I'm crazy

Chapter 188 Update

Chapter 188 Update
"Sister Feifei, it's like this, I..."

Yang Sipan told Zhu Fei the news that the "Emperor" crew asked her to audition for the lead role.

To Yang Sipan's surprise, Zhu Fei didn't show any surprise, and he was a little hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, Sister Feifei?"

Yang Sipan was a good boy who asked questions whenever he didn't understand, so he immediately asked Zhu Fei.

Zhu Fei hesitated for a while, but in the end his expression became firm, and he sat upright and said, "Panpan, didn't you say that you would not accept that... deal? Of course, I am not questioning you, this is your freedom."

Yang Sipan didn't realize it at first, and after he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Sister Feifei, what are you thinking? I swear to you, there is nothing. In fact, I don't even know the crew of "Emperor" Why did you send me this mirror notification."

She smiled slyly, full of inspiration: "Maybe some of the staff members are my fans and know that my strength is the best in the entertainment industry? Hahaha!"

She made herself laugh.

Looking at Yang Sipan's energetic smiling face in the virtual [-]D, Zhu Fei couldn't help laughing: "You are really enough."

"But is the news true?"

Zhu Fei has seen too many unsightly things in this circle, so there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Yang Sipan nodded and said happily: "I've confirmed it. It was indeed sent by the exclusive terminal of the "Emperor" crew. I just sent the message back, so I'll take a look first."

After speaking, I clicked on the message receiving, and saw a little red dot lying quietly.

She picked up the terminal and showed it to Zhu Fei: "Sister Feifei, look, the crew has already messaged me."

After confirming the authenticity, Zhu Fei, who has always been calm and serious, also showed a happy smile at the great news.

"Okay, I'll go with you when the time comes. You should read the original novel for a few days, think about the characters, and then write a biography of the characters. Don't feel impatient."

Zhu Fei instructed Yang Sipan carefully, for fear that she would miss this opportunity.

Yang Sipan waved his hand, and said with great enthusiasm, "Sister Feifei, you still don't believe me! When did I never take it seriously?"

Zhu Fei closed the terminal and called his assistant, "Go and check."

Even if Panpan swears, Zhu Fei still has to investigate carefully, it's not that she doesn't believe her, she must be responsible for Panpan, peace in the interstellar era is true, but evil exists no matter how peaceful the era is, interstellar Of course no exception.

In the past few days, Yang Sipan lived a life of gnawing on books every day without leaving home.

This is very rare for a person like her who likes to travel and play, but it used to be because she never had the opportunity to stay at home and study hard. Of course, those characters who don't even have a few words don't need to work so hard.

"I'm a motherfucker!"

Yang Sipan raised his head, revealing the big dark circles under his eyes that were the same style as the Ancient Earth Huaguo National Treasure.

"Why did I only see such a good book now!"

Yang Sipan wanted to roar up to the sky, her luck was really bad.

She just came across such a good novel now!

Of course, there is also the reason why she doesn't like reading novels, but even she, who doesn't know what novels are, is so addicted to it, one can imagine how good this book is, it's so good!
Yang Sipan couldn't control her ready-to-move hands, she opened Starnet, logged into the Starnet account she hadn't used for 800 years, and sent a message to the account with less than [-], sending out the three questions of the soul.

"Pangpang: Ahhhh! Why is there such a fairy novel? Why is there such a fairy tale? Why did I only see it now? [Picture.JPG]"

The accompanying picture is a book cover of "Emperor" taken seriously!

A few iron fans leave comments below.

"Does Pangpang also read "Emperor"? My cooking is the same as the novel I read!"

"Fatty, you have a lot of fun! It's been a long time since I saw you on the screen, and I don't know how to study hard! Still want to read novels? Although I also admit that the novels written by Abyss are addictive."

"Ah, I want to buy this edition of the book too! Unfortunately, I didn't get it!"

Yang Sipan happily flipped through the comments, there were few fans and even fewer loyal fans, so there were few comments, so Yang Sipan finished reading it right away.

Reluctant to read the comments, Yang Sipan put down the terminal. Now that the novel is finished, she wants to write a biography.

Ke You gave Yang Sipan three days, and when the audition time came, Yang Sipan and Zhu Fei came to the set.

Ke You, the screenwriter Rui Bai and the assistant director are waiting for Yang Sipan's arrival.

Rui Bai held the script, looking a bit bored: "I've made a deal, if this person's acting skills are not good, I won't agree to it."

The script has been revised so well by Abyss, she can't accept being ruined by a star who knows nothing about 38 lines.

The assistant director looked at whether Rui Bai and Ke You were talking with a smile, Ke You nodded helplessly, and assured Rui Bai again: "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my own movie."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Ke You, Rui Bai and the assistant director looked at it, and they thought it was good. First of all, it looks good on the outside, and it looks like it has no makeup, really no makeup.

Although Yang Sipan is a big-hearted optimist, she was still a little nervous on this occasion, but luckily it didn't affect her performance.

Facing Yang Sipan's eagerly looking forward to Zhang's gaze, Ke You turned his head and discussed with Rui Bai softly.

"What do you think?"

Rui Bai was silent for a while, "No objection."

Facing Ke You's questioning gaze, the assistant director also nodded with a smile. Indeed, this Yang Sipan has been the most outstanding performer among the people who have auditioned since the preparation of this drama.

Ke You was also silent for a while, watching Yang Sipan tremble with fear.

Finally, Ke You agreed with dispensation.

It's a pity after all!

The protagonist was finally chosen, and the "Emperor" crew began to work overtime.

Although the supporting characters in the novel "Emperor" are well-established and have more roles, the whole novel revolves around the main character. I have already missed too much work these days. In order to be released in time, working overtime is a must. Indispensable.

After that wave of chapter prophecies, all the resentments in the room of the No. [-] star network of the Great Resentment all agreed that the person Tong Xin met was definitely Abyss himself.

I don't know if I haven't seen it before, I can bear it.

But seeing it, knowing it, I couldn't bear it anymore.

Now the resentments are all dedicated to finding their family's Da Da, think about it, they have been chasing Da Da for more than five years, and they haven't seen Da Da in person yet.

That's okay, after all, the novel world is not the entertainment industry, so it's not like that.

Readers follow books, not people.

It's a pity who makes the abyss too attractive and hot, people are curious, let alone in this interstellar era, everyone has nothing to do when they are full, just think about when they can meet them big.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels~
(End of this chapter)

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