I'm crazy

Chapter 199 Duckweed

Chapter 199 Duckweed
After going out, Rong Rong went to her own room to change clothes. The clothes on her body were touched by that disgusting thing. She really couldn't bear it for a moment.

After changing clothes, I had time to check her guzheng carefully. It fell to the ground and damaged a corner. Fortunately, the string was not broken. As for the damaged corner, it can still be repaired.

But the strings of the guzheng are the heavenly silk specially given to her by the Pavilion Master. They were all used to make the strings back then. If they were broken, her zither would be useless.

If she had known earlier she would not have taken her kite, Rong Rong touched the broken corner of the kite, which made her more angry than Sun Zhen touching her.

"Are you okay?" Lin Yuan knocked on the door three times, then pushed the door open and entered.

Rong Rong shook her head and showed a smile. Anyone who sees their pavilion master will feel better, besides, she is really fine.

"Pavilion master, sit down." Rong Rong put the chair down and went to make tea.

Lin Yuan sat on the chair in a very relaxed and reckless posture, not caring about manners and manners at all.

Anyway, she looks good no matter what she does.

Rong Rong put the teacup in front of Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan picked up the tea and took a sip, "What result do you want?"

Rong Rong was very clear about what Lin Yuan asked, and she said seriously: "I don't want to see him again."

"I see, take a good rest, you don't have to work hard tonight." Lin Yuan put down his teacup, turned and left Rong Rong's room.

Rong Rong didn't ask the pavilion master how to deal with Sun Zhen, in short, she will never encounter this disgusting thing again, how to deal with it is the pavilion master's business.

She knew what to ask and what not to ask.


Yanzhou and Ruyun were still on their way to the capital. After walking for so many days, they finally arrived soon.

"Yun'er, let's find a hotel to rest." Yan Zhou said to Ruyun, who was sweating on his forehead.

It's the dog days now, and the carriage is much better than walking, but it's also sweltering and unbearable.

And because they were on the road all the time, they couldn't drink much water, Ruyun and Yanzhou tried their best to bear it.

"Okay, listen to Yan Lang."

After Yanzhou's sweet talk and various methods these days, Ruyun's heart has long been given to Yanzhou, and even her body was given to Yanzhou before the two of them got married.

Ruyun thinks that she already belongs to Yan Lang, and she has become more and more dependent on Yan Zhou during the two of them getting along, listening to Yan Zhou's opinions on major and minor matters.

Yan Zhou was very proud of this look of taking him as the sky.

At the beginning, he pretended to be aloof, but after a few days of hard work, he said some coaxing words, found a few people to act in a play, and obediently delivered it to his door.

Women, you are the most stupid and deceitful.

Yan Zhou rolled his eyes, he had already seen the hotel in front of him, and he could start tonight.

These days, coaxing such a stupid, childish and boring woman, he is almost bored to death.

A 15-year-old little bitch with nothing, if it weren't for those old bitches who are not easy to deceive, how could he pick this kind of little bitch as his target, he doesn't like these little bitches who have nothing.

Parked the carriage outside the hotel and gave it to the waiter, Yan Zhou walked in directly with Ruyun.

"Boss, stay at the shop." Yan Zhou gave the money to the shop owner, who arranged rooms for the two of them graciously.

Taking the wooden sign, Yanzhou and Ruyun walked towards the second floor. When they were about to reach the corner, Yanzhou turned his head inadvertently, and met the eyes of the wrinkled shop owner.

"Guest, this is the meal you want." The waiter brought up what Yan Zhou ordered, and Yan Zhou brought it in and put it on the table.

"Yun'er, come and eat." Yan Zhou called Ruyun tenderly, still calculating how much money they had left.

Ruyun stopped hiding her banknotes from Yanzhou after she was coaxed by Yanzhou to give her body to Yanzhou.

However, Yanzhou didn't feel any difference when facing these bank notes, he was still as good to Ruyun as before, and Ruyun was more determined to feel that he had met a beloved man.

"Yan Lang, you eat first, I'll sort out the rest of the banknotes first."

The two spent a lot of money in these days, not to mention that Ruyun still couldn't bear any grievances, and spent more than ordinary people.

But that's it, the money left on Ruyun is enough for ordinary people to spend a few lifetimes.

It can be seen that Ruyun has a lot of bank notes, just Ruyun, who is still a child in Sansheng, can have so much money, let alone those who are famous.

Yanzhou's attention at the beginning was not Ruyun at all, and there were more rich and good-looking Sansheng than her, so Yanzhou naturally looked down on Ruyun.

But everyone else in Sansheng is a bitch who is so lofty to the extreme, and they actually look down on him, Yanzhou, so Yanzhou has no choice but to change his target.

Yanzhou smiled softly, walked to Ruyun with a bowl of porridge, picked up a spoon and stirred it a few times, and coaxed softly: "Yun'er, be good, drink this bowl of porridge before watching, Yuner like this If you don't pay attention to your body, your husband will feel bad."

Ruyun blushed, she gave Yanzhou a coquettish look, and said coquettishly, "I want you to hello."

Yanzhou smiled dotingly, "Okay, my husband is here to feed Yun'er."

Ruyun's last memory before coma was Yan Zhou's face full of smiles.

"How is it, okay?"

As soon as Yanzhou finished counting the bank notes, the shop owner opened the door and walked in.

He walked to the bed, and touched Ruyun's face with old, dry and dirty hands, and disgusting desire in his cloudy eyes.

"Tender! Really tender!" The shop owner smiled obscenely, and was about to take off his clothes, but was pushed away by Yan Zhou's slap.

"This is going to be sent to Xianglanyuan!" Yan Zhou shouted impatiently in a low voice.

The shop owner narrowed his eyes, and his broken voice sounded faintly: "You got the money and the people, so why don't you let me have a good time now, Yan Zhou, how can you have such a reason?"

Yanzhou confronted the store owner, and it took a long time before he laughed out loud: "Okay, brother, this is what Xianglanyuan wants, don't embarrass me, besides, when will I pay less than you? ?”

The shop owner remained silent, staring at Yanzhou with those eyes that seemed to have been soaked in sewage.

After a while, Yan Zhou pulled out a smile, "Brother, I will give you double the money this time, what do you think?"

The store owner just smiled, and his wrinkled face looked even more ugly, "Brother Yan, you know, it's been hard lately! I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Yan Zhou also smiled: "Yes, yes, I know that my brother didn't make things difficult for me on purpose."

Ruyun in a coma was unknowingly sent by Yanzhou to Xianglanyuan, a real brothel.

After a few days, Linyuan, who was extremely leisurely at Sansheng, got the news.

At the beginning, Linyuan sent a secret guard to follow Yanzhou and the two, just to watch a play, to see what Ruyun would end up with her so-called lover.

Now it seems that it is really good.

"What exactly happened?"

Lin Yuan lay on the rocking chair, not paying much attention.

 Thank you yangjiujiu little angel, I just want to vote for little angel ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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