more advanced than it was a thousand years ago.

The entire center layout looks like a fantasy world, in which there are three thousand miles of icy white snow, the hell of red lotus karma, the holy and pure heaven, and the beautiful scenery of wide-sleeved long skirts.

Almost all the beautiful scenery in Interstellar can be seen in the center.

Moreover, the center uses extremely expensive space folding technology, so it is possible to arrange so many beautiful views in the center that does not look very large from the outside.

【Master, Mile City is so rich! 】

Kunlun Mirror was also a little surprised when looking at these, Lishi really made the best of the money.

Lin Yuan was wearing a simple black dress, and as he walked slowly, there were swords, lights and swords honed in the bloody storm.

"Never underestimate the power of civilization."

After a thousand years, who can be immortal?
Only civilization survives forever.

The convention and exhibition center also specially arranged a food court, but it was almost at the deepest point. Linyuan walked and watched, and walked through a quiet path, and then came to a themed COS exhibition.

She took a look at the familiar clothes of the cosplayers, and moved her eyes lightly to see the words on the screen.

Fengyue Literature Network author Abyss "Magic God" COS exhibition

[Master, master, is your work COS! 】

The Kunlun mirror flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness, hidden the mirror body and surrounded Linyuan.

The gold content of this exhibition is very high, which can be seen from the clothes on COS.

Not the mastic clothes of the interstellar era, but a very original handmade finished product.

Even thousands of years ago, the price of handmade clothes was very high, not to mention the interstellar world where there are very few handmade clothes.

It seems that they are all rich cosplayers.

Perhaps it was because of Lin Yuan's focused gaze, the two girls standing not far away slowly came to Lin Yuan's side, and one of them, a cute little girl in Lolita clothes, smiled and said, "Sister, you are here too Did you come to see Abyss Da Da’s cosplay?”

Before Lin Yuan could speak, the cute little girl started "twittering" again in a low voice.

"Abyss is amazing! Her work COS exhibition is almost the best in the exhibition center. I originally planned to participate in Dada's work COS exhibition, but something happened suddenly, and I promised one before, so it was too late. , fortunately there will be a big cosplay in the future, otherwise I will regret it to death! By the way, sister, which book do you like the most?"

After speaking, he opened a pair of big eyes and looked at Lin Yuan, like a baby who hasn't grown up yet.

"I like all of them."

Linyuan gave the little girl her answer.

"Ah!" Tong Xin exclaimed in surprise, if it wasn't for the dress, she would have jumped up.

"I knew that I am so good, anyone who has seen my works will like her. Sister, let me tell you, I also like every one of my works. Like "Chaos" and "Emperor" Well, there is also the recently serialized "Magic God", I really like every one of them!"

Tong Xin held her face in her hands, with starlight in her eyes, and fell into her own fantasy and longing again.

Her friend looked at her dotingly from the side, and stood quietly watching her talk to Lin Yuan, her body was subconsciously protecting her.

Lin Yuan didn't say a word, and he still felt a little satisfied when he heard his little fan girl praise him so much.

After a while, the childlike heart came out of the beautiful fantasy, and the look in the eyes suddenly dimmed for some reason.

It wasn't until Lin Yuan heard what she whispered at the corner of her mouth that she understood why the sudden excited confession turned into a little pitiful.

"Speaking of "Devil God", I thought that the update has been discontinued for almost two months so far, and I don't know when it will be updated! We are really anxious to death!"

"By the way..." She walked to Lin Yuan's side and looked at Lin Yuan expectantly: "Sister, are you chasing big serials?"

Some readers will not follow the serialization, because it is more difficult to follow up the serialization, so generally speaking, they will choose to read the book after the book is finished.

But for the author, I still hope that the cute little angels can continue to serialize.

Because writing on a stand-alone computer is really painful, without the encouragement of the little angel, the author will lose motivation, thinking that no one will read it anyway, so he abandons the pit.

For the author, every little angel who pursues the article is a treasure and needs to be carefully cared for.

Therefore, these cute readers who really love the abyss hope that more people will like their own novels and follow their own novels.

Although, chasing the text of the abyss is really hard! ! !

Even the little girls who are loyal fans of the abyss want to look up to the sky and sigh, if they don't update, they will cry to death, and they will die!

Lin Yuan is very confident about this question: "Chasing."

If the author does not follow the serialization, no one will follow the serialization, especially the author who writes one chapter after another.

(End of this chapter)

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