I'm crazy

Chapter 192 Duckweed

Chapter 192 Duckweed
Ruyun, who was already in the room, became more and more angry as she thought about it. Her Yanzhou is so good, it's not up to Huayan, an old woman, to criticize her. After all, she can't stay in this poor place.

Here, Ruyun is trying hard to think about when to leave Sansheng Pavilion, and stay and fly with her lover.

But on the other side of the third floor of Sansheng Pavilion, Ninghua hardly slept all night.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table, staring at her face that was still as delicate as a flower in the bronze mirror. She was still in her prime, but her general was not by her side.

And she, even if she is still innocent, will inevitably speak out, so, can she still wait for him?
Ninghua stroked the emerald green jade pendant in her hand, which was given to her by the man, saying it was a token of love.

"Ning'er, I will come back to marry you, wait for me, you must wait for me."

What the man said was still as clear as yesterday, ringing clearly in her ears.

Ninghua clenched the jade pendant tightly, but let go of it in an instant, as if she was afraid that the jade pendant would be damaged in the slightest.

She is not afraid of waiting, even if she waits until she dies, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. She is a duckweed in troubled times, with no one to depend on. It was the pavilion master who gave her a place to stay, but that man gave her a home.

Although this home is still an ethereal promise.

But what she was afraid of was that if she waited until the end, she would end up waiting in vain.

Most men in the world are ruthless, she is so afraid, so afraid, she is just a dream, a yellow beam dream that will eventually be shattered.


Hua Yan rested in the room for two hours, and when she came out again, it was almost noon.

The cook in the kitchen was still warming the rice, used up some fireworks, and went upstairs.

She planned to make a shawl, but there were not enough fabrics in the room, and she needed to collect some more for preparation.

Huayan put on her hood, put on the flower basket, and was ready to go out.

In Sansheng, apart from washing and cooking, other things like shopping, unless the girls have too much to buy, they usually do it by themselves.

After all, she is not Miss Qianjin, so it is impossible to have servants to serve her in everything, but the girls in Sansheng Pavilion like it like this.

Because of freedom.

If it was changed to another brothel, it was generally impossible to let the girl go out by herself, even if she went out, someone would follow her, for fear that the girl would run away.

Of course, what Huayan didn't know was that no one followed them on the surface, but secretly the guards would actually go out with them.

Of course Lin Yuan is not afraid of people running away, it's just that as the owner of the Sansheng Pavilion, she wants to protect the girls who create money under her name from being taken away or being involved in any disputes in the rivers and lakes.

Huayan had just put on her hood and was stopped by a call before she walked out of the attic.

"Sister Hua, wait for me." Ninghua also wore a blue hood and a light blue dress with orchids embroidered on the skirt. This elegant dress slightly suppressed her charming temperament.

And it doesn't seem abrupt and contradictory, Ninghua is indeed worthy of the reputation of Sansheng Pavilion.

Huayan looked at Ninghua from under the hood, as if seeing her past self, equally outstanding, equally sought after, and equally lonely and sad.

Like a flower that has lost its vase, I don't know how long it can survive.

"What are you going to buy?" The two walked out of the attic together, facing the street full of people.

Contrary to Sansheng in the daytime, it is the lively atmosphere of fireworks in the world.

"I still need to come out more." Ninghua exclaimed, breathing in a breath that was unique to the world.

Hua Yan smiled, looking at the market to see if there was anything she wanted to buy.

"Hey!" Ninghua yelled, drawing Huayan's attention.

"What's wrong?" Huayan followed Ninghua's gaze, and saw Ruyun who was walking with a man.

The two stopped in their tracks and stared at the two who behaved intimately.

"I'll go and have a look." Huayan stuffed the basket into Ninghua's hand, and then walked towards Ruyun.

"Hey, Sister Hua." Unstoppable, Ninghua frowned slightly, put the basket on the stall next to her, gave the boss some copper coins, and rushed over immediately.

"Yun'er." Hua Yan, who was originally going to call Shan'er, thought about what happened in the morning, and turned her head when she was about to say the words.

Ruyun, who is sweet with her lover, heard her name, turned her head, and saw Huayan looking at her worriedly.

The anger that had almost dissipated suddenly came up again, who is showing this dejected look!It's really embarrassing to still have this expression in front of Yan Lang.

Yan Zhou leaned closer to Ru Yun, and whispered in her ear: "Yun'er, who is this?"

Seeing the intimate contact between the two at close range, and the frivolous behavior of this thin, fair-faced but not clear-eyed man towards Ruyun, Huayan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Ruyun gave Yan Zhou a shy and timid look, Yan Zhou did not retreat but advanced, and even got a little closer to Ruyun's body, his lips almost touched Ruyun's earlobe.

Huayan was really angry now, and scolded: "Yun'er, come back with me."

Ruyun, immersed in sweet love, was taken aback, it was the first time she saw Huayan so angry.

But immediately the anger in her heart rose, she did not give her face several times, especially in front of her Yan Lang, Ruyun directly pulled her face down.

"Hua Yan, did I tell you to leave me alone?"

Ruyun raised his brows upside down, and the corners of Yan Zhou's mouth rose, quietly watching the play.

Huayan felt a pain in her heart, but she couldn't turn a blind eye to this situation.

Ruyun is still Jiji, not to mention that the frivolous man with cloudy eyes in front of her is not her lover, but he is really a son of good character, Ruyun shouldn't be so close to a man.

Compared with the previous dynasties, Si Dynasty had less restraint on women, but this did not mean that Ruyun could get along with a man alone in public and behave intimately.

She will destroy herself.

Huayan is very anxious, she can't tell Ruyun her worries now, and Ruyun, who is already deeply in love, will definitely not listen to her.

"Yun'er, can you go back with your sister first?"

Huayan almost begged Ruyun.

Ruyun turned a blind eye to it, and was very annoyed by it: "I told you to leave me alone, Huayan, are you sick?"

Ninghua who had just walked to Huayan's side heard these words, and the smile that was always on her face disappeared.

"Ruyun, I apologize to Sister Hua!" Ninghua grabbed Ruyun's hand and pulled her away from Yanzhou.

"Let go!" Ruyun shook Ninghua's hand vigorously, "Apologize, why should I apologize to her?"

Ruyun said indifferently to Huayan: "Did I really think that I called you sister and you are my sister? Who do you think you are? Huayan, I will tell you one last time, don't meddle in my business again."

After Ruyun finished speaking, she turned around and left, and Yanzhou followed her.

Leave behind Huayan with a sad expression in a trance.

 Thank you for the votes of little angels, little angels Lingyuan, and little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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