I'm crazy

Chapter 195 Duckweed

Chapter 195 Duckweed
After five days of galloping on horseback, Pei Feng finally arrived in Huaiyang, in front of the gate of Sansheng Pavilion.

Just as Pei Feng was about to step in, a wave of vigor came towards him. His face became serious, and he flew over, only to look at the person who appeared at the door at some point.

The visitor was dressed in white clothes that were cleaner than snow, with an indifferent and elegant demeanor, but faintly revealed a hint of laziness. He held a green lotus in his hand, as if it had just been picked from the water, and the water droplets fell from the lotus to the ground. Smudged out a water color.

And the Qi Jin that almost killed him just now was that drop of water.

Pei Feng's expression remained unchanged, he cupped his hands and said, "I don't know who you are?"

"You asked me who I was at the gate of Sansheng Pavilion, General Pei, you are really amazing." Lin Yuan held Qinglian and said casually, obviously not paying attention to Pei Feng.

Pei Feng was not angry. If he was so easily irritated, he would have died countless times.

He was just surprised by the identity of the person in front of him, the owner of the Sansheng Pavilion, even he, who has been fighting in the frontier for many years, has heard of her reputation.

Mysterious and unpredictable.

The person in front of him obviously cannot be an enemy, Pei Feng is a smart man, he immediately apologized: "It's Pei Feng who is stupid, Pavilion Master forgive me."

It was rare for Lin Yuan to look at Pei Feng squarely.

Because of the evil spirit that can't be completely concealed on his body after many years of fighting, but his eyes are clear, and he is not one of those foolish, loyal and pedantic people, which is not bad.

But it is a smart person, the more it shows...

"Come in, Ninghua's room is the penultimate one on the left on the third floor." Lin Yuan turned around and walked into Sansheng first, it's better to solve it early, lest Ninghua fall deeper into this hopeless love.

Pei Feng thanked Lin Yuan, went directly to the third floor, and stood in front of Ninghua's room door.

He stood silently, his face that had become thinner and sharper after many years of fighting showed no expression, nor any emotion, only his clenched fists slightly revealed his fluctuating mind.

Pei Feng was about to knock on the door, but the door opened from the inside.

The two suddenly met their eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Ninghua smiled slightly, the clear smile that made Pei Feng's heart flutter many years ago was still around her lips.

He once asked knowingly, why did he only smile so nicely at him?

He thought she would be embarrassed and go around directly, but she smiled proudly and said bluntly that she liked him.

It was also at that time that Pei Feng really made up his mind. He wanted to be with her forever and give her a better life, so he joined the army.

"Come in, what are you doing standing there?" Ning Hua took the lead in breaking the unspeakable atmosphere between the two.

Pei Feng followed Ninghua into the room, Ninghua poured a cup of tea for Pei Feng: "Sit down."

Pei Feng put his hands behind his back, his expressionless face was very alienated and polite: "No, I just said a few words."

Ninghua's hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, she looked at Pei Feng, the man she had loved for five years, and said with a smile, "Okay."

The veins in Pei Feng's hands behind his back were bulging, and he was about to bleed, but he still looked aloof and polite and didn't care about anything.

"I will marry the princess."

Ninghua still smiled: "Okay."

Pei Feng's heart ached, "We have nothing to do with each other in the future."

Ninghua still smiled and said: "Okay."

Pei closed his eyes, his teeth had bitten his tongue out of blood: "I'm leaving."

Ninghua smiled, "Okay."

Pei Feng walked out of Sansheng and walked on the street. Huaiyang was still so bustling and lively, but this bustling scene had nothing to do with him.

He has become an outsider, and if there is no accident, he will never step into Huaiyang in his life.

Pei Feng walked out of this street step by step, leaving Huaiyang, Ninghua in Sanshengli burst into tears and was devastated.

It's over, the five-year wait is finally over.

Ninghua lay prone on the table, weeping uncontrollably.


"Are you okay?"

Three days had passed since that day, and the sisters in Sansheng all agreed not to disturb Ninghua, and let her calm down by herself.

It wasn't until today when Ninghua came out of Sansheng's door again that Huayan and other girls came to chat with Ninghua, instead of discussing about that person, they just teased her and made her happy without any trace.

The corner of Ninghua's mouth has always been drawn with a gentle smile. After a few days, Ninghua has changed a lot. The temperament on her body is not as enchanting and charming as before, but a little more gentle and calm.

It wasn't until the other sisters left that there were only Huayan and Ninghua left in the room, and Huayan opened her mouth softly.

The smile on the corner of Ninghua's mouth faded a lot after Huayan's words came out, she knew that Huayan didn't mean to bring up her sadness, she wanted her to let go of it completely.

Ninghua stared at the cyan teacup on the table, and said calmly: "I don't know if I'm okay. Although I feel very uncomfortable, I wish I could die, but it seems that another kind of power is supporting me, as if this One day I had a premonition, so when this day really comes, I won't collapse."

Waiting like this all the time, and occasionally writing letters with Pei Feng, knowing that he is getting better and better, his status in the army is getting higher and better, and he is getting better and better, I'm afraid I already have a little expectation in my heart.

"Do you hate him?" Hua Yan asked worriedly.

"Hate?" Ninghua shook her head, showing a beautiful smile.

"I don't hate, I never hated him."

Facing Huayan's puzzled look, Ninghua smiled and explained: "You know what? He joined the army because of me, and he wanted to give me a better life."

Ninghua's eyes were in a daze for a while, and then she took a sip of tea, and slowly told those unknown stories in a moving voice.

"We two agree with each other. In the past five years, I have never had anyone else by my side, and he is the same. I can guarantee that he has never found military prostitutes or other women. Isn't it incredible?" Facing Huayan's surprised look, Ninghua asked with a smile.

Huayan nodded, it was really incredible, men have always had three wives and four concubines since ancient times, even those ordinary people would have the idea of ​​marrying another concubine after dinner, let alone someone with a high status.

Ninghua smiled heartily: "He gave me the most precious respect, in a world where it is so difficult for women to survive."

"After I heard the news you said, I was really sad and sad. I even thought about just letting it go, but luckily I didn't." Hua Yan frowned at this point, and Ning Hua comforted her.

She watched Huayan quietly, "I thought about it carefully, he didn't betray me. I waited voluntarily. The emperor bestowed marriage to the princess. Even if I didn't want to, I couldn't refuse it. It's his involuntary, unless I want to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks with him."

Speaking of this, Ninghua smiled helplessly and bitterly: "Under the whole world, is it the king's land? On the shore of the land, is it the king's subjects? I know this sentence very well. It is impossible for us to abandon everything to die, let alone throw away everything. If you keep everything incognito, where can you hide? If you really anger the emperor, you will still be unable to escape a death, and you will also implicate many people."

(End of this chapter)

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