I'm crazy

Chapter 193 Duckweed

Chapter 193 Duckweed
Huayan blinked her eyes, as if she wanted to suppress all the emotions that didn't belong to her.

She forced a smile and said, "Ning'er, did I do something wrong?"

She never felt that she was wrong about Ruyun, she didn't want her to repeat the same mistakes, and she didn't want to see this flowery girl wither at a flowery age.

But when she saw Ruyun's expression of resistance and anger, she was not sure again.

Did she really... do something wrong?

Ninghua stroked Huayan's hand, and pulled back Huayan's thoughts: "You didn't do anything wrong, it's just that people are like this, they always only see what they want to see. And always, the bystanders are clear, and the authorities are obsessed."

"Let's go, we should go shopping."


After Ruyun was coaxed by her lover Yan Zhou, the anger at Huayan's ignorance of current affairs subsided after a while.

She grabbed Yan Zhou's sleeve, tugged it gently, and said coquettishly: "Yan Lang, you are the best."

For Ruyun, Qinglang, whom she has known for less than a month, is better than Huayan, who has taken care of her for several years.

Yanzhou Shuer smiled, his eyes lit up like a cloud.

He flicked Ruyun's forehead lightly, and said with a smile: "I'm not good to you, who is good to me! You are my future wife, aren't you?"

Embarrassed, Ruyun buried her head in Yan Zhou's arms, feeling sweet in her heart, she was absolutely sure that Yan Lang was her lover in this life.

Yanzhou stroked Ruyun's hair with his hand, and spoke in a difficult tone, as if he was hiding great pain in his heart: "Yun'er, I'm going to take the scientific examination in a few days, I'm afraid..."

The hand stroking Ruyun's hair stretched slightly, and directly hugged Ruyun into his arms.

Yanzhou had a sad expression on his face, and his words were full of love for Ruyun: "Yun'er, I can't bear you, I really can't bear you, what should I do? Tell me, what should I do? "

Ruyun gently rubbed against Yanzhou's arms, her long-awaited determination was extremely firm at this moment.

She came out of Yan Zhou's arms and said with a smile, "Yan Lang, I'll go with you, okay?"

Yan Zhou froze as if he couldn't believe it, and he said after a long time: "Yun'er, this... this..."

Ruyun kept smiling and looking at Yanzhou lovingly.

As if Yanzhou had just recovered, he hugged Ruyun into his arms again, and said happily: "Yun'er, I... I'm so happy, thank you, Yun'er, thank you for believing in me , I will definitely treat you well."

Ruyun closed her eyes in Yan Zhou's arms, said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "I believe in you, Yan Lang."

Ruyun, who was buried deep in Yanzhou's arms, did not see the weird and inappropriate smile in the eyes of Yanzhou who was holding her tightly.

Sansheng Pavilion is still operating as usual, and there is no impact because of the absence of the pavilion owner.

It's just that the guests coming and going can no longer hear the pipa music that resembles the sound of heaven in the past few days.

"Where's the musician?" The guest stopped a maid who was carrying a plate and asked.

The servant girl bowed to the guest and said: "Master Linyue has something to do recently, but he will probably be back tomorrow."

The guest who came to Sansheng to listen to the music was a little disappointed. He will go back tomorrow, and he doesn't know when he will come to Sansheng next time.

The guests who come and go in the three lives are all elegant people, no matter how fierce the temper is, they must restrain themselves seven points in the three lives.

So the guest didn't embarrass the maid, and could only regretfully tell himself that he came at an untimely time.

Something happened to the goods sent to the border, and Lin Yuan needed to deal with it, so she has been dealing with these things outside for the past few days.

Oh, and kill some people by the way.

Originally, she thought that she would be able to sleep well after returning to Sansheng, but it seems that she miscalculated.

Before she could clean it up, she couldn't wait to come over.

Linyuan Shi Shiran sat on a chair, and all the girls from Sansheng stood beside her.

"Tell me, what's the matter? You are in such a hurry to find me."

Standing in front of Linyuan, Ruyun was originally full of confidence, but when she saw their mysterious and unpredictable pavilion master, she unconsciously became discouraged.

Ruyun unconsciously lowered her head, which was originally looking down at Linyuan, and tightly pinched her skirt with her fingers: "I want to leave Sansheng."

Yan Lang is going to take the scientific examination, and she wants to accompany him.

"What did you say?" The others didn't speak. After all, although the sisters in Sanshengli got along very well with each other, Ruyun looked down on them since she was 13 years old and sensible. Caring and taking care of her, others don't care about Ruyun's going or staying.

Ruyun is too lazy to respond to Huayan and doesn't want to respond. After Huayan's meddling these few times, now Ruyun feels annoyed when she sees Huayan.

Once the words are out of the mouth, what follows is easier to say, Ruyun said to Linyuan again: "I want to leave Sansheng."

"Okay! Bring the money." Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows indifferently.

Ruyun's eyes widened in surprise, is it so easy?She thought she would have to go through a lot of trouble to get her contract of sale!

Obviously she should be happy, but what's with the inexplicable astringency in her heart?

But this emotion was only for a moment, Ruyun returned to her room, took out the money she had saved, and handed it to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan signaled his subordinate to count, the subordinate nodded, and immediately began to count.

Ruyun was annoyed for a while, would she still lose her money?
"Master, that's enough."

Lin Yuan waved his hand to signal his subordinates to keep the money, no matter what, he couldn't make trouble with the money, right?
"Since you have made your decision, don't regret it. You must know that those who go out definitely have no reason to come back."

It was rare for Linyuan to mention Ruyun because of her young age, but when she said it, it seemed like a threat.

Feeling humiliated, Ruyun immediately said: "Don't worry, I decided not to come back."

"That's good." Casual gesture and tone.

Since the person concerned doesn't care, what does it matter to her?

"Come here, give her her deed of prostitution. From now on, Ruyun will be removed from my third life."

The sole of the shoe was in contact with the wooden board, but there was no sound. It was as if the figures of the snow-capped Tianshan Mountains and cold plum blossoms in the lonely mountains disappeared in front of everyone, only the indifferent and clear voice came from afar.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, no matter what you say, it will not work, and Huayan can't bring back Ruyun's determination to go out.

Ruyun didn't realize until she stood outside Sansheng Pavilion that she had really come out of Sansheng, leaving Sansheng where she had lived for nearly ten years.

Ruyun was a little dazed and at a loss, as if he didn't know what to do all of a sudden.

Huayan and Ninghua stood quietly in the corridor of the third-floor attic, watching Ruyun, watching her standing outside Sansheng, watching her finally walk away with her things.

"I won't see Ruyun again in the future." Ninghua said indifferently, without any emotion in her words, just stating the facts purely and calmly.

"Shan'er is still so stupid."

Huayan spoke softly and softly, like Liu Fuping.

 Thank you little angel yangjiu for the monthly pass╭(╯ε╰)╮

  Thank you yqng Jiujiu little angel, just think little angel, live up to Shaohua little angel's tickets ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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