I'm crazy

Chapter 235 Adorable Baby

Chapter 235 Adorable Baby
When Shi Yan was young, he spent a lot of time in a pool of wine and meat, and his life was so ridiculous that it hurt his body.

But he himself didn't care at all. After all, he was married at that time, and his wife gave birth to an heir for him. It was nothing to him if he didn't have another child.

This is also the reason why Shi Yan knew that he still had a child who was suffering outside but never cared about it.

However, an illegitimate child he identified would die as soon as he died, so as to avoid trouble.

Mr. Shi also thought the same way. The Shi family would not admit useless people.

Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that an accidental car accident caused Shi Yan and Mr. Shi to lose their heirs, and almost lost their rights as patriarchs.

Only then did they remember Shi Xing's existence, and only then did they remember that Shi Yan had a child outside.

Without any compensation, he didn't even bother to do face-saving projects, so he asked Shi Xing to go back to Shi's house with him in a domineering manner.

Why can someone's face be so big?
Who gave them the courage to think that Shi Xing would definitely follow them back?

Shi Xing thought, maybe his body was hollowed out by wine and sex, and even his IQ was gone, or he was conceited, thinking that with the status of Shi's family, only those who catch up, and no one refuses.

Have a confident attitude.

Shi Xing, who didn't think about what to do and didn't feel anything about them, wanted to solve this trouble.

Gu Gu put down his chopsticks and said, "Do you need my help?"

Shi Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, "No need, you can't even take care of yourself."

Yo, he has such a violent temper, "Do you feel uncomfortable if you don't bury me for a day?"

Shi Xing looked over very calmly, his eyes seemed to say: Are you mentally retarded?

One wave of attacks was not enough, another wave of attacks came in an instant: "I was just telling the truth."

Gu Gu: "!...!"

He widened his eyes, well, it's not the first day he knew this guy, he should be used to it, he should be used to it, he told himself.

go with!
He is not used to it!

So angry!

"Get lost!" Gu Gu roared uncontrollably in the end, he didn't want to see this guy who hurt his heart, lungs, liver and spleen for a second.

Shi Xing stood up, and with a movement of his slender fingers, the schoolbag placed on the stone chair next to him was on his shoulder.

Then he looked at Shi Xing, with a rare smile on his face, and said very relaxedly: "Since you are so ruthless and lively, it seems that you can pay back the money you owe me. By the way, remember to call 300 on my card tomorrow." Wan, I want to take Yuanyuan to play."

Gu Gu: "..."

Seeing that Shi Xing had already walked to the door, Gu Gu couldn't care less about his demeanor, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Shi Xing, you shameless guy! You didn't keep your promise when you promised to pay it back in November, I'll go Damn you!"

Hearing the angry roar behind him, the corners of Shi Xing's mouth curled slightly, his brows and eyes were full of evil spirits, his expressionless face instantly became extremely "restless", he looked like a prodigal kid playing in the world.

The girl who passed by was flushed, she had already walked several steps and wanted to turn around and take another look, but when she turned her head, she found that the boy who made her blush and heartbeat had gone far away, secretly annoyed why she didn't just go a little bit .

When Shi Xing returned home, Lin Yuan and Feng Yan had already finished their meal.

Feng Yan nodded to Shi Xing: "You're back, what did you do?"

"I'm looking for a friend." Shi Xing put down his schoolbag and wanted to help Feng Yan wash the dishes.

Feng Yan stopped him: "Go ahead, there is some rice in the pot for you, hurry up and eat, today I made your favorite steamed fish."

Under the light, the wrinkles on Feng Yan's face became more and more obvious. It's because everything went well in the past few years and she was happy, she didn't age anymore, but she was still old, and it was impossible to be like when she was young.

Feng Yan's expression remained the same as before, and he was not pleasing to the eye, but whether it was the lamp left when he came back late in the past few years or the food warming in the pot, Shi Xing felt warm.

Not to mention that there is still a house waiting for his dumpling.

These human fireworks, ten feet soft red, were given to him by them, how could he leave?
After Shi Xing finished his meal, cleaned up the tableware and washed his hands, he entered the house, where Lin Yuan was reading a novel.

She recently read a good book.

Shi Xing came over and took out the mobile phone in Lin Yuan's hand, turned it off and put it on the table, not caring about the consequences of Tuanzi's anger.

Linyuan looked at Jin Thigh's actions with "cold eyes", thinking, what method should she use to make Jin Thigh realize her mistake?

Shi Xing smiled very softly, rubbed the little head of the dumpling, and coaxed her softly: "It's late, it's time to go to bed, let's see tomorrow, okay? By the way, where do you want to go during the summer vacation, have you figured it out yet? "

A pair of big black and white eyes stared straight at Shi Xing. Shi Xing was very calm on the face, but he was still a little guilty in his heart.

It's terrible for Tuanzi to be angry, and he doesn't want to try it, but Tuanzi is still young, and watching too much on his mobile phone is not good for his eyes. When it comes to the safety and health of this Tuanzi that worries him, Shi Xing will not easily compromise.

It was clear that Jin Thigh was changing the subject, Lin Yuan spared him this time, "I want to go to Suzhou, let's go to Suzhou!"

Shi Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting on the bed, covered the dumpling with a quilt, and said softly, "Okay, brother will make arrangements, shall we go with grandma this time?"

Lin Yuan didn't have any objections, in fact, if it wasn't for Feng Yan not being worried about the store, plus getting older and traveling hard, Shi Xing and Lin Yuan would be with Feng Yan when they went to play.

However, Suzhou is not far from home, and the scenery is beautiful, especially the famous town scenery. Feng Yan will definitely like it. Lin Yuan nodded and agreed with Shi Xing's proposal.

The next day, Shi Xing and Feng Yan talked about this while having dinner, and Feng Yan was surprised: "Just go with your nannies, what are you doing with me, an old woman? Don't go, you guys have fun."

Shi Xing knew that Feng Yan wanted to go, but the old man was afraid of causing trouble to them.

Shi Xing persuaded: "Grandma, the place to go this summer vacation is close, let's go for a walk, and the family has not traveled outside together in the past few years, besides, you are not old, what trouble can you cause me? You will take care of me and Yuanyuan along the way."

Feng Yan was a little tempted, but still felt that it was enough for her to stay at home as an old woman, and the children might not be able to play with her.

Shi Xing continued his efforts: "Grandma, this is what Yuanyuan said, grandma, didn't you want to take Yuan Yuan out with her more often when she was a child?"

These words hit Feng Yan's heart, she didn't know how many years she could live, and she also wanted to take a walk with her baby and see the scenery while her body was still moving.

Feng Yan thought for a while, finally gritted her teeth and agreed.

 Thank you for the random little angel, just want the little angel's tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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