I'm crazy

Chapter 281

Chapter 281
The night shrouded in dense fog appeared gentle moonlight and dots of stars, Cang Feng and Lu Wu walked behind, and Cang Xi walked in front.

Ye Weichong thought a little too much, although it took a bit of effort to kill him, it didn't mean he couldn't kill him.

Especially Cang Feng who is the leading actor.

Cang Feng whispered: "Where will Master Wu plan to go after today?"

Realizing that he was wearing a monk's robe, a faint smile appeared on his delicate face, "Amitabha, the poor monk intends to travel around, spread the boundless teachings of my Buddha, and then, like the benefactor, rescue the world in suffering."

Cang Feng smiled: "Master Enlightenment is absurd, we just did our best, we didn't do anything."

He sighed slightly: "Besides, all living beings are suffering. I really can't do more with the power of duckweed."

The Buddha beads were spinning, and Wu Wu said softly: "What the benefactor Cang said is that all living beings are suffering."

Cangxi, who walked to the front, heard the sighs of the two and raised his face to look at the beautiful night in the sky: "Why do you think so much? Do as much as you can!"

"Don't take this as a burden. We can't save so many people in our lifetime. Just treat it as a practice and live up to yourself."

He tore off a leaf and held it in his hand to play, tried to blow it, but the tune couldn't be tuned, and he was still playing around like always, but at this moment Cang Feng inexplicably saw the transparency in his junior who always liked to play, I saw that trace of "Tao".

Cang Feng was startled, and then laughed heartily, "That's right! No need to bother, no need to worry, as long as you don't feel ashamed! I'm a cultivator of the Tao, and I'm free and happy in the world, hahaha!"

After realizing it for a moment, he also spread a smile, which was extremely clear, and he really looked like a Buddhist disciple.


Cang Xi and Cang Xi returned to the room, and Wu Wu also left Ye Mansion.

Although the owner of Ye Mansion, Ye Weichong, is dead, the people in Ye Mansion haven't found out about it yet. Moreover, many people in Ye Mansion are monsters, and they will be dealt with sooner or later.

Cang Feng and Cang Xi didn't deal with these matters for the time being. After tonight's battle, although there were no serious wounds on their bodies, they were still worn out.

So the two decided to take a good rest first, and wait until tomorrow to talk about other things.

By the time the two got up after a good night's rest, it was already afternoon, and the news that Ye Weichong, the owner of the Ye Mansion, had disappeared had already spread.

It is unknown what the other monsters controlled by Ye Weichong are thinking, at least Meng Xi is very worried.

She looked worried, looked at the maid and said, "Have the two priests got up?"

The maid bowed and said, "Miss Hui, you haven't got up yet."

Meng Mengxi sighed softly, "Where did uncle go?"

The maid comforted Meng Mengxi: "Miss, don't worry, the master has a lot of business and occasionally disappears for a day or two."

"But my uncle didn't say anything, how can I not worry about that." Meng Mengxiu frowned.

At this time, a maid came in and said, "Miss, the two priests have got up."

Meng Mengxi's expression brightened: "Quickly, take me to meet the two priests."

The maid led Meng Mengxi to rush there, Cang Feng and Cang Xi washed up and used some of the food brought by the maid of the Ye Mansion, and then began to think about how to explain this matter to Meng Mengxi.

"It's fine to just say it, senior brother, Miss Qi is not such a weak woman." Cang Xi is not worried, there is nothing to do about it.

Not to mention it's impossible, Ye Weicong practiced evil kung fu and wanted to use Meng Mengxi to practice kung fu, they couldn't let Ye Weichong continue to live and cause harm to the world, so he had to die, and they couldn't give Meng Xi another change. With an uncle, Meng Xi must know the truth of the matter.

Cang Feng didn't quite agree with it, but he had no other good solution, "That's the only way to go."

I was afraid that Meng Mengxi would not be able to bear it.

The two were talking about this matter when they saw Meng Mengxi rushing towards them.

"Two priests." Meng Mengxi saluted.

Cang Feng and Cang Xi returned the salute, and Meng Xi sat down beside them.

Without waiting for Cang Feng to speak, Meng Mengxi said: "Although it's a bit offensive, I really don't know who to turn to for help. I wonder if the two priests can help me find my uncle?"

Meng Mengxi said sincerely: "Uncle disappeared yesterday, and there is no news about him until now. I'm afraid something happened, so I'm very sorry."

Cang Feng hesitated, hesitated to speak.

Meng Mengxi sensitively felt that Cang Feng should know the news about her uncle, she looked at Cang Feng expectantly, and pleaded again: "If the Taoist priest knows, can you tell me?"

Cang Feng didn't hesitate any longer, he said it sooner or later, he said softly: "Ye Weichong is dead."

"Crack!" The teacup in Meng Xi's hand fell to the ground, she was stunned, and it took a long time to regain her thoughts, and said softly, "Can the Taoist priest tell me what's going on?"

Cang Feng poured a cup of tea for Meng Mengxi again and let her hold it in her hand, Meng Mengxi took it, and unconsciously held the teacup in her hands, absorbing the warmth.

Cang Feng slowly explained these things to Meng Mengxi.

It was obviously just a few words, but it seemed like a long time had passed, so long that the tea in Meng Xi's hand was completely cold, without any warmth.

"Thank you two Taoists." Meng Mengxi slowly stood up and bowed to Cang Feng and Cang Xi.

She is not a person who doesn't know what to do, Cang Feng and Cangxi saved her life, although she still can't accept the fact that her uncle is a monster and wants her life, but she knows Cang Feng and Cangxi Xi is innocent and even saved her life a few times, she just...needs to slow down...

Cang Feng pursed her lips and said: "I hope that Miss Qi will cheer up, now that the Ye Mansion is in chaos, I will take care of the monster matter, but this mundane matter needs to be handled by Miss Qi herself."

Ye Weichong has a big business, and now that he is dead, there may not be a big deal in a short period of time, but of course it won't work in the long run.

Meng Mengxi has never been in contact with these things, so it may be quite difficult to accept them.

Meng Mengxi was stunned for a moment, then slowly burst into a faint smile, and solemnly thanked Cang Feng: "Thank you, Daoist, for reminding me."

She will pull herself together.

She was favored by her parents and relatives since she was a child, but this does not mean that she is naive and ignorant.

Now that her uncle, who she thought was the only person who could protect her, died, even though the Ye family's things belonged to her, but as a weak woman, if she couldn't keep these things, then her future life might not be so comfortable.

She had to think about what to do next.


"Why, don't you want to stay any longer? I think this young lady is very interested in you. If you stay here, the Ye family's big business will be yours."

Lin Yuan leaned against the car window, teasing Cang Feng.

Cangxi continued to laugh and said, "Yes, senior brother, why don't you stay here, senior and I will visit you often."

Cang Feng gave Cang Xi a warning look, then smiled wryly: "Senior, don't make fun of me anymore, Cang Feng only wants to pursue the place of Tao in this life, and has no intention of doing anything else."

"Really?" Lin Yuan had a half-smile, which made Cang Feng flustered.

"Senior brother, where are we going next?" Cangxi said briskly.

Cang Feng looked at Lin Yuan and asked: "Is there anywhere you want to go, senior?"

Lin Yuan tapped on the car window with his fingertips, thought for a while and said, "Then let's go to the frontier. I'm used to seeing the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, so let's go see the desert scenery."

Cang Feng smiled lightly: "Okay."

"Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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