I'm crazy

Chapter 187 Update

Chapter 187 Update
Lin Yuan himself is not interested in acting in the script he wrote, but Lin Yuan still cares a little about whether he coded it up by himself.

Based on Ke You's performance, we know that the protagonist of "Emperor" has not been selected. If this continues, it may not be possible to finish filming one-third of "Emperor" next year.

As the author who is responsible for her own work, it is rare for Lin Yuan to take the initiative to send a message to her editor.

Abyss: The protagonist of "The Emperor" was not selected, right?

Sese, who was working hard in Fengyue, saw her big brother send her a message, and she was frightened for a while.

Nothing will happen, will it?
Trembling, she clicked on it and found such a message. She thought to herself, it seems that it is not so Buddhist!
EDIT: Yes, greatly.Do you have any suggestions?

Proposal, this is true, Linyuan sent a message in the past to solve this problem.

Abyss: Let the director contact Yang Sipan.

Yang Sipan?

It seems that I have never heard of it?

Thurse hurriedly replied, editor: Okay ^O^
After solving this matter, Lin Yuan directly closed the terminal, although today's update has not been updated, but he got used to it.

The ancients have a saying: An author who does not cheat is not a good author.

So if you want to be a good author, you must learn to cheat!
Ke You returned to the crew dejectedly, but when facing the crowd, his energy returned.

As a director, if he dies first, the movie will not be able to go on.

"Director, how are you? Has the protagonist been found?"

Rui Bai walked up to Ke You with the script revised by Lin Yuan. The background of the play "Emperor" was the ancient earth thousands of years ago, so Ke You asked them to use imitations of the ancient earth as much as possible except necessary. There are people's habits at that time.

Ke You shook his head, his expression didn't change much, but Rui Bai, who had a good personal relationship with Ke You, could still see his frustration.

Rui Bai shrugged, "Well, don't be sad, although you didn't find it, you will find it one day, right?"

This consolation is too low-level, but Ke You still smiled to save face: "It's not that I didn't find it, but the one I found was unwilling."

"Ah?" Rui Bai's surprise was obvious, "Wouldn't our "Emperor" crew be willing?"

Rui Bai's surprise is justified. Although their directors are not very famous, "Emperor" is a well-known work in the entire interstellar world, how could anyone refuse it!
Ke You naturally saw Rui Bai's doubts, and he said helplessly, "I'm not short of money, nor interested."

How could it be possible to be short of money living in a villa area in the city center.

People are really not interested in their crew, and he can't help it.

"It's all right." Rui Bai patted Ke You's shoulder.

"If this one doesn't come, there are other things, right? Let's not be in a hurry, let's work slowly and carefully."

Ke You couldn't help but smile, only he knew that no matter how outstanding the acting skills of the protagonist he finally found, he was no longer the protagonist in his eyes.

But what Rui Bai said makes sense, the one that is most right can't do it, so we can't stop shooting, right?

"Director, there is a message from Fengyue." The assistant came over with a terminal dedicated to the working crew and put it in Ke You's hand.

"Abyss recommended someone?"

What kind of person can be admired by his family's abyss?

Ke You, who had infinite trust in him, immediately asked his assistant to contact this 38th-line star named Yang Sipan whom he had never heard of.

"Director, is this okay?"

A star from who doesn't know which corner is playing their "Emperor" or starring?

This is not a joke, is it?

Ke You explained to Rui Bai who was a little bit in disbelief: "I believe in Da Da, but I won't make fun of my movies."

He just gave this actor a chance to see the mirror, it doesn't mean that she is fixed like this, if she can't meet his requirements, he can't let her play because of her age.

This is responsible for his movies, but also for the big book.

So such a gift was equivalent to a gift from heaven, and it just fell on Yang Sipan.

Yang Sipan, who was so confused that he didn't even count as the 38th line, was working as a small role in a film crew today.

In fact, Yang Sipan's acting skills are very good, otherwise Lin Yuan wouldn't recommend her, and her looks are much better than those of the florets in the entertainment industry.

It's a pity that it won't be popular!
On the one hand, she is not willing to accept those well-known "rules" at all, and on the other hand, it is also because it is the interstellar era, and she can live well even if she does not work, let alone she is still working!Even if you can't play a big role, at least it's a job. The alliance government will provide subsidies to residents who can find a job, and think of ways to send them money and encourage residents to go out and move around more.

So Yang Sipan is not false at all, although a star who doesn't want to be popular is not a good star, and an actor who doesn't want to act in a good drama is not a good actor, but she really can't help if she can't be popular.

Yang Sipan's current state of mind is very calm, very stable, and it's okay to be unstable!
But after seeing this news, she is destined to be unstable.

Yang Sipan blinked her eyes first to make sure she wasn't blind; then she pinched herself to make sure she wasn't blind with the actions that the protagonist or supporting role in many novels would do, yes, you guessed it right. Dreaming; then, she turned off her terminal, waited for almost half an hour, and then turned it on again to confirm that her terminal was not broken.

After two or three tests or proofs, Yang Sipan stared at the news again and fell into deep thought.

and so……

Is this true?
She got shit luck! ! !

Yang Sipan, who came back to his senses, quickly put his hand on the terminal and replied the message!

When the opportunity comes to her, she must seize it quickly, regardless of whether it will succeed or not, if you don't try, how can you know whether it will succeed or not.


Look at the wording, yes, very sincere, very polite, very OK, well, send it!success!

After sending the news, Yang Sipan hurriedly called her manager to tell her the great news.

Yes, even though she is a 38 thread that can be worn to the surface, she still has an agent.

The agent was also assigned to her by the company. Like her, her strength and ability are online, but maybe both of them have bad luck.

She can't become popular, and her agent can't bring in artists.

"Panpan, what's the matter?"

What Yang Sipan sent was a voice call, but it was directly changed to a virtual [-]D video by the manager.

What caught Yang Sipan's eyes was the manager's seemingly capable face and calm and solemn expression.

Yang Sipan was sitting on the sofa, sitting upright. She was a little afraid of her manager, although the manager was a bit serious and treated her well. She didn't want to do those things, and she never forced her to She has been working hard to find resources.

But this doesn't stop Yang Sipan from being "in awe" of this manager who is much older than her!
 Thank you for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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