I'm crazy

Chapter 231 Adorable Baby

Chapter 231 Adorable Baby
In the middle of the meal, a person came into the box, wearing a shirt, with a warm demeanor, followed by a waiter carrying a plate.

"Thank you two guests for coming to my vanity to dine. The club has just opened these few days. This is the signature dish of the club. It is provided for guests to taste for free. I wish you a happy meal."

There was a gentle smile on the visitor's face, which made people feel that he was harmless and wanted to get close to him unconsciously.

Shi Xing had noticed Lin Yuan's displeasure when he came in, although his complexion didn't change much, and he was even peeling shrimp for her, but Shi Xing's whole body was cold.

Lin Yuan focused on the plate of shrimp that Shi Xing had peeled for her in front of her, and kept her head silent. She especially likes seafood these days, such as shrimp, but shrimp is really troublesome to eat.

Moreover, seafood is cold in nature. Shi Xing and Feng Yan think that eating too much is not good for her health, and they are rarely seen on the dining table at home.

It was rare for Shi Xing to take her out to eat shrimp today, and it was still peeled, so no matter how interesting it was, it was not as important as the shrimp in front of her.

Gu Gu looked at the little girl sitting on the chair and eating shrimp.

Small, really small.

It should be about eight or nine years old.

But cute, and really cute.

Wearing a cool little black dress, but wearing two very cute buns, it seems strange and inexplicably harmonious.

She looks very good-looking, with a rosy white face like a red apple, which makes people want to take a bite. The long and curly eyelashes are like flying butterfly wings, especially the eyes that looked over just now.

Gu Gu felt that these eyes were too clear and too dark.

Clear water, dark overnight.

In just a short moment, he seemed to feel that he saw the sunset of the galaxy, the myriad universes, and the desolation and extinction.

The breath around Shi Xing became even colder, and Gu Gu smiled at Shi Xing with his cold gaze.

Instead of leaving without winking, he continued to stare at the little dumpling.

No wonder Shi Xing, a cold-hearted person, likes his sister so much. If it were him, he would be rare to have such a cute sister.

Shi Xing's face immediately sank, but his hands didn't stop, looking at Lin Yuan's eating speed, he picked up something she likes for her.

"Hey, eat some vegetables, don't just eat meat."

With a gentle tone and doting eyes, Gu Gu was stunned for a while. Although he knew that Shi Xing was a baby sister, but because it was the first time seeing him, Gu Gu was still stunned by Shi Xing's appearance.

Is this still the Shi Xing who has ruthless means, cold face and even colder heart, who has secretly controlled such a powerful force in his teens?

Shi Xing kept watching with warning eyes, Gu Gu smiled warmly, turned and left, and closed the door carefully for them.

He was just curious at first, and wanted to see what Shi Xing's precious sister looked like, if he stayed any longer and disturbed Shi Xing and his sister's dinner, that sister-in-law might kill him.

But to see Shi Xing's appearance and cuteness, today is worth it.

Lin Yuan watched the broccoli that Shi Xing put in her bowl in silence, obviously not wanting to eat it.

Shi Xing smiled helplessly and indulgently. Tuanzi has liked to eat meat since childhood, but vegetables are still to be eaten.

Well, Lin Yuan finally picked up the broccoli and ate it. She neither likes nor dislikes vegetables, and even some very delicious dishes are made of vegetables.

So ended up eating it anyway.

Shi Xing started peeling shrimp for the dumpling again, and it's okay to eat a little once in a while.

After peeling off another dish and putting it next to Tuanzi, Shi Xing told Lin Yuan that he was going out for a while.

Nai Tuanzi didn't even look at him, just waved his hand casually and concentrated on attacking the food in front of him.

With a smile on his face, Shi Xing secretly said: "You don't have a heart."

When I got outside, I walked across a covered bridge, and saw Gu Gu standing by the covered bridge and staring at the lotus pond, smoking a cigarette.

"Put out the cigarette." The deep and sexy voice said indifferently.

Gu Gu choked, "What's the matter?"

After pinching off the cigarette and throwing it into the trash can, Gu Gu approached Shi Xing and laughed and joked.

Shi Xing took a few steps back indifferently, not caring about Gu Gu's face at all, "Yuan Yuan doesn't like the smell of cigarettes."

Fortunately, Gu Gu has already understood Shi Xing's temperament, and he also understands that this person is a person who forgets his friends when he sees his sister.

No, I'd forget my friends if I didn't meet them, let alone met them. In his eyes, I'm afraid they couldn't compare to a single hair of his precious sister.

Gu Gu leaned on the pillar, without the gentle temperament just now, he was just a playboy waiting to die.

"Why don't you stay with your sister?"

Very curious in tone.

The corners of Shi Xing's lips curled slightly, making Gu Gu speechless for a while, as long as his sister is mentioned, this guy's expression can immediately change for you.

Shi Xing glanced at Gu Gu casually, and said, "Please don't be so blind."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Gu Gu coughed, and Shi Xing took a few steps away from him in disgust.

"You... you... that's enough!" Don't you just bully them that they don't have a cute sister?
Although he was very aware of Shi Xing's degree of control over his younger sister, today he undoubtedly set a new record in Gu Gu's heart.

He really wanted to go up and slap Shi Xing a few big mouths, but unfortunately he didn't dare, and he couldn't beat him.

After saying this, Shi Xing left straight away, his tall and slender figure exuding a chic and sharp vigor.

Gu Gu couldn't help but shake his head.

This guy, if he disagrees, who would dare to reveal anything in front of his sister.

I don't know what he is worried about.

Shi Xing didn't go back to the box directly, although Gu Gu didn't speak, but he knew what he wanted to say.

It's nothing more than something that those things are not.

Earlier, when he was almost tortured to death by the orphanage, he didn't see their people. Now everyone in the family is dead, and everyone who shouldn't be dead is dead. There is no one, so I think of him.

Shi Xing's expression was indifferent, and the hostility in his eyes was astonishing, like a beast coming out of an abyss, fierce and terrifying.

The Shi family, they are all damn things!


Shi Xing returned to the box, Lin Yuan was still eating, she was not full yet, when she heard the sound of the wooden door opening, she looked up and saw Shi Xing.

Shi Xing sat down next to the dumpling, and was about to continue peeling the shrimp and vegetables for the dumpling, when he saw the tip of the dumpling's nose move slightly and sniffed him.

Shi Xing's face remained unchanged, but he was very uncertain in his heart, and secretly reprimanded him that he shouldn't have seen that thing Gu Gu.

Sure enough, the next second...

"Brother, do you smoke?"

The big eyes stared straight at her, and her white and tender face was full of seriousness. She didn't eat the shrimp that she always liked, and just looked at him like this.

Shi Xing also looked solemn, and seriously assured his group: "Brother doesn't smoke. Just now, when I went to the bathroom, someone smoked and got a bit of smell. Take a shower when you get back, okay?"

Seeing his sincerity, Lin Yuan reluctantly believed him, but he still had to explain in advance.

"Brother, if my brother smokes, then Yuanyuan won't let his brother hug him, and won't sleep with him anymore. Yuanyuan doesn't like the smell of cigarettes."

Tuanzi stared at Shi Xing's dark eyes, obviously very serious.

Shi Xing's heart sank, panic made him immediately make a promise: "Yuan Yuan believes in brother, brother will never."

Seeing that Tuanzi nodded and continued to eat, Shi Xing finally let go of the tone he raised.

He secretly raised his forehead, he was really his little nemesis.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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