I'm crazy

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
After knowing that Ye Weichong's strength was weakened by his seniors, Cang Feng had no other worries.

"Master Ye, I would like to ask you one last time, do you want to have a good discussion with me?" Cang Feng said with a faint smile while dodging Ye Weichong's attack again.

Ye Weichong disdained: "Master Cang, you didn't want to talk about it when I wanted to talk about it, but now you want to talk about it. Unfortunately, I don't want to talk about it."

He shot again, seeing that Cang Feng still dodged as usual, and frowned.

Of course he knew his own strength, how could he make Cang Feng escape several times?

Ye Weichong clenched his fists and tried to attack Cang Feng again, but he easily dodged him.

"No!" Ye Weichong glared at Cang Feng and said, "What did you do?"

Cang Feng is innocent: "Master Ye has wronged me, what can I do?"

Cangxi on the side smiled and mocked: "Ye Weichong, why don't you say that you have done too much evil yourself, God can't stand it anymore and wants to accept you, so that's why you help us?"

"Fart!" After seeing that he lost the strength he was proud of, Ye Weichong obviously couldn't calm down, and he yelled at Cangxi's words.

"It's definitely what you guys did. Otherwise, how could my strength suddenly drop so much?" Ye Weichong's eyes flashed fiercely, and his original plan to kill these bastards tonight also dissipated.

Cang Feng saw the sign that Ye Weichong was about to escape, and he shouted: "Enlightenment!"

Wu Wu paused for a moment while turning the beads, raised his head to look in Ye Weichong's direction, nodded slightly to Cang Feng, and began to recite the formation silently.

There are many techniques of restraint in Buddhism, so he is much more proficient in this aspect than Cangfeng and Cangxi, so it is just right for him to come.

Ye Weichong was planning to leave first, and kill these bastards after his strength recovered, but he didn't expect his strength to decline so quickly. When he was about to leave, Cang Feng had already reacted, and the formation of comprehension had restrained him .

Ye Weichong looked sullen, trapped in the formation and couldn't move, he said in a cold voice, "What do you think?"

Cang Feng looked calm, looked at Ye Weichong who was trapped in the formation like a bereaved dog, and said: "It's not good."

Wu Wu stopped turning the fingers of the beads, and came over and stood beside Cang Feng, "Blesser Cang, let's deal with the body first."

Cang Feng nodded, "Alright, let's deal with the body first and then have a proper talk with Mr. Ye."

Cangxi smiled, and stood by Ye Weichong, "It drives you crazy, old man! We got caught, isn't it a shame!"

Ye Weichong was so angry that Cangxi's veins bulged, his fists were clenched tightly, and his desire to kill these bastards became stronger and stronger.

Cangxi found it interesting to see Ye Weichong's dissatisfied expression, "I knew it was so, why bother? Why did you say you were acting aggressive? No, you overturned?"

Really, he still remembers that sentence very clearly when he appeared on the stage, saying that he would kill them or something.

But right now, they are not the ones winning.

It can be seen that if you don't have that strength, don't pretend to be coercive, and you will be struck by lightning if you pretend to be coercive!

Cangxi was extremely proud.

Here, Cang Feng cast a spell to turn the body into nourishment for the heaven and earth, and then walked to Ye Weichong's side.

"Now Master Ye is willing to have a good talk with us?" Cang Feng said calmly.

Ye Weichong's expression was very bad, but now he had to bow his head under the eaves, he finally said: "What do you want to hear?"

Cang Feng pointed to the blood pool not far behind and said: "Master Ye can explain this thing to us first."

Ye Weichong's expression didn't change, "There's nothing to explain, it's just what you've seen, I'm just using the blood of these people to practice."

Speaking of this, he had disdain in his eyes, "It's just some untouchables, and it's their blessing that I use it to practice."

He didn't feel that he was wrong at all. In this world, the weak are prey to the strong. Those untouchables are not as strong as him, and they don't have the ability to resist him. They should be used by him to practice, which can be regarded as their luck.

Cangxi was furious: "Who do you think you are, to play with the lives of innocent people so recklessly!"

He was really going to be pissed off, this damn disgusting thing, killing so many people and still thinking that he was right, this is no longer a human being, it's just a beast.

Ye Weichong narrowed his eyes, smiled excitedly and said, "Why, I'm not right?"

Cang Feng didn't speak, he knew that such a person's psychology was completely distorted, explaining to this kind of person that his actions were wrong would be a waste of time.

"So, is the monster who followed us the same as Master Ye?" Cang Feng continued to ask the next question.

Wu Wu, who was silent at the side, looked at Cang Feng at this moment, and Cang Feng explained a few words to him.

Hearing this, Ye Weichong's expression twisted and he was very angry: "That's right, I sent monsters to follow you. If it weren't for you bastards meddling in other people's business, I would have killed Meng Mengxi a long time ago, so that my skills can be further improved." Sure enough, I shouldn't have thought about waiting for you to come back to solve the problem, I should have killed you on the way."

Having said that, there is nothing else to ask, and the matter is extremely clear.

Cang Feng looked at Wu Wu and said: Master Wu Wu, do you have anything to ask? "

Wu Wu shook his head, he came here to find out what was wrong with the Ye Mansion, and now it is very clear that Ye Weichong practiced evil skills and killed many innocent people.

"Brother, let's just kill this old thing." Cangxi said angrily.

Hearing what they said, Ye Weichong laughed and mocked: "Kill me? Hahaha, do you really think you are capable? Although I don't know what vicious method you have used to make my strength drop so much , but I tell you, you can’t kill me!”

His cultivation skills have reached a certain level, and it is impossible for him to be killed by a few bastards.

"You bastards are so whimsical!"

"I'll fuck you!" Cang Xi, who was so angry with his mouthfuls, swung a sword shadow directly, and stabbed Ye Wei violently, causing a lot of wounds on his body.

"I don't show my power, you really think you are something." Cangxi swung another sword shadow, using ten percent of his strength.

Ye Weichong felt the pain in his body, and watched his own blood flow to the ground, and a cold breath enveloped the space instantly.

Cang Feng reprimanded in a low voice: "Cangxi!"

Cangxi curled his lips aggrieved and stopped talking, anyway, he was used to it.

Cang Feng looked at Wu Wu and said, "Master Wu Wu?"

The Buddhist bead in Wu Wu's hand was slowly spinning, he nodded and said, "Let's do it."

Although Buddhists are merciful, they will not be soft-hearted in the face of evil spirits.

 Thank you for the votes of little angels and little angels *^O^*
(End of this chapter)

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