I'm crazy

Chapter 189 Update

Chapter 189 Update
In the room of the No. [-] star network of the Great Resentment, the "crusade" against the childlike innocence began again.

"The childlike innocence is still alive: sisters, please don't attack me!"

"The childlike innocence is still there: I didn't do it on purpose, who would know that I met Da Da himself?"

"Be careful, we also understand you, and I don't blame you. I understand your situation very well. After all, even if I were you, I didn't know that we were the ones I met."

"We can understand you, but we can't understand you, an illiterate!"

"You say that you are so heartless, you can't describe your big face with words, but you can't even draw. You say you, what are you doing for being so big!"

Looking at these messages, the childlike heart who was lying on the bed waiting to die wanted to cry without tears. She took a bite of the potato chips and slapped her fingers before explaining feebly to her little sisters.

"The childlike innocence is still alive: I..."

Well, I don't know how to justify it.

But pride and resentment will never admit defeat, so use your spear to attack your shield!

Seems to be using the wrong idiom?
Forget it, it's the author's fault, don't do her business.

"Children's innocence: Well, I admit that I don't know anything. The biggest dream in life is to sit and wait to die. What about you? What will you do? Let's hear it? Hahaha [Wait to slap your face.JPG]"




The series of ellipses made the childlike innocence startle, and what about her, don't they also know nothing?
Tong Xin swears, from today onwards she begins to fall in love with these ellipses that signify her victory.

who knows……

"Yuan Da updated: ... I have money!"

"The boss is out! Worship the boss, it seems that Xiaoxin has offended the bosses! Hahaha, wait and beg for mercy."

Tong Xin almost spit out the drink she just drank, resulting in the same scene as that day.

The childish innocence that was so cowardly was about to slap himself in the face, but unexpectedly, it was not over yet.

"No update, no name change: ...has the right to..."

"Abyss No. [-] little fan girl: ...someone..."

"You're an idiot:...I can cook..."

"Oh oh oh, is there even a boss who can cook?"

No wonder they were surprised, in fact, in the interstellar era, those who can cook by themselves are scarce resources. After all, there are such high-tech and intelligent robots, and there are no meals that cannot be cooked.

Tong Xin looked at the room that was constantly being screened, and now she really wanted to cry, what evil did she do!
Just such a sentence provoked all the bosses in the room.

Look at these one by one, those who can fly spaceships, draw pictures, and sing, yes, you read that right, in Interstellar, singing is also an ability.

The screen was so fast that those resentful little sisters who wanted to worship the boss didn't have time to leave a message.

Tong Xin sat quietly on the bed like a stiff corpse, it took her a long time to move her eyeballs, and took a sip of her drink expressionlessly.

After Gu Gu drank it, he typed a few words with a blank face, closed the terminal, pulled the quilt to sleep, and shut himself up. A series of movements were extremely natural.

Only the grievances in the room laughed.

"Children's innocence is still alive: I'm dead, I need to burn paper..."

She swears, the punctuation mark she hates the most in her life is the ellipsis!
So in the end, no one can know the true face of Abyss except Tong Xin, the "lucky guy" who is jealous to death by the resentful little sisters in the room.


After months of filming, and months of post-production promotion, The Emperor, the much-anticipated masterpiece, has finally confirmed its release date.

Of course, there are also keyboard warriors everywhere.

"Don't climb higher and fall harder, who knows what it will be like, it's definitely another bad drama!"

"Who is Abyss? I haven't heard of it; who is Ke You, I haven't heard of it, and as for "Emperor", I haven't heard of it. Such a three-no drama has such high expectations. Did you brush it out?"

"I just want to give this drama two words: Hehe!"

As the sunspots jumped up and down like this, the Yuanyuan and the crew naturally noticed.

Facing the assistant's inquiry, Ke You said directly: "Don't worry about these people, they are just a bunch of rubbish."

As for the grievances, I can't help it anymore, and they are all scolded on their heads, absolutely unbearable!
The war between fans and blacks started again, but unfortunately the difference in lineup between the two was too great, the blacks were thrown away by quantity and quality, and they didn't know how many streets of grievances almost shut themselves out.

In the end, they deleted their postings one after another, but it made "Emperor" even more popular.

I don't know if Heizi would be so angry that he vomited blood if he knew that their actions not only did not affect the "Emperor" but also helped the "Emperor".

On October [-]st, the public screening officially begins!

[I am the master of the world, so I should be the master of the world! 】

【All the wind and cloud in the world are from my generation, I want to be the emperor, and live forever! 】


The short two-hour movie is like a dream, and I was forced to wake up before the dream was finished.

The audience who watched it were addicted to it, and they reluctantly got up until the staff came to urge them.

"Ahhh! I'm going crazy! As expected of my Bai Yueguang! My Emperor Huayuan! How can he be so mad, so arrogant, and so clever, so unparalleled in the world!"

"That sentence, the world is the king, and I will be the emperor! I got goosebumps when I heard it, and my arrogance leaked out, but that's it!"

"Yes, it doesn't feel like a secondary school student at all. This actor is also very good. Of course, my favorite is our big brother!"

"I'm going to swipe for the second time! I'm going to swipe for the third time!"

"Wait for me!"

Crazy, the audience is all crazy!
Film reviews from professional film critics haven't come out yet, and Starnet is already full of "Emperor" figures!

Tap water publicity is the most useful, "Emperor" itself is a highly anticipated masterpiece, it exploded!
"Director Ke, the audience score has reached [-] points, and the professional film critics' score is [-] points!"

The assistant director, screenwriter, assistant, makeup artist, and everyone in the crew stood beside Ke You, listening to the latest news, so they all looked like they couldn't control their expressions.

It was Rui Bai who broke out at the beginning: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Ahhhhh!" This is the assistant director's loud voice.

"Ahhh!" This is the dolphin voice of the makeup artist.


This is proof that the entire crew is insane!
Linyuan's terminal beeped a few times, and she opened it to see a congratulatory message from the editor.

This drama completely detonated the third star province and the entire interstellar!
The abyss, which was already extremely hot, was once again praised.

"I'm going to blow my dick off! Leave me alone, even if my voice is broken, leave me alone, I'm going crazy, totally crazy!"

All kinds of rainbow farts on Xingwang are simply "unsightly"!
So, Lin Yuan, who was in a good mood, sent a star message.

[Abyss: No update today. 】

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Upstairs, why are you screaming again?"

"I can't think of other words except screaming. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Oh, it's like pouring a basin of cold water, completely extinguishing the anger in my heart!"

"I thought "Emperor" had a good grade, and it will be updated in a big conference! Who knows..."

"Forget it, let's get the hot searches up!"

"Brush what?"

 The world is king, and I will be emperor!

  what!I suddenly want to write such a story about hegemony, hehe
  Another plane is over, Sahua Sahua????
  Thank you for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket of the little angel of love, how about it????^O^
  Thank you for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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