I'm crazy

Chapter 183 Update

Chapter 183 Update
"Feng Qian, I heard that you promoted "Emperor", why?"

Ye Yi stepped on ten-centimeter high heels. Although high heels are not friendly to women's bodies, because of their beauty, even in the interstellar era, some women still like high heels.

Wen Fengqian, who was sitting on the sofa with nail polish on, didn't raise his head and said, "There's no reason, I just don't want to act."

Ye Yi frowned, "Feng Qian, "Emperor" is a masterpiece, I believe you have heard all kinds of news and hot searches about it, I don't agree with you pushing it."

Wen Fengqian didn't care about it: "This year is no longer the era of IP popularity. You can see that so many so-called big IPs were finally filmed without even causing a disturbance. Besides..."

Speaking of this, Wen Fengqian's eyes flashed contempt, "I heard that the director is a young boy who just graduated, what kind of movies can he make?"

Ye Yi still wanted to persuade her again, she was very optimistic about the popularity and potential of "Emperor", "But, the name of Abyss..."

As soon as the name came out, Wen Fengqian immediately interrupted her.

"Sister Ye, I don't want to take this."

Seeing Wen Fengqian's firm expression, Ye Yi sighed slightly, "Okay, then what do you want to do next?"

Wen Fengqian blinked and tilted his head: "Isn't Director Li's new play in preparation? The script has also been sent, right? I'll just shoot this."


Facing Wen Fengqian's innocent yet threatening gaze, Ye Yi swallowed what she was about to say.

"Sister Ye, how is it? Has Sister Wen changed her mind?"

The assistant leaned beside Ye Yi who had just come out, and asked softly.

Ye Yi shook her head, and the assistant exclaimed, "Ah! How is it possible?"

For such a good work, anyone can see that it has a high chance of becoming popular. It's fine if Sister Wen herself rejects it once. Unexpectedly, even Sister Ye personally persuaded her to not change her mind.

Ye Yi patted the assistant on the shoulder, signaling her to go down to work, the assistant noticed Ye Yi's expression, nodded obediently without asking any further questions, and went down to continue working.

Ye Yi stepped on her high heels and made a crisp "da da" sound.

The artist under him picked up a more powerful financial backer, and wanted to dump her, a useless "past" person!
She does know why Wen Fengqian didn't accept this drama.

Before they signed the contract, Wen Fengqian also wrote novels on Fengyue Literature Online, but his writing skills were not good, and he happened to meet Abyss, the supreme god who was born out of nowhere, so he was miserably abused.

In fact, this has nothing to do with the abyss of others. After all, even if there is no abyss of others, there are so many great gods and small gods in Fengyue. It is almost impossible for you, a little transparent author with nothing, to get ahead.

And Wen Fengqian didn't look for reasons on himself, but hated Abyss because Abyss was the most popular author in Fengyue at that time.

He was wronged in the deep abyss, he wrote some novels without doing anything, and because of his good writing, he was sought after by fans, so he was hated by Wen Fengqian.

Could it be that excellence has become the original sin now?
Ye Yi really couldn't understand Wen Fengqian's thoughts, and she didn't know what to say to ruin her own Qingyun Road just because of her jealousy that had nothing to do with other people's parties.

Now that Wen Fengqian has found a better benefactor and is divorced from her, it seems that she can make a plan or two.

It took a few days to revise the script, and even dug up the memory of who knows how long ago to give the film and television version of "Emperor" an ending.

As for the book version, let's keep it!
After sending the script to the editor Thurse, Lin Yuan stretched his waist. He was really exhausted these days.

So by the way, those little angels who change their ways to urge updates every day are more and more "unpleasant".

Abyss: Re-urge the pit text.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was wrong, I was wrong, write slowly, I'm not in a hurry o>_

"Big brother, please don't be so cruel⊙﹏⊙"

"We dare not, never again!"

"That's right, Da Da, I don't dare to know the law and break the law again."

"I said, isn't it an author, or a plagiarized author, are you crazy?"


"Die the plagiarism dog!"

"...Should I be direct? Or..."

"Resentment and Ai Yuanyuan: The sunspot from the previous year is here again this time, let's start working!"

"Sister Ai is domineering, so calm and calm. So, fuck me, you mentally retarded, ×#≮∑≠∮, fuck, shameless, haven't been scolded enough, since you feel hungry Already, this time my sister wants you to eat your fill!"

As soon as Fantou opened his mouth, all those who were on the star network and those who were not notified to come up on the star network fought against these sunspots.

Originally, I thought that this battle would be resolved soon, but I didn't expect that there would be more and more black people, and they would curse people when they came up, and it was the kind of ugly that made people want to put shit on their mouths after hearing it.

But where is the huge number of fans of Abyss, even if the sunspots are aggressive, they will not have the upper hand in the face of resentment.

All grievances are aware that this is a premeditated black.

Big Resentment No. [-] star network room, Resentment Ai Yuanyuan is assigning work to all the old fans.

"Resentment and Ai Yuanyuan: We can all see that this is definitely caused by some fucking shit, we must not let it go on like this, we don't care, we care! My mother must let them kneel down and admit their mistakes! "

"Sister Ai is right, let's do it! Damn it, if I let my mother know what it is, I will kick his balls to pieces."

"What if there are no eggs?"

"Then tear up those rumor-mongering mouths!"

"Resentment and Love Yuanyuan: The technical team, go search what's going on and find evidence; the combat team, try to scold them all over the place without using dirty words, you are fighting on the front line, don't If you care about those things, he is ruthless, even more ruthless than them; the big group, see if you can suppress this news, if not, stop the news from spreading further, and minimize the impact on Da Da; Bring it up, don't let these things get dirty!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"


"Resentment and love Yuanyuan: The fucking mother hates this kind of method the most. It's like a stinky ditch mouse. It doesn't have any skills. It's okay to stain the clean people with mud. They don't fucking peel their bodies. skin, break their bones!"

"Yes, if you spread rumors, you will lose your legs when you refute the rumors. If you say that the author plagiarized without proof, the author will not be able to wash it off even if you jump into the Yellow River. Even if you prove that you did not plagiarize, there will always be people who will use this to attack you. Literally, it hurts the cervical spine, causes all kinds of diseases, and it’s too damn much to be treated like this.”

"It's better now. Although there are mental retardations in every era, the judgment of the interstellar people has at least improved a little bit compared to thousands of years ago. In the past, some things could be easily destroyed with just one sentence. an author's life."

"The point is, why does the author have to prove his innocence? There is no crime in itself, so instead of going after the perpetrators in this world, is it starting to let innocent people prove their innocence?"

 Thank you Moranran little angel for the monthly ticket~

  Thank you Mo Ranran little angel, I just want to vote for little angel~
(End of this chapter)

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