I'm crazy

Chapter 234 Adorable Baby

Chapter 234 Adorable Baby
When Shi Xing came home, Lin Yuan was doing homework. As a demon boss, she had to do homework even after she became a child. Although she had very little homework, and it took less than 10 minutes to write it, this program still made her uncomfortable. patient.

Seeing Shi Xing was like seeing a savior, "Brother, hurry up, do my homework for me."

What is the elder brother used for? It is to spoil the younger sister, love the younger sister, and do homework for the younger sister.

Shi Xing has always written Lai Yuan's homework.

It's not that she loves anything, but that Shi Xing knows that Tuanzi is smart, and for her, his homework is not difficult at all.

So it was a waste of time to write homework for those primary school students, so Shi Xing helped Tuanzi with his homework.

Shi Xing didn't tell Tuanzi about those things today, after all he can solve it, so he doesn't need to make Tuanzi worry about it.


Shi Xing only has a few days left in his junior high school life, and the teacher has been giving lectures for the rest of these days, hoping that the students can get into a good high school.

The whereabouts of Shi Xing is also a matter of concern to many teachers and leaders.

After all, this student is too good.

Many high schools have contacted the school in advance, hoping that Shi Xing can come, and promised many conditions.

"Shi Xing, I'm going to fill up my volunteers tomorrow, have you figured out where to go?"

The head teacher called Shi Xing to ask for his opinion, and wanted to help him as a reference.

As a teacher, the happiest thing is undoubtedly to be able to train outstanding students, especially if you are a genius, you can experience a period of genius, not to mention the grades on your resume, the sense of accomplishment alone can make people satisfied.

Shi Xing was sitting on a chair in the office, with his slender hands folded together, his figure was tall and straight, and there was no room for his long legs.

"Teacher, I want to enroll in No. [-] Middle School."

Shi Xing told the class teacher his wishes.

The head teacher is an elderly teacher who has been teaching for decades and has rich teaching experience. He thought about it.

"No. [-] Middle School, No. [-] Middle School is our best high school, this option is also acceptable, but, Shi Xing, have you ever thought about going out again?"

The homeroom teacher's intentions were obvious. Although No. [-] Middle School was also very good, with Shi Xing's ability, he could obviously go to a better place.

Shi Xing declined: "I think No. [-] Middle School is pretty good, thank you teacher."

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, the teacher won't say much."

This kid has his own ideas, so there is really no need for him to say more.

The head teacher asked Shi Xing to go out, "By the way, call the study committee member over here."

Shi Xing walked into the classroom and stopped the study committee member, "The head teacher is looking for you."

"Oh... oh!" Zhong Han blushed a little, his tone was stammered, he didn't dare to look at Shi Xing, put down the book in his hand and ran out.

The others immediately started booing, "Oh, Brother Shi..."

Before he could say anything, Shi Xing glanced over and immediately shut up, and the other people who made noises also fell silent.

Shi Xing and the others really didn't dare to mess with him.

Only a teacher would think that Shi Xing is the kind of student who concentrates on studying and makes progress every day.

But those who had witnessed the bloody violence of the unilateral beating did not dare to raise Shi Xing's eyebrows.

It's not an exaggeration at all, it's really bloody and violent, and what I saw was so frightened that my legs went limp, and I had nightmares for several days.

Shi Xing's expressionless and ruthless tactics, his attitude of beating people to death, made the student who usually called himself a school bully almost kneel down.

Since then, Shi Xing has become a legend, a big boss who is only active in the school student forum.

Seeing that they had all shut up, Shi Xing looked at his watch. After five o'clock, there was only the last class left. Shi Xing walked to the representative of the politics class, "Tell me to the teacher, I have something to do."

The class representative nodded quickly, secretly envious, the combination of Xueshen and Daxie is awesome!If you want to leave, the teacher will not scold you, and even care about it.

After Shi Xing left the school, he went directly to Huahua, and as soon as he entered, he saw Gu Gu sitting on a stone table in the yard drinking wine.

Shi Xing frowned and stopped walking, leaving Gu Gu speechless for a while, "I said you are enough! Last time I disliked smoking, this time I dislike drinking again."

A rolled-eyed look that lost a bit of its gentle and refined temperament.

Shi Xing's tone was cold, "Yuan Yuan doesn't like it."

Tuanzi has a keen sense of smell and hates the smell of cigarettes. As for alcohol, Shi Xing doesn't know, he guesses that Tuanzi also hates it.

But this time Shi Xing guessed wrong, Lin Yuan didn't hate wine, on the contrary he liked it very much, but there were not many wines that caught her eyes.

After hearing Shi Xing's words, Gu Gu didn't know what to say anymore. He stood up and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll take a shower first and change my clothes. I'm really convinced."

Shi Xing was sitting on the stone chair beside the stone table. It was a scorching heat, the stone table was warm and cool, and it was covered by trees, so it was a pleasure to enjoy.

Shi Xing took out his mobile phone, and it was a bit troublesome to carry a computer, so he usually used his mobile phone to handle official business. After he finished replying three emails, Gu Gu came out with wet hair.

"What are your plans?" Gu Gu sat next to Shi Xing, and the wine had already been cleaned up by the waiter just now.

Shi Xing's eyebrows turned cold, and then his thin lips raised a cold smile: "What plans can I have?"

Gu Gu: "..."

Really the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry.

He is not a eunuch.

Gu Gu recruited a waiter who was standing far away and could never hear their conversation, asked the chef to cook some dishes, and said to Shi Xing with a slightly serious expression: "The Shi family must want you to go back, if you don't want to go back, I'm afraid it will be difficult, you You know, even though the Shi family has declined in recent years, the capital they own is still..."

Shi Xing understood Gu Gu's unfinished words, "Don't worry, I know it well."

Gu Gu's serious expression relaxed, and he said with a smile: "That's good, you are hiding too deeply, even I don't know your specific details, but you should know it yourself, lest you need me to rescue you when it happens. "

Shi Xing glanced at Gu Gu lightly, the sarcasm in his eyes almost made Gu Gu jump up.

"What do you mean? Don't believe in my young master's ability?"

Shi Xing didn't speak, but his default attitude was already very obvious.

Gu Gu himself was so angry that he was not clear, and then he was discouraged. He is really not this guy's opponent.

The two changed the subject, the waiter brought up the prepared meals, and the two used them casually. After a while, Gu Gu sighed sarcastically: "Speaking of which, in these so-called wealthy families, there are all those who are not rich. Visible things."

Shi Xing did not speak, listening to Gu Gu's rare sarcasm.

"Look at the Shi family, the heir cultivated by the so-called direct line accidentally died. Old Master Shi and Shi Yan didn't want to hand over the rights to others, so they wanted you to go back and let you be their puppet. What a beautiful idea. .”

Indeed, what the Shi family thought was really beautiful.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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