I'm crazy

Chapter 190 Duckweed

Chapter 190 Duckweed
In Huaiyang in April, the delicate willow branches gently sway its body with the breeze, weaving a dense net, allowing pedestrians to fall into its gentle hometown.

Fireworks Alley and Willows is at the time of sunset and dusk in Youshi, when the graceful scenery of Huaiyang unveils its mysterious curtain to passers-by.


"Hello miss."

Dressed in white clothes, her temperament is as elegant as the snow in the sky, the woman walking slowly past the third floor, and the women who went to and from the third floor stopped and saluted the woman.

Ninghua covered her face and smiled lightly: "Miss is still as ruthless as ever."

People with different styles standing beside him also laughed out loud, crisp and tactful like silver bells, adding a bit of charm to this gentle trap.

Zuiyue waved a folding fan with pictures of beauties on it, her soft and boneless wrist casually played with the folding fan, and she also joked with Ninghua when she heard the words: "Miss is born with a cold and indifferent heart, how do you know that?" Pity the fragrance and cherish the jade!"

The mournful tone is like an infatuated woman who was abandoned by a heartless man.

As soon as these words came out, the laughter that had already stopped flowing lightly in this extravagant attic.

The woman who was about to walk to the end was finally stopped by the repeated jokes.

Seeing the woman stop, the women who laughed softly stopped their laughter immediately, and said one after another: "I still have something to do, so I will leave first."


An indifferent and clear voice sounded lightly and inconspicuously, and the women who had already walked two steps stood stiffly in place, and turned around after a while.

Glancing at each other, Qi Qi said, "Miss."

Lin Yuan said slowly: "Why, it's fun to tease me?"

It's fun, but of course I dare not say that.

"In that case, let's add half an hour to today's class."

Silently but very clearly, Bixue heard it in their ears. The charming smiles on the faces of the women froze for a while, and they were asking for love when they raised their heads to find that the man was no longer there.

The women stood together, and suddenly there was a chuckle in the somewhat heavy atmosphere.

In a blink of an eye, it spread to the whole again.

The silver bell-like smile sounded again in the corridor on the third floor.

Ninghua caressed her blue hair, and couldn't help laughing: "Miss is really..."

Anyone can add to what she has left.

It's so cute!

Sansheng Pavilion, the most romantic and elegant place in the world, Huaiyang, the signboard of the scenery on both sides of the south of the Yangtze River.

Sansheng Pavilion, engraved with Sansheng.

Less than three lives are not Huaiyang, which is a sentence that all the guests who have been to Huaiyang agree with.

Since it became famous in Huaiyang six years ago, it spread throughout the world in less than three months.

Sansheng Pavilion was originally a place of love and moon, and its original name was naturally not Sansheng. It was said that it was bought by the new pavilion owner six years ago and changed its name and behavior.

From the brothel Chu Guan to the elegant place that people all over the world yearn for, we can see the means of the new pavilion master.

The girls in Sanshengge each have their own specialties, some are proficient in singing and dancing, some are proficient in musical instruments, and some are good at cooking.

Since the arrival of the new pavilion owner, Sansheng Pavilion no longer engages in skin business, and all the girls in the pavilion have been well settled.

Those who want to redeem themselves are free, and those who want to stay in Sansheng Pavilion can naturally find their own place in Sansheng Pavilion as long as you have the ability.

Although Sansheng Pavilion provides shelter for lonely women in the world, Sansheng is not a hall of good people, and the owner of the pavilion is not a great sage.

Naturally, it is impossible to stay in Sansheng Pavilion and enjoy asylum unconditionally.

On the willow shoots on the moon, the big show begins. Sansheng Pavilion will hold a Sansheng meeting at the end of every month. Almost all the girls in Sansheng Pavilion will participate. This kind of singing and dancing that can only be seen in grand festivals is only here. Huaiyang Sansheng can see it, no wonder there are so many people here today.

Lin Yuan, the owner of the Sansheng Pavilion, was dressed in white, holding a pipa in his hand, and the beautiful and melodious melody poured out from his glazed fingertips in a casual posture.

"The bridal chamber remembers the first time we met. We only got together and got together for a long time. When will the small reunion turn into a parting mood. The situation is in the waning spring, and the eyes are full of wild flowers. I am afraid of the good scenery, and I will go back with Yi.

Who can complain about a loneliness.Count as a foreword, always take lightly.I knew it was hard to fight, but I regret not keeping it at that time.Qi Nai's romantic appearance is straight, not to mention unique, it is in the hearts of the people.If you don't think about it for a day, you will save your eyebrows a thousand times. "

Before recovering from the beautiful sound of the pipa, the melancholy and mournful melody is revealed in detail from the changed pipa.

Can't help but let the listeners sigh the superb skills of the musicians.

The people in the audience who were fascinated by the music asked softly: "I don't know who is the name of this musician?"

The graceful and beautiful girl beside her smiled coquettishly: "Master Linyue is Sansheng's lifelong musician, and I don't know any other news."

After Linyuan finished playing a piece, Shi Shiran went upstairs with her pipa in her arms, not paying any attention to the people below who asked her to play another piece.

Go up to the third floor, put the pipa on the shelf, turn around and walk to Ninghua's side.

The third floor is where the girls of Sansheng Pavilion rest. Except for the cleaning servants, no one is allowed to enter.

"Why aren't you interested today?" Lin Yuan leaned on the carved wooden railing and asked Ning Hua who was also bored.

Ninghua also turned around and leaned against Lin Yuan in the same posture.

The same posture is performed by different people with different postures.

Lin Yuan has a careless and lazy appearance, like a beast waiting to devour in the deep sleep of the abyss. As for Ning Hua, it is charming and charming.

"Didn't you play only one piece too?"

Lin Yuan didn't ask any more questions, it was still those bad things, it was still the entanglement of personnel and affairs in this world of mortals.

Extremely boring, but also extremely inexplicable...

The two didn't talk any more, but turned around to look at the grand song and dance below, and waited until the end of the dance, which was enough to captivate the city, the light words came out of Ninghua's mouth.

"Thank you so much for all these years."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, with a flirtatious attitude. The elegant temperament that was originally commensurate with the white clothes instantly changed into the dandy atmosphere of a dandy under this almost invisible movement.

"You are really not like you today. If you really want to thank me, you might as well earn me more money."

Ninghua smiled suddenly, and the still beauty in the painting immediately came to life: "Are you still short of money? I'm afraid you are the richest person in this world?"

If this word is spread, it will definitely attract many covetous people, and even lead to the disaster of exterminating the family.

After all, in the imperial power society, it is not the royal family that controls the world's economy, how can it not make people feel jealous?
But Ninghua looked relaxed, as if she didn't feel that there was anything serious about this sentence.

Of course, Linyuan didn't respond at all. She is the owner of the Sansheng Pavilion, and here is her world. No one dares to spread words without her permission.

"For this money, naturally, the more the better, if you are willing to earn me some more, I will be extremely pleased."

No one thinks too much money, right?

It is also quite interesting to play around.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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