I'm crazy

Chapter 240 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 240 Change of Dynasty
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, all the concubines are here."

As soon as Lin Yuan opened his eyes, he heard a cautious and respectful voice rang in his ears.

The whole life of the original body quickly flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Yuan propped up his body lazily, his languid posture and that face that looked like the flowers of the spring dawn made Xiao Xia, the big court lady next to him, couldn't help but hold his breath.

Lin Yuan got up and yawned, and moved slowly, looking anxiously at Xiao Xia beside her, all the concubines were still waiting outside the palace, if word spread of the empress's reputation, she would be framed.

But today, inexplicable Xiao Xia didn't dare to urge the empress, and just waited for Lin Yuan to wash with something.

Lin Yuan is not in a hurry, since she is the so-called main palace, then those outside the palace are all concubines, even the emperor's woman is also a concubine, what's wrong with her?
If you want her to say that the original body was poisoned by this feudal etiquette, such a good woman always upholds virtuousness and virtue, is generous, and finally gets stuck in her heart, and the following things, her life is ruined .

The leisurely Lin Yuan was very comfortable, and the concubines sitting outside the hall, dressed in various poses and with different styles and styles, kept perfect smiles on their faces, but after all, they had been sitting for too long, and their smiles were a little stiff.

"I wonder if the Empress is feeling unwell?" Concubine Shu, one of the four concubines, was the first to break the silence.

"Look at what my sister said. The empress is in good health. Could it be that my sister is hoping that the empress is not in good health?"

Concubine Shu looked over with sharp eyes, but after a while she turned into the gentle and gentle Concubine Xian again.

Concubine Shu put down the cup in her hand, smiled lightly and said, "Sister, don't talk nonsense, I am only worried about the safety of the empress, what is the meaning of my sister?"

The one who spoke just now was Rong Zhaoyi, who had always been favored, rolled her eyes secretly and was too lazy to speak up against this hypocritical woman.

The two exchanged a few words, and the atmosphere between you and me was quite stagnant, and they didn't speak.

The Qi State was founded for 300 years, and there were no noble concubines in the harem of Emperor Qi'an, except for the queen, the four concubines were the largest.

But status is one thing, and favor is another. Rong Zhaoyi has always been favored, and Concubine Shu has been at odds with each other, and they can hardly maintain their face. These two are stabbing each other almost every day. They have been used to each other several times.

So no one advised.

And in the most inconspicuous place in the corner sat a concubine with a delicate appearance but much worse than the concubines in the harem. She seemed to be still young, and she was staring at the piece in front of her that only she could see. virtual panel.

"System, why is it so low this time?" Tao Fan said dissatisfied.

The system she accused was ruthless, and the mechanical voice was full of indifference: "Because it's a Gongdou live broadcast system, if the rank is high from the beginning, why fight?"

Tao Fan choked, of course she knew, but this time her status was too low, she didn't even know when it would be possible to meet the emperor.

"Can't it be a little higher? At least it's to impress the emperor!"

The system was unmoved, and said indifferently: "The higher the difficulty, the higher the audience, and the greater the reward. The host knows better than me."

Tao Fan was so angry by the system that she couldn't speak, but she had to admit that the system was right.

Especially when he saw the number of people online in the live broadcast and the messages on the screen, Tao Fan snorted and didn't speak again.

[By the way, what kind of live broadcast system is this? 】

Someone who accidentally clicked into the live broadcast room on the bullet screen asked.

The interstellar civilization is highly developed. In order to enrich the spiritual world of the people, the Federation has developed a virtual world, which is almost indistinguishable from the real world.

But virtual worlds are called virtual worlds because they are ultimately fake.

After the virtual world is developed, various reward activities are specially set up, and after various people enter these worlds, different tasks are assigned for them to complete, either in the form of live broadcast or recorded broadcast, which is freely chosen by interstellar residents watch.

Immediately someone replied: [Gongdou live broadcast system, it's quite interesting to watch these ancient humans fight back and forth. 】

[I don't think it's better to watch the game live broadcast room next door than watching some women gossip all day long. 】

[Get out immediately, no one welcomes you if you don't like it. 】

All kinds of comments were written on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, but what they didn't know was that this was the real plane, not the virtual world they thought.

After all the concubines drank two or three cups of tea, Lin Yuan came late.

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time." Qingling's lazy and casual voice sounded, and the concubines in the palace raised their heads a little and saw the empress's face that was the best in the world.

"Concubines don't dare." All the concubines saluted together.

The moment Lin Yuan came out, the live broadcast room stopped, and it took a while for the barrage to flash up like a shooting star.

【Ahhh!This Yan me!Can! 】

[Are people in the virtual world so handsome these days?Ahhh! 】

[Speaking of such a beautiful queen, what should I do if I suddenly don't want her to fail? 】

[Don't worry upstairs!Not all taskers will succeed, and some taskers may not be able to complete the task even though they have such a strong advantage. 】

Lin Yuan signaled all the concubines to get up, and the corner of his eyes glanced at the transparent panel in front of Tao Fan, as if inadvertently, but everyone before the live broadcast felt palpitated.

【suddenly I……】

[Don't worry, this is simply impossible. This is a high-tech invention invented by the Federation. How could people in these virtual worlds discover it. 】

Tao Fan looked at the turbulent live broadcast room caused by the queen's appearance, feeling satisfied and jealous at the same time.

Satisfied that the popularity of the live broadcast room has risen, she can get higher rewards, and she is jealous of the queen's appearance.

Tao Fan sneered secretly, but she was just an old woman, or an old woman who was not favored, so what if she was good-looking, so what if she was a queen?
She must be the one who wins in the end.

She reserved the queen's seat in advance.

"By the way..." Lin Yuan who was sitting on the stage spoke suddenly, and all the concubines listened quietly with lowered brows and narrowed eyes.

Although the queen does not like His Majesty, she is also a queen, a member of the Ye family, not something they can afford to offend.

"Tomorrow is the Hundred Flowers Banquet, and His Majesty will be there at that time, everyone, remember to arrive in time." Lin Yuan said casually, holding a teacup.

Although I feel that the queen has changed a little today, all the concubines can only think about this kind of thing in the bottom of their hearts.

Concubine Shu took the lead in saying softly and softly: "The concubine dares not to obey the orders of the empress, and will definitely come as soon as possible."

As soon as Concubine Shu opened her mouth, she never dealt with Rong Zhaoyi, who had teased her just now, so it was impossible to shut up: "Of course, Sister Concubine Shu is in a hurry to see the emperor, so of course she must come quickly."

Concubine Shu smiled gently, "Of course all the sisters want to see His Majesty, doesn't it mean that Sister Rong doesn't want to, if Sister Rong really doesn't want to, then I can also beg Your Majesty to let Sister Rong rest for a few days."

This is to withdraw her green card.

Lin Yuan on the stage was motionless, eating leisurely and leisurely. She was a queen, and nothing could burn her head, so she was naturally happy to watch the show.

Rong Zhaoyi sneered: "My sister is just joking. If my sister remembers correctly, His Majesty has not been to my sister's place for a month. I wonder how my sister will meet His Majesty?"

This was really a knife that pierced Concubine Shu's heart.

 Thank you for thinking about little angels, little lazy cats and little angels for their votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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