I'm crazy

Chapter 179 Update

Chapter 179 Update
Tong Xin's eyes became brighter.

"Wow!" A big smile bloomed in front of Lin Yuan.

"On behalf of us, I complain and thank my sister for following up!"

Holding the skirt with two white and tender hands, they performed an elegant court etiquette to Lin Yuan.

"You're welcome."

There was also a little more smile in the dark pupils, and in an instant, it was like the melting moonlight soaking in the lake and mountains, and it was like the pure white and flawless on the snow of Tianshan Mountain.

"Sister, what do you think the content of the next chapter will be like?"

Perhaps it was because Lin Yuan gave Tong Xin the courage to answer several times although concisely, and Tong Xin was able to "chatter" cutely in front of Lin Yuan.

In fact, at the beginning, she didn't dare to come forward to strike up a conversation with the elder sister in black dress, because this elder sister seemed to have an indifferent personality.

But she is also talkative, but unfortunately her little sister doesn't like to read her big novels, she has no one who can talk.

I also noticed that my sister was standing here, and thought that it might be her big reader who came forward.

Now that the conversation has started, it is natural to have a good chat.

"You said, will the Phantom Sound Demon God die? Probably not. Although my Phantom Sound Demon God is not very good at fighting, he is definitely full of scheming and resourcefulness, and he is also good at escaping, so he should be able to survive!"

Tong Xin enthusiastically discussed the plot of the book with Lin Yuan, a fake book fan, and the real author, and the friend next to her was not impatient at all, and quietly accompanied her.

Lin Yuan thought for a while before recalling the plot of the previous chapter. It's not her fault, it hasn't been updated for almost two months, and she also forgot where she wrote it.

Huanyin is one of the three thousand demon gods, good at illusion and sound attack.

However, his fighting skills were not highlighted. Every time he met the other three thousand demon gods, he relied on his good hiding ability and escape ability to escape.

The book "Devil God" written by Lin Yuan is about the Three Thousand Demon Gods of Chaos.

There is no distinction between protagonists and supporting roles. Since they are three thousand demon gods, each has its own characteristics and advantages.

In fact, the chaos is boundless, and she cannot know the abilities of all the demon gods, etc. However, when Linyuan finally died of chaos and the beginning of the flood, it may be that Dao didn't want the three thousand demon gods born in chaos to be annihilated in the flood. middle.

Lin Yuan got a photo, a photo of all the deeds of the three thousand demon gods.

Including the way of birth, their natural abilities and their personalities.

This photo was left by Dao, so naturally it will not perish. Lin Yuan put this photo in Zixiao Palace, 33 days away from Hongjun, in the depths of chaos.

As the Taoist ancestor, Hongjun's residence is the safest and most suitable.

Before Lin Yuan put the photo in Hongjun's residence, she used her spiritual sense to read it, including the three thousand demon gods who died under her hands, she knew very well.

This is why this book almost shocked the entire interstellar world when it was released.

In the third star province alone, where the earth is located, after thousands of years of civilization evolution, it is not so clear what happened thousands of years ago, not to mention that what Linyuan wrote was the chaos of an unknown number of epochs ago.

The people in the third province were almost going crazy, and the status of the abyss reached its peak after the publication of the book "Devil God".

Although the people in the interstellar era know that novels are just novels, they are all fake, especially with the development of science and technology, materialism has ruled the entire universe.

But this doesn't stop them from liking "Devil God"!

Think about it, how many epochs ago, in the dark and chaotic period, the three thousand demon gods, each with their own charm, were displayed in front of your eyes one by one.

No one can resist this feeling!

Even the absolute technological race that has been developed for tens of millions of years can't refuse, let alone the people of the third star province.

This book is not yet finished, but it has already been enshrined in the gods!
Although she has almost forgotten where she wrote, she still remembers the final ending of the phantom sound very clearly.

Lin Yuan said with a bit of a bad taste: "The phantom sound will die in the next chapter."

Tong Xin was surprised and forgot to answer, her mouth became O-shaped.

"It's impossible." His head shook like a rattle.

"How could my Phantom Sound Demon God die so easily, sister, how could you guess like that?"

Although I was very resistant in my heart, but I don't know why, it seems that what the sister in front of me said seems to be true, just like she said whoever will die, whoever will die.

"Woo!" He shook his head vigorously, and when Tong Xin wanted to discuss with his sister again, after reversing his sister's guess, he raised his head and found that there was no one in front of him.

"Hey! Where are the people?"

Tong Xin looked around, but she didn't see the sister in the black dress.

The friend who had been with her all the time said at this time: "It's gone."

"Hey, I still want to talk to that sister again!"

"Okay, let's go too, the COS is over."

Tong Xin was shocked, "What! It's over, I haven't watched much time yet!"

The friend flicked her forehead, "Who made you addicted to chatting and can't help yourself, have you forgotten me completely?"

Tong Xin covered her forehead and smiled flatteringly: "I was wrong, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

Linyuan wandered around the center for a while, and after eating a lot in the food court, he returned home.

Then I made a cup of tea for myself, the mist of the clear tea floated faintly in the air, enveloping Lin Yuan's face, and the corner that I occasionally saw through the mist was extremely glamorous.

Put the tea on the table and turn on the computer.

【Master, do you want to write? 】

It's really rare that after playing around outside, the owner is still interested in writing.

With a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Yuan opened the document and said softly, "It's rare to be a little interested."

The Kunlun Mirror trembled inexplicably.

Tong Xin returned home after having dinner with her friends, and she quickly took off her gorgeous and complicated Lolita costume.

After taking a shower, he took some snacks, poured a glass of drink, sat comfortably on his big bed and started to turn on the terminal.

Great Resentment No. [-] Star Network Room

"Children's innocence: I went to see the COS exhibition in Lishi today! The COS exhibition of my big work is really amazing!!! [Screaming.JPG]"

"Tututu! Say the important thing three times! Hurry up, I want a picture! I haven't updated it today, I'm going to die of hunger and thirst!"

"Ask for a picture! Lovely heart!"

"Children's innocence: cry T﹏T, I forgot to take a picture. [I was wrong.JPG]"

Tong Xin feels depressed and uncomfortable when she thinks of this, why did she forget to take a picture?
Ahhh! ! !
I'm really going to be pissed off!

After tidying up her mood, Tong Xin continued to stare at their room on the No. [-] star network of the Great Resentment.

Sure enough, the following are all "condemning" her!
 Thanks to the little angels of medicine and little angels of Lingyuan for their votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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