I'm crazy

Chapter 239 Adorable Baby

Chapter 239 Adorable Baby
Spring is coming and autumn is coming, Shi Xing is about to graduate from senior year.

After finishing high school, he went directly to Cambridge, one of the Ivy League universities. The dark cuisine of country Y made him suffer for a few days.

But after the dumplings came, this kind of situation didn't happen again. Even if he didn't care what he was eating, he absolutely couldn't tolerate the dumplings eating such unnutritious things.

Shi Xing was carrying his schoolbag loosely, with only one side on his back and the other side hanging by his side.

With his hands in his pockets, the 1.9-meter tall man stood a little lazily by the side of the road.

The sharp contours and outstanding temperament are more and more eye-catching. Almost every student who passed by him after class can't help but move his eyes to him.

Shi Xing didn't wait for a while, Lin Yuan's figure appeared on the side of the road.

Now, almost all eyes were diverted by Lin Yuan, Shi Xing smiled helplessly.

With the passage of time, the head of the group became more and more beautiful, but the first thing anyone noticed at first sight was definitely not her appearance, but her temperament.

It is very unique. If the dumpling hadn't deliberately concealed it, it might attract more people's attention.

Like a quiet and deep mysterious star universe, it attracts everyone's attention, and if you don't pay attention, it will be swallowed up.

But too often she is lazy and indifferent, as if she is not interested in anything.

Shi Xing's eyebrows softened unconsciously, and he walked quickly to the opposite side of the road, not letting Lin Yuan come over.

"Why did you come so early?" Shi Xing said while taking the schoolbag from her body, which was so light and weightless.

Lin Yuan asked with a half smile but not a smile: "Why, did I keep you waiting for a long time, brother?"

Shi Xing was helpless, anyone could see the pampering in his eyes: "No, no, my younger sister has never asked my elder brother to wait."

This is the truth, Lin Yuan doesn't like makeup and doesn't need makeup, so naturally it won't happen to make Shi Xing wait for an hour when he goes out.

Shi Xing just asked such a question subconsciously.

"Didn't you say there are delicious places? But bro, are you sure you're not lying to me?"

Lin Yuan looked at Shi Xing very suspiciously, there are still good places to eat in country Y?

Why doesn't she know?
Country Y's dark cuisine is famous all over the world, and almost everyone knows it. She has a very negative attitude towards Shi Xing's words.

Shi Xing raised his brows, showing his reckless willfulness, "When did my brother lie to you?"

Having been together with Lin Yuan for a long time, she naturally released a little bit of Shi Xing's nature subtly, although she is still so calm, but occasionally, a bit of that stern aura will still be revealed.

Lin Yuan agreed with these words, nodded and said arrogantly: "That is, you dare to lie to me?"

Shi Xing cooperatively made a scared expression, and shook his head in denial, "Of course my brother doesn't dare, who dares to lie to our majesty the king?"

King Linyuan nodded arrogantly, approving Minister Shi Xing's wink, "That's right, I'll give you a reward when I get back to the palace."

Shi Xing stopped, put his right hand on his heart, and gave a slight salute, which was incomparably standard knight etiquette: "Thank you, Your Majesty the King."

The two of them had a lot of fun coming and going, but they looked at the people not far away very sadly.

"Hey, I said enough is enough for the two of you! Are you addicted to acting every day?"

Gu Gu leaned against the door and rolled his eyes. These two people, ah no, how can these two brothers and sisters have such a good relationship?

It made him want to have a younger sister all the time, but unfortunately his parents didn't know where they died.

The sharp gaze shot over, Gu Gu's eyebrows twitched, okay, he shut up.

This guy Shi Xing is still the same as before, no, more and more unreasonable pet sister and sister control.

Don't allow others to say a bad word about his sister.

He still remembered that it was three years ago when Shi Xing came here. Because he had already discussed with Feng Yan, he gave the store to other people, sold the house, and all three of them came here.

