I'm crazy

Chapter 212 Adorable Baby

Chapter 212 Adorable Baby
After waiting for almost half an hour, the bathroom door was opened, and Xiaotuanzi stood in front of him in a dark blue dolphin pajamas.

Her hair was still wet, and the faint water vapor was entangled in her big black and white eyes, like the morning fog in the mountains that Shi Xing had seen on TV, hazy and pure beauty.

Shi Xing fetched a towel, picked up Xiaotuanzi, walked into the room and put it on the kang, then covered her legs with a quilt, sat behind Fentuanzi and wiped her hair.

Lin Yuan squinted his big eyes to enjoy the gentle and comfortable service of Jin Thighs, and almost fell asleep squinting, it was so comfortable.

After drying his hair completely, Shi Xing took his clothes to take a shower, and Lin Yuan lay on the bed waiting for him to come back.

Just now I wanted to sleep, but now I don't want to sleep anymore.

Shi Xing took a bath faster than Tuanzi, and it took only half of her time to wash it. She packed up the dirty clothes for washing tomorrow, and then she got to the table and started writing.

Grandma said that she wanted to send him and Tuanzi to study in school, so Shi Xing had to work hard.

In the end, he was still terrified, feeling that it was like a dream, he would wake up at any moment, he had to work harder, harder.

In this way, this dream will not wake up.

Seeing Shi Xing coming in, Lin Yuan ignored her and began to study, smiled, got off the kang with two short legs, and walked over to Shi Xing's side.

Shi Xing concentrated his attention until he felt the pulling force from the corner of his clothes before he lowered his head and saw Xiaotuanzi.

Xiaotuanzi raised his head and smiled brightly. It seemed that the scorching sun was about to burn people. Only when he got closer did he realize that the sun was warm, and it did no harm except warmth.

"Brother, my daughter also wants to learn, my brother will teach me."

Xiaotuanzi said softly.

Shi Xing stared at her blankly for a while, then lifted her up and put her on his lap, pointed to the writing on it and said, "Read."

Lin Yuan repeated his words with a smile, even the tone was exactly the same: "Read."

Shi Xing paused, "Read."

Lin Yuan continued to repeat, very well-behaved: "Read the characters."

Shi Xing: "..."

He didn't continue, he looked down at Xiaotuanzi's cute hair in his arms, and he reached out his hand to poke her tender and tender face.

In fact, Shi Xing had already discovered that the cute and well-behaved dumpling in his arms was very smart, and there were things in his eyes that he couldn't understand from time to time.

It was nothing like any three-year-old he had ever seen.

Sometimes she will play tricks on people, and after the teasing is over, she will smile at you sweetly, making you unable to vent your anger at all.

But more often it is warm, making people feel warm when they see her.

Shi Xing's patience is also very good. Knowing that Xiaotuanzi might be upset, he didn't continue to teach, but hugged Xiaotuanzi and turned around to face her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Yuan raised her arms, put two chubby paws on Shi Xing's face and pinched it, she used a little strength, so Shi Xing's face was pinched into a round shape by her.

Then she smiled at Mimi and said: "Brother said he would sleep with Nannan, it's very late, brother and Nanna will sleep together."

Shi Xing knew the reason for Tuanzi's displeasure, she felt that he ignored her.

Shi Xing didn't say desperately that he wanted to study, but he nodded obediently, packed up his books, and carried the dumpling onto the kang.

Shi Xing covered Tuanzi and himself with the quilt, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Lin Yuan wants to sleep well?

How can it be!

"Brother, I want to hear a story." Lin Yuan asked very confidently as he poked the face that was close at hand with his chubby hand.

After becoming a child in this plane, Lin Yuan's habit of sleeping alone also changed.

In the past, it wasn't that she couldn't sleep because she slept with others, it was just that she simply felt unaccustomed and uncomfortable.

In this plane, she slept with Feng Yan from the very beginning, and she has adapted to this process very much now, but this also needs to be divided.

Shi Xing looked at the fair and tender face close at hand. Although he couldn't tell a story, he still tried his best to think of the cartoons he had watched on TV and told Tuanzi.

Lin Yuan curled his lips, feeling disgusted: "Brother's story is not good."

Before Shi Xing could explain himself a word or two, Fen Tuanzi turned around and started to sleep with his back on his back, but after a while, the sound of light breathing came over.

The big smiling face of the dolphin on his back seemed to be still mocking Shi Xing.

Shi Xing was silent for a while, then gently covered the quilt, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The night was gentle, one big and one small were sleeping quietly, with the same fair face and ruddy lips, and the sound of breathing was slowly exhaled, together, they were extremely harmonious.

After breakfast and packing up the next day, Feng Yan took Shi Xing and Lin Yuan to the police station to register.

Feng Yan took out the new clothes she bought at an unknown time, and said to Shi Xing: "Go and change it, look at the clothes you are wearing, if you don't know, you may think I am abusing you, old lady."

Shi Xing took the clothes from Feng Yan, his eye circles were a little red, he turned his head unobtrusively, and went into the room to change clothes.

Feng Yan was afraid that the girl standing next to her would be angry if she thought she only bought clothes for Shi Xing but not her, so she whispered to her, "Naughty, I bought milk for you too."

Lin Yuan smiled sweetly at Feng Yan, motioned Feng Yan to squat down, and touched Feng Yan's face: "Daughter, my daughter has no shortage of clothes to wear, my daughter likes the clothes made by my mother, my mother is too hard, I have to save money , my daughter knows."

Feng Yan looked at her daughter-in-law's big clear eyes, how could her daughter-in-law be so obedient, how could she not attract people's attention!

After Shi Xing changed his clothes and came out, the three of them walked together to the police station. Shi Xing held Tuanzi's right hand, and Feng Yan held Tuanzi's left hand.

The three of them are two young and one old, and their steps are just right.

In the past few years, I couldn't go to the police station once, but this year I went twice at once, and it was all because of the child.

I met Zhou Ru on the road, Zhou Ru first took a few rare glances at the soft dumpling, and gave Lin Yuan an apple before noticing Shi Xing who was holding the dumpling.

"Sister Feng, where did this doll come from?"

Look at this long face. Although it is not as cute as Tuanzi, it is much more beautiful than those monkeys in the village who only know how to climb trees and play with birds.

The corner of Feng Yan's mouth twitched, it was indiscriminate but it still made people notice that she was happy and showed off slightly.

"No, my old lady, I picked up another child and plan to take him to register."

Zhou Ru exclaimed: "You really know how to pick it up, why can't I pick up such a good doll!"

This is quite bitter, but not malicious.

They all live in the same village. Everyone knows Feng Yan's character, and she is a family member of a martyr. Except for those gossiping women, no one thinks that the doll in Feng Yan's family was obtained by any improper means.

I can only think that this is God's compensation to Feng Yan. I can still have a doll to accompany me when I am old, but it is not easy to raise a doll now.

But they are willing to raise ten such cute and cute dolls!
(End of this chapter)

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