I'm crazy

Chapter 184 Update

Chapter 184 Update
If you try to explain, they say you are sophistry; if you don’t explain and keep silent, they say you are guilty by default; no matter what evidence you show, they always have a 'sounding' reason to tell the black out of the white, and you will always He is a sinner, and he will always be a despicable and shameless person. With such a sentence, he will forever nail a person to the pillar of shame.

You are wrong, you are shameless, those hypocrites who smile at the corners of their mouths, those "moral models" who think they are judges, they stand on the commanding heights, judge a person, and finally put the innocent People sink into the abyss, making guilty people cover their mouths and laugh.

In the end, if you don't know what to do, you may give up your defense, so be it!What else?No one listened anyway.

Maybe you are still on the way to explain, you work hard, you try your best to explain that you are not, you are innocent.

But people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal add fuel to your fire, and follow those "moralists" without discerning right from wrong, condemning you, cursing you, and vowing to prove that they are on the side of "truth", they That's right.

Those "sparks" who spoke for you were attacked, cursed, and shamed together.

You finally gave up, you understand, no one will listen to you, no one will believe you, your life will be ruined by trumped-up charges!

EDIT: Great!problem occurs!Great!

Edit: Is Da Da here?Hurry up and get back to me ahhhh!

EDIT: Great! ! !
Abyss: Huh?

Day by day, why are there so many shits, she hasn't had a good rest these days.

Seeing Da Da finally came out, Thurse quickly explained the matter to her.

Edit: Someone smeared you for plagiarism!

Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of danger, Sese, who was thousands of miles away, felt a chill coming, and trembled tremblingly.

Abyss: That's it?
EDIT: Huh?

Isn't that big enough?Plagiarism is a matter of reputation for any author!

But Sese forgot...

Abyss: Didn't it appear five years ago?Just deal with it and don't bother me anymore.

She thought Fengyue was bankrupt!

Lin Yuan turned off the terminal, and she didn't need to do anything at all. When she first started writing a book five years ago, someone blackmailed her for plagiarism.

The Demon God said that she was very busy and didn't have time to talk to these mentally retarded people, and before she was too annoyed to think about whether to let them disappear into the universe, her readers had already scolded these mice who didn't know where they came from gone.

Se Se's originally anxious heart was stunned by her family's big words.

Her family's words were very helpful, and she calmed down immediately. It was because the wind has been so smooth these years, so she suddenly felt a little overwhelmed when encountering such a thing.

After Thurse calmed down, she quickly reported to the editor-in-chief, and then mobilized the power in her own hands, and various solutions and solutions came out.

Dare to provoke her family's eldest son, and she doesn't show off her power, do you really think she is a sick cat who dare not even rush to draft?
But I really dare not rush the manuscript!

The combined effect of all forces is huge, and Fengyue almost found the black hand behind it together with the fans!
Thousands of styles!
Everyone in the room of the Great Resentment No. [-] star network was furious.

"This fucking is definitely sick! Absolutely!"

You said it's okay if the black hand behind the discovery has a conflict of interest with their family or doesn't deal with it, so at least there is a motive.

But what kind of green onion is this f***ing style of writing?
What relationship can she have with them?
They bought so many sailors out of nowhere to blackmail them. If the mother doesn't give her some color, do they really think that their complaints are just little humble readers who dare not even update them?
"Which cutie knows what's going on with this woman?"

"Crazy dog! I'm the only one who writes books, and I can't get along with them in the entertainment industry. I somehow blackmailed our family."

"It's not very clear. According to our family's temperament, it is impossible to get acquainted with this kind of person."

"So, is this a unilateral provocation?"

"This is no longer a provocation, this is courting death!"

"So... let's do it!"


"Resentful Ai Yuanyuan: I'll go discuss it with Fengyue, we'll fight together, just crush her to death."

So, after a few days, the matter has completely quieted down.

EDIT: Big big, thing solved.

Abyss: Hmm.

The matter can be resolved so quickly, in addition to the full support of the website, in fact, most of it is due to the support of Da Da's own book fans.

A large part of the big book fans are big boss-level characters. After a few words or a move, they can easily investigate the cause of the matter, and then take advantage of the situation to treat them in their own way. body.

Wen Fengqian flipped through the comments on Xingwang, his face was full of panic, what happened?
She was obviously the actress who was popular all over the whole Xingxing province yesterday, why did she become the one that everyone shouted and beat after one night.

"I said, Wen Feng is a slut at first glance. Have you watched the video last night? That twisted waist is no match for a snake!"

"Look, although the Xingwang Patrol quickly blocked it, but with so much traffic, so many people couldn't block it at all. It spread all over Xingwang in just a few minutes."

"This slut usually looks aloof, and she's not a bitch lying under someone with her legs spread out! Oh, look at the enjoyment in the video, it's still a group of P, it's really fun!"

"At first, I thought I didn't have much acting skills, but now the truth is revealed, it seems that it was promoted by the sponsor!"


The unsightly comments occupied Wen Fengqian's sight. Wen Fengqian's eyes were red, like a lunatic, the more uncomfortable the more irrational, she should put down the terminal now and calm herself down. She knew this, but Wen Fengqian still wanted to tear those things apart. Internet users' mouths.

Those who manipulate public opinion to murder others will be killed by public opinion.

Wen Fengqian pinched his fingers with red nails into his palm, exited Starnet, and contacted.

"Hello, Mr. Wang..." Before he finished speaking, he was hung up.

Wen Fengqian continued to contact other people.

"Hey, Mr. Li, it's me..."

"Don't come to me again."

With a "snap", the tone of the man in the terminal was full of disgust and irritability, and he was not half as amiable as he was a few days ago.

As time passed, the longer it dragged on, Wen Fengqian's face became paler, she couldn't control her unavoidable trembling, Wen Fengqian then contacted several people, without exception.

Either they didn't answer directly, or they cut off immediately when they heard her voice, except for one who couldn't help her pleading and said to her: "You have offended someone who can't afford to offend."

Someone you can't afford?
She has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and she has climbed to her current position. It is impossible not to offend anyone. In this circle, grabbing resources, stepping on the high and flattering the low is common. So, who did she offend?

(End of this chapter)

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