I'm crazy

Chapter 196 Duckweed

Chapter 196 Duckweed
Huayan listened quietly, listening to Ninghua's mood, listening to her involuntary.

"He married the royal princess, and it is even more impossible for me to be a concubine. Now this is a very good ending."

Ninghua looked at Huayan, "Sister Hua, do you know? In fact, I am very happy, really happy, because he has not changed, he is still the one in my heart, I have not lied to me, I have not betrayed me, and I am alone. Come and tell me clearly, break it clean, did not give me unrealistic fantasies, and did not hurt me. After thinking about it carefully, I did not love the wrong person, and my sincerity did not pay the wrong person. Neither of us was wrong. We just can't help ourselves."

When Ninghua said these words, the corners of her mouth were always raised, and she smiled brightly. She really thought so, really thought so.

Hua Yan also smiled, "That's good."

That's fine, it's the best.

It's not because of the wrong payment, it's not the difference in status, it's just involuntary.

For these helpless women, this is the best.

Huayan has met many people and seen many things. In this world, there are many infatuated women who betray their hearts, and women are often let down.

There are groups of wives and concubines, beating and scolding wives and children, there are countless people who say they love you and marry you, but then they turn around and marry her right away, without any explanation, even when you don't know it, you are that person Destroying someone's outer room, when you ask angrily, he will pretend to be innocent and helpless, disgusting.

If Ninghua's person is really what Ninghua said, that's good, that's good.

At least it's worth it.

Her sincerity didn't endow a wolf with a heart.


Ninghua started to dance again, Ninghua's dance was good even in Sansheng, she didn't show up these few days, but the guests who came to see her dance were very anxious.

"You have to earn back the little money these few days for the pavilion master." Lin Yuan waved his fan with a frivolous tone.

Ninghua smiled suddenly, and the enchanting and charming style appeared on her body again, "Are you not letting me rest?"

"Since you know it, why don't you go get ready?" She glanced over lightly, with a faint coercion that ordinary people can't feel, but Ninghua, who has been in contact with Linyuan a lot, felt it.

She wasn't frightened either, it should be said that she was confident, she knew in her heart that the pavilion master would not hurt them, although she was still in awe of her, but at least she was not as trembling as before.

"Okay, ok, lord Pavilion Master is still so ignorant of pity and sympathy!"

The words of Ninghua lamenting "sadness" came slowly, and the girls around heard all laughed.

Lin Yuan looked over with indifferent eyes, the others did not have the courage of Ning Hua, subconsciously avoided Lin Yuan's sight, and left one after another to avoid being caught and punished by the pavilion master.

"It seems that you are still too busy! Ning'er, why don't you go out with the pavilion master?" Lin Yuan kindly suggested.

Ninghua's expression froze, and she politely refused: "Ninghua remembered that Ninghua has three dances to dance today, and Ninghua will go to prepare now, so I won't disturb the rest of the Pavilion Master."

Just kidding, although she is not very clear about the identity of the pavilion master, after so many years, she and Huayan and other keen people can guess a little bit. The pavilion master said that going out for a walk is not easy, nor is she able to bear affordable.

If you can't come back once you go out, then...

She still wants to live a good life, let go of the old people and old things forever, and it will never have anything to do with her.


Ninghua let go of this relationship, but Ruyun who went out with Yanzhou did not have a good life. It was good at first.

Yan Zhou is gentle and considerate, giving way to her everywhere.

The two of them came out from Huaiyang to the capital for scientific research, and they had no money except the silver on her body, and Yanzhou was a scholar, and the pens, inks, papers and inkstones had to be replaced frequently, and they could only get in and out, so of course the money was spent less and less.

Ruyun came to Sansheng Pavilion when she was very young, and she was usually taken care of by Huayan and others. Apart from practicing dancing and singing, she hardly did anything by herself. Of course, she couldn't make money and couldn't think of anything. Method.

And it is even more impossible for Yan Zhou, a scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken, to let go of his aloofness as a scholar and find a job.

"But now we have no more money." Ru Yun looked at Yan Zhou with teary eyes, trying to explain clearly to him.

Yan Zhou frowned, "Aren't you still holding the bank notes?"

When Ruyun heard the banknote, her eyes subconsciously widened, "How do you know I have the banknote?"

Yan Zhou cursed inwardly, he revealed his truth by accident, if he hadn't found where the banknote was hidden by this woman, who would have flirted with her.

Yan Zhou slowed down his expression slightly, and said softly, "Didn't you tell me this before? Have you forgotten?"

Seeing Ruyun's puzzled thinking, Yanzhou continued, his tone full of confusion: "When we were together, you said that you had some bank notes, and you also said that you would use them for me during my scientific examination. Come on, Yun'er, are you worried about me?"

Yanzhou frowned sadly, his eyes were full of sadness that he was not believed by his lover, "Yun'er, don't worry, I will marry you when I am admitted to an official, and you will be an official's wife. I want to kneel at your feet and salute you. You can wear gold and silver if you want. Don’t you want such a day to come soon? If you don’t use silver now, I have nothing to eat, drink, or read, and I can’t do it Study hard, you will definitely fail the exam when the time comes."

Ruyun was touched by these words, she followed Yan Zhou, not only because Yan Zhou was kind to her and she really liked him, but also because she thought Yan Zhou was talented.

Every time she went to him secretly, she could see Yanzhou reciting poems with his friends, and she asked an old scholar in Huaiyang specifically, and he said that Yanzhou did have real talents, and he would definitely be admitted to the government. , to be an official, she is the wife of a high official.

She didn't want to stay in that Sansheng Pavilion all her life, being a dancing dancer, she wanted to be a master, and she wanted to see the envious and jealous eyes of those people in the pavilion.

Yanzhou grasped Ruyun's idea very well, and after a few words, Ruyun willingly handed the bank note to Yanzhou.

This time, Yanzhou finally saw where Ruyun hid the banknotes.

After getting the money, the life of the two of them got better again, even Ruyun felt that she was too stupid for not wanting to take the money a few days ago, but there is no need to torture herself if she has a good life.

Besides, she still has a lot of money, so it's no big deal to use one or two silver bills.

So Ruyun was very relieved to live in a hotel with Yanzhou and eat good food, squandering money recklessly.

Ruyun was almost raised by Sansheng Pavilion, she knows nothing, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with her spending money like this.

As for Yan Zhou, it wasn't his money in the first place, so why should he care? After waiting for so long, he finally seized the opportunity to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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