With the passage of time, the white and tender little dumpling from many years ago has not only not grown crooked, but has also become more and more beautiful. Even foreigners who have never been able to recognize the outline of the east are almost glued to the dumpling.

However, Tuanzi has always had an indifferent attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and no one dared to strike up a conversation.

But one day he and Shi Xing went to pick up the dumplings from school, and saw a tall foreigner harassing the dumplings from a distance, and almost stretched out his hands.

Gu Gu clearly remembered that Shi Xing's eyes were red at that time, he threw his schoolbag to him, ran to Tuanzi a few steps, pulled Tuanzi behind him, and hit him with his fist.

Fist to the flesh, the strike is extremely ruthless.

However, he still didn't speak, and hit people one after another with a cold face, his hostility so frightened that the people around him didn't dare to persuade them to fight for a while.

Of course, it was impossible for the foreigner to be beaten by Shi Xing like this, and he fought back too, but unfortunately he was not Shi Xing's opponent.

Gu Gu knows best how high Shi Xing's strength is.

The fundamental purpose of his practice is because of his sister, he wants to protect the dumpling, so he practiced all the real things, not those fancy tricks.

He also specially invited a retired military master to find the way to the deadly point of the human body.

If it weren't for Shi Xing's sanity, I'm afraid that foreigner would be able to explain where he was.

Later, it was Tuanzi who stopped Shi Xing.

Thinking of this, Gu Gu smiled, looking at Shi Xing who lost himself as long as he was in front of Lin Yuan and only cared about her, he sighed silently, it is fortunate that Shi Xing met his weakness early on, otherwise, he would not have known Shi Xing What will the stars look like in the future.

The hostility on his body was so strong that it almost bit people.

"Hey, the meal is almost ready, you two hurry up!" Gu Gu said loudly to the two who were still chatting happily.

Since Shi Xing moved the company's headquarters abroad, Gu Gu, a loner, naturally followed him. If he doesn't go to the company to be his vice president, he likes to hold clubs. No, it should be a restaurant to be precise. No, his The flashy chains are here.

Shi Xing's indifferent eyes gave Gu Gu a f***ing fuck, this guy, does he know that he wants to eat in his territory, isn't he afraid that he will poison him?
Shi Xing, who was very clear about what Gu Gu was thinking, immediately said calmly: "You don't dare."

In Gu Gu's eyes, the pretentious tone, the look of contempt and disdain in his eyes, and the facial paralysis-like expression almost blow him up, but...

Shi Xing was right, he really didn't dare, the money he used to open the restaurant belonged to this guy, and he was able to waste so much thanks to this guy who was in charge of the company to handle affairs, he really didn't dare.

Shi Xing ignored the sulking Gu Gu, put on his gloves, and peeled shrimp and crabs for the dumpling sitting beside him, as well as things she liked but was too lazy to do.

The care is extremely thoughtful, and it is the meticulousness and tenderness that can only be achieved by putting people on the tip of the heart.

In fact, Gu Gu also doubted Shi Xing and his feelings for Tuanzi, especially when Tuanzi grew bigger.

After hesitating for a long time, he still asked Shi Xing: "You, do you really care about Tuanzi..."

He didn't go on, but he believed that Shi Xing understood the meaning of the words.

He remembered Shi Xing's expression at that time, it was amazingly gentle, the hostility in his bones dissipated completely at that moment, his right hand unconsciously gently rubbed the red rope on his wrist, Gu Gu knew that it was given to him by Tuanzi of.

Shi Xing only said: "She is mine."

Then, Gu Gu understood and didn't ask any more questions.

It's he who thinks too much.

Tuanzi is everything to Shi Xing, with all of Shi Xing's emotions poured into it, but there is nothing like what he thinks.

He also smiled, and sincerely thanked Tuanzi, thanked her for saving Shi Xing at that time, and thanked her for existence.

Thank her for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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