I'm crazy

Chapter 232 Adorable Baby

Chapter 232 Adorable Baby
On the way back, Linyuan walked by himself, he ate a bit too much, and walked to digest food.


Shi Xing took out his cell phone and looked at it, with a confused look on his face, and then switched off the phone.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Lin Yuan, who was walking slowly in front, turned his head and asked.

Shi Xing shook his head, indicating that it was okay. Seeing that he was almost home, Shi Xing took two steps forward, took the dumpling into his hand, and entered the room with her.

As soon as he entered, he saw Feng Yan sitting on the sofa looking at them with a discolored expression.

"Okay, don't you guys dislike grandma now? You don't even eat dinner, leaving grandma alone at home." Feng Yan looked desolate, holding her chest with one hand and feeling very sad.

She has been idle for many years, and almost all of the store has been handed over to the invited people.

In the rest of the time, I go to classes, there are all kinds of classes, and then I go to play and watch TV dramas. My spiritual life is much enriched, so my whole person is much more "lively" than before.

Lin Yuan and Shi Xing looked at each other, and Grandma began to "sad" again.

Lin Yuan walked to Feng Yan's side and sat on the sofa, "Grandma, have you watched any TV shows these days?"

Feng Yan's attention was easily diverted, and she was obviously very happy when her daughter-in-law discussed her favorite TV series with her.

"Grandma is watching The Legend of Zhen Huan recently. I think this TV series looks very interesting. Do you want to watch it with grandma?" Feng Yan was very excited and pulled her daughter into her TV series.

Lin Yuan smiled, "Grandma, I also want to watch it with you, but I have too much homework recently."

Sure enough, Feng Yan immediately said seriously: "Of course, study is important, it doesn't matter, you can watch TV dramas anytime! Good girl, study hard first."

Lin Yuan regretted, "Grandma, I'm sorry."

Feng Yan was taken aback for a moment, what is my good girl sorry for her?
Oh, did you watch TV dramas with her?
This will not work!

You have to reverse the thinking of the good girl, "Good baby, grandma just said it casually, don't worry about it, no matter how good the TV series are, they haven't studied well, but the good baby is going to go to university, so you can't put your mind on TV. superior."

Feng Yan suddenly realized that she told Guaibao that the TV series was not luring Guaibao to watch it, and wasting her studies?

She was so ignorant that she almost did something wrong.

Feng Yan hurriedly asked Linyuan to go back to her room to study, she didn't watch TV today, otherwise Guaibao would feel uncomfortable.

Lin Yuan blinked at Shi Xing, then Shi Shi ran into the house, leaving Shi Xing alone to bear Feng Yan's baptism.

Feng Yan is easy to talk to her cute baby, and her IQ has also dropped a little, but it is not like this at all when facing other people.

After all, he lived alone for most of his life, so how could he be distracted by Guaibao's few words.

It's not because she dotes on her cute baby.

"Shi Xing, sit down."

Shi Xing sat on the sofa opposite.

"What did you take your daughter to eat today?"

It started, although Feng Yan agreed that Shi Xing would take Lin Yuan out for dinner, but it didn't mean she didn't care about anything after she came back.

Shi Xing was sitting upright, his slender body was tall and straight, even sitting on the sofa, he was also very aesthetically pleasing.

"Ate a little dish at the newly opened restaurant."

Shi Xing replied obediently. In front of Feng Yan, the baby who almost raised him and the old man who raised him, Shi Xing obviously did not face the indifference of others, and appeared extremely serious and obedient.

"Huh!" Feng Yan was a little dissatisfied, "The dishes made by grandma are so delicious, and I still go out to eat, and I don't know if the food outside is clean. What if my daughter eats up her stomach?"

Shi Xing listened solemnly, he didn't need to speak at this time.

After the old man gets old, due to psychological and other reasons, it is normal for the children to spend more time with her and talk more.

Besides, Feng Yan is a very good grandma, she didn't say much, but occasionally she would explain some things to Shi Xing.

It seemed that she was afraid that she would forget these things someday.

Seeing that Shi Xing didn't defend himself, Feng Yan finally felt a little better, this kid is always so smart.

She didn't mean to find fault, and she knew that this kid took good care of her baby, but she still had to say something.

Besides, she was right, she felt that no matter how clean the restaurant outside was, it was not as clean as her own.

"Okay, my daughter is still doing her homework in the room, you go and show her." Feng Yan let her go.

Shi Xing nodded, "Okay, grandma, you should go to bed earlier."

When Shi Xing entered the room, Lin Yuan was playing with the computer in the bedroom.

Feng Yan discussed with Shi Xing about installing a computer as early as when the room was being renovated, and she still knew Shi Xing in this aspect, and he wouldn't mess around.

"Brother, what did grandma say?" Lin Yuan didn't reply.

Shi Xing came over and rubbed the little head of the dumpling, "I didn't say anything, don't play for too long, it's not good for your eyes."

No sound.

Shi Xing knew it.

With a helpless smile, he took his pajamas and went to wash up.

Lin Yuan didn't want to play anymore after playing for a while.

Too unfulfilling.

He has been winning all the time, and is regarded by many young girls as a game master male god, and keeps sending private messages to ask for a teacher or something.

Don't bother Lin Yuan very much.

Sure enough, the master is always lonely.

The game is not fun, pick up the phone and start reading novels.

Because of her grades, and the fact that there is such a brother in the family who is always the first in grade, after Lin Yuan talked a few times, Feng Yan bought her a mobile phone.

I flipped through it for a while, and it was boring. The novels these days are either the domineering president falls in love with me, or all the beautiful men love me, or they take out their hearts and kidneys and run with the ball.

Or the female protagonist loves the male protagonist so humblely that he will die without him.

Oh, in the past one or two years, the paranoid and possessive ones who can't love the heroine love the heroine who is almost injured by the heroine several times and hangs by a thread several times.

It seems that if you don't die a few times for the heroine, you won't be affectionate, and you can't make the heroine like you.

Lin Yuan put down his phone, isn't there something normal for people to look at?
This love story is almost dead, it's really...

She had written novels too, and she knew that novels had to make waves and climaxes and have appeal.

It's not that she can't accept the male lead's paranoia and possessiveness, the most important thing is...

……how to say?

She doesn't like the kind of mentally handicapped novels that make readers think of them as fools at first glance, the kind where the IQ is forced to go offline, and the ending is forced to be HE.

She decided to put it down first, maybe she could read good novels after a while.

"Why, stop playing?" Shi Xing came out of the shower and saw Tuanzi lying on the bed with a bored and disgusted expression on his face.

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes and cast a glance at Shi Xing, expressing that he was too lazy to talk, but in the end he said weakly: "It's boring!"

Although she had enjoyed being a child all these years, especially the performance of Shi Xing with golden thighs, she was very satisfied.

But the most unacceptable thing is that she can't go out to play.

The reason is that she is still young!

It was difficult for Lin Yuan to endure it for several years.

(End of this chapter)

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