I'm crazy

Chapter 211 Adorable Baby

Chapter 211 Adorable Baby
Feng Yan helped Shi Xing serve the meal, and the grandparents and grandchildren began to eat dinner. Lin Yuan and Feng Yan sat together, and Shi Xing sat opposite.

"Grandma, eat more." Lin Yuan scooped up a spoonful of meat with her chubby hands and put it into Feng Yan's bowl.

Then he scooped up another spoon and put it into Shi Xing's bowl. The soft, glutinous, sweet and sticky child's voice rang in his ears, which made people feel better. Have a meal."

Feng Yan was obviously very pleased with the concern of her good daughter, so she laughed aloud, put down her chopsticks and touched the little hair tied with soft balls, taking care not to mess up her cute hairstyle.

Speaking of which, this brat was the one who did it for her nannie. Although she was still sour, her obedient and soft nannie didn't need her to tie her hair since this kid came, but Feng Yan still admitted that this kid's craftsmanship is really good.

She seems to be born with these hands-on skills, even after being taught cooking once by her, she can get started immediately, and she does it pretty well.

If Lin Yuan knew what Feng Yan was thinking, he would definitely say that this is normal, as a villain who is beautiful, strong and miserable, this strength is reflected in every aspect.

Shi Xing didn't speak, he had been so taciturn for the past few days, and Feng Yan was very used to it.

But Feng Yan noticed that this brat was not taciturn in front of her daughter, which showed how cute her daughter was.

"That's right!" Feng Yan picked up the chopsticks again, and said calmly while eating: "Since you have been at home for so many days, and my daughter likes you very much, then let's settle the household registration issue tomorrow."

Rural people don't have the rule of not talking when eating or sleeping, because they are usually busy with various tasks, so they usually talk about everything at the dinner table.

The family chatted while eating and felt that the food was a lot more delicious.

Shi Xing's eating hands froze, and he clenched his chopsticks tightly, poking into the rice without any movement.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan clapped his hands and cheered happily: "Wow, my brother will really be my brother in the future, wow! I'm so happy."

This was a bit convoluted, but both Feng Yan and Shi Xing understood.

Shi Xing has suffered a lot, plus he is much smarter than ordinary children, so he is usually very calm, and he is not like a ten-year-old boy who is almost going to heaven and earth.

As soon as Feng Yan said this, it proved that the matter had been settled, he really had a family, and he no longer had to worry about being alone.

The light in Shi Xing's eyes became brighter and brighter these days, until today they all lit up, dazzling and dazzling.

After eating, Shi Xing cleaned up the dishes and washed them, and the soft dumpling sat next to him with a ponytail.

"Brother, may I help you?"

Lin Yuan propped his chubby double chin, and said to Shi Xing who was washing the dishes.

Shi Xing frowned, but didn't turn his head back: "Go ahead, what kind of dishes is the little guy doing?"

The small eyebrows on Yuanyuan's face raised, although this action was so funny and cute for a three-year-old child, Lin Yuan obviously didn't realize it.

The tone was not very polite, but Lin Yuan was not angry, this villain is very good!If he really asked her to do the dishes, then she would have to consider getting another golden thigh to hug her.

After washing the bowls skillfully and then rinsing them with clean water, tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Shi Xing washed his hands.

He was about to take a shower and go to bed, but when he thought that Tuanzi was going to sleep with him, his body froze suddenly.

Many households in rural areas now use water heaters. Because Feng Yan's family is a family of martyrs, of course various support policies are indispensable, so they are also the first to use water heaters.

Lin Yuan usually washes by herself, Feng Yan disagreed at first, but after seeing that her daughter-in-law is really good at washing by herself and clean, Feng Yan gave up, but Feng Yan is afraid that something will happen to her, so she usually does it in the Waiting at the door of the bathroom, obviously Shi Xing didn't know.

Seeing Shi Xing's stiff and unnatural look now, Lin Yuan kept silent in spite of himself, let's see what Shi Xing will do in the end.

Shi Xing stayed for a long time, and finally broke the silence with a sound. It was almost time for Tuanzi to sleep, and he couldn't continue to stay like this.

Ever since Shi Xing came and her daughter-in-law acted like Shi Xing very much, Feng Yan taught Shi Xing very carefully the various precautions for bringing dumplings.

During the process, Shi Xing didn't say a word, but the pages filled with writing and various drawings showed how serious Shi Xing was.

This is also an important reason why Feng Yan is satisfied with Shi Xing's final decision to keep him on the household registration.

After all, she still loves her good niece, and the reason she figured it out is also because of her niece, who likes Shi Xing, so she is willing to let him stay.

After careful observation these days, I found that although this kid didn't say anything, he still liked her niece very much. For her niece's future consideration, she decided to register with Shi Xing.

She can't stay with her good girl all the time, so she has to choose someone who can take care of her and accompany her.

"Brother." Lin Yuan smiled again showing his white teeth, urging Shi Xing, "I'm sleepy."

Shi Xingwei sighed invisibly, walked to Lin Yuan's side and hugged her, "Can I wash it myself?"

Although he knew that a three-year-old child could never take a bath by himself, Shi Xing still had a little extravagant hope, hoping that the word "can" could come out of his rosy little mouth.

Lin Yuan hugged Shi Xing's neck with both hands. Shi Xing had a faint scent of black orchid, not the smell of shower gel, but it smelled very comfortable. This was one of the reasons why Lin Yuan was willing to stay by Shi Xing's side.

"Brother, my daughter can wash herself."

Instead of teasing Shi Xing, Lin Yuan answered Shi Xing's question.

Shi Xing was obviously relieved, but the next second he couldn't help but feel...

"Is it really all right?" Lin Yuan asked in a cold voice.

Lin Yuan let go of the hand holding Shi Xing's neck, looked into Shi Xing's eyes, stretched out his chubby fingertips and poked Shi Xing's face, and said arrogantly: "Brother, don't you believe in Nannie? If Nannan says it's okay, then it's okay. "

"No." Shi Xing directly picked up Xiaotuanzi, walked into the bathroom, put the dumpling on a small stool beside him, and packed up the things that the three-headed Xiaotuanzi needed, and put them in an easy-to-reach place , After putting away the little dolphin pajamas of the dumpling, it took a long time to explain before going out.

Shi Xing originally wanted to read in the room while waiting for Tuanzi, but Feng Yan bought many books and notebooks for him and Xiaotuanzi for them to read and write.

Shi Xing originally learned to read, write and go to school when he was in the orphanage, but...

Obscurity and darkness flashed in his eyes, Shi Xing's fingers pinched the book tightly, almost tearing off a page.

He touched the book and forced himself to let go of this matter temporarily. He is not capable yet.

Shi Xing has already sat on a chair with a book, but he is often easily absorbed, but now he can't read anything.

Shi Xing rubbed his brows a little irritably, and finally got up with the book and walked outside the bathroom, glanced at the bathroom where he couldn't see anything, and continued to stare at the book in his hand, now he could read in.

 Thank you little angel Jiujiu for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket O(∩_∩)O
  Thank you for the ticket O(∩_∩)O

(End of this chapter)

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