I'm crazy

Chapter 198 Duckweed

Chapter 198 Duckweed
Rong Rong didn't want to go out now, but Sun Zhen could come in if she didn't go out, and he asked her to play the piano by name, and Sun Zhen asked her as a guest, she couldn't refuse at all.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for her to make the sisters worry about her. In fact, if the pavilion master is here, it is only a matter of one word, but these few days the pavilion master has gone away again, so Rong Rong can only bear it.

Sun Zhen was sitting in the box, and Rong Rong was sitting in front of the qin table. On the qin table was a guzheng.

But obviously Sun Zhen wasn't listening to the music at all, his eyes were fixed on Rong Rong.

Rong Rong, who was playing the kite, was disgusting. He was obviously not an elegant person, but he had to behave in an arty manner.

At the end of the song, Rong Rong held the kite and gave a slight salute, "Rong Rong will leave."

No matter how much she hated Sun Zhen in her heart, now she is in Sansheng, and Sun Zhen is Sansheng's guest, Rong Rong will not let anyone catch her wrong.

"Rong'er." Sun Zhen stood up from the collapse, approached Rong Rong in two or three steps, and blocked Rong Rong at the door.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You see it's getting late, why don't we have a long talk all night?"

Sun Zhen looked at Rongrong with his body, but because of the obstruction of the guzheng, he did not touch Rongrong.

The disgust in Rong Rong's eyes grew stronger, she hugged the guzheng even tighter, she knew that Sun Zhen dared not do anything to her in Sansheng, and those who disrespected the girls in Sansheng had already been dismissed by them five years ago The Lord threw it to feed the wolves.

But it still made her sick to be so close.

"Sun Gongzi, please respect yourself!" Rong Rong hugged the zither upwards, and the huge wooden body of the zither bumped into Sun Zhen's hand that was about to reach out, causing his hand to turn red.

Sun Zhen's complexion immediately turned cold, "Rongrong, don't be shameless. It's your blessing that I, Sun Zhen, can see you. It's useless for me to give you face. You said that if I want to do something What, can you stop Master Ben?"

Sun Zhen's threat might be useful if it were someone else, but Rong Rong obviously sneered at him.

Even the servants who sweep the floor in Sansheng are first-class masters in the martial arts, how could Sun Zhen dare to touch her in Sansheng.

Rong Rong's face also turned cold. If it was just that there was no smile in her eyes just now, now she is directly not giving Sun Zhen any face.

"Master Sun, Rong Rong will leave first."

Even if she cared about Sansheng and didn't want to affect Sansheng just because she was alone, it didn't mean she could let Sun Zhen humiliate her like this.

The pavilion master himself said that no one can force them to do what they don't want!
If anyone refuses to accept, she will support them!

Rong Rong directly tried to open the door, but Sun Zhen really dared to act presumptuously in San Sheng, and covered Rong Rong's mouth.

Sun Zhen leaned close to Rong Rong, and said gloomyly: "I don't want to drink a toast, I'm just a whore, do I really think I'm something? I'm willing to marry you as a concubine with good intentions, and you're not willing to let me today Taste what the noble face of Sansheng Pavilion is like!"

A stench approached Rongrong, and Sun Zhen was about to vomit Rongrong.

Sun Zhen shook his hand, the guzheng fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and Rong Rong was knocked to the ground by his force.

Rong Rong looked at Sun Zhen with a smile, and counted lightly: "One, two, three."

Sun Zhen looked at Rong Rong inexplicably, thinking that she was happy and silly, he knew that this kind of bitch was just putting on airs, how could she really reject him!

Sun Zhen directly took off his clothes first, and the locked door was opened as soon as Rong Rong said.

The small voice was ignored by Sun Zhen who was busy taking off his clothes, but Rong Rong, who was sitting calmly on the ground, heard the sound of the door opening and saw who came in!

"It seems that someone broke the rules I set."

Lin Yuan sighed slowly, casually glanced at Rong Rong who was on the ground who was fine and Sun Zhen who was half-dressed, revealing a white chest.

Rong Rong stood up, straightened her clothes, saluted Lin Yuan with a slight smile, and went out holding the zither that fell to the ground.

Now that the pavilion master is back, and happened to meet Sun Zhenyu who misbehaved her, she will not be in charge of the next thing, and she doesn't have to worry about Sun Zhen anymore.

Lin Yuan sat on a chair with his legs crossed, his laid-back look was in stark contrast to Sun Zhen.

"I don't know who this young master is?" Lin Yuan asked politely.

Sun Zhen still didn't know that the person in front of him was the owner of Sansheng Pavilion.

Except for the people in Sansheng, in front of outsiders, Lin Yuan has always shown himself as a musician.

Sitting in front of him with such a beauty, Sun Zhen was already dizzy with lust, and was interrupted at a critical moment, and his sanity was not going anywhere.

"Little beauty, did you let Rong Rong go to serve me for her?" Sun Zhen stared at Lin Yuan with bright eyes, if he hadn't inexplicably felt that the person in front of him was difficult to deal with, he would have pounced on him long ago.

Kunlun mirror in the sea of ​​consciousness took a deep breath when he heard Sun Zhen's reckless words.

He's going to die a terrible death, it swears.

The subordinates standing outside waiting for their master's eyes were red, where did the dog dare to insult their master like this.

"Master, tell your subordinates to abolish this life-or-death thing." The subordinates who have been with Lin Yuan for several years can't help but insult their master in front of them, treating them as dead?
Seeing them so excited, the hostility that had just risen in Lin Yuan's heart subsided a lot.

Since the birth of Chaos, no creature has dared to speak to her like this. During these days of traveling in the small plane, this novelty has been experienced a lot.

Lin Yuan doesn't agree with the absurd statement that those who don't know are innocent. If you don't know her identity, can you erase your rudeness to her?
If this is the case, then she can also kill weak and innocent creatures at will, and then say, I didn't know you were so weak.


Lin Yuan nodded, too lazy to stay to see what happened to Sun Zhen.

Watching the master walking away step by step, several subordinates entered the room, locked the room directly, and walked towards Sun Zhen step by step.

No matter how retarded Sun Zhen was, he could hear something wrong from what they said just now.

At this moment, seeing a few men walking towards him with red eyes and full of malice, Sun Zhen couldn't help his legs go weak, "You...what are you going to do? Let me tell you, I am the son of the magistrate of Huaiyang, if you dare to touch me, This broken brothel will definitely not be able to open on the border of Huaiyang, and you will not have any good fruit to eat!"

Sun Zhen threatened with a stern tone.

A subordinate directly picked up a chair and threw it at Sun Zhen. The wooden chair hit Sun Zhen's head directly, smashing Sun Zhen out of a bloody hole, and knocking Sun Zhen unconscious.

The others looked at the subordinate who hit someone with a chair in disapproval. It's not fun to knock someone unconscious, don't you know?

The subordinate's expression froze. Doesn't he want to see this thing and spit shit again?
 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